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Posts posted by Ray

  1. We use Mosdos Press, it is an anthology of short stories and poems within it are things like; imagery, internal dialogue, foreshadowing.

    I do not wish to make work of reading, but I am also leery of using too much time to just read for readings sake. For us, lit study helps teach how a writer can trigger the boohoo or harhar using words.


    Because short stories are short, more can be read about in the same amount of time than the taller novels. Like a lightening fire in cheat grass racing across the hills short stories stretch the mind far in a blink.


    Anyway we study them we like them we recommend them:auto:

  2. "Anyone know of a good book or article to read"?- ScrapBabe



    Teaching How to Learn in a What to learn Culture- Kathleen Hopkins. It is a decent read not the same ole teacher to teacher jargon common to this genre though the target audience is teachers. It does have some pie in the sky moments, but quickly comes back to earth with arguments stressing the importance of practical things like grammar and cursive handwriting.


    if you want to read it right now iBooks has it;) But it is fairly pricey for that format IMO, merely a buck cheaper than a hardcopy from Amazon.

  3. Boo crying won’t do. The demands will increase on working memory as the problems get longer, this is where forward progress will come to a screeching halt if the student is busy working out what say ‘8 + 4” is while at the same time trying to hold in that same brain space the ‘reason’ for twelve. Maybe just an intermediate step in problem solving process. Fluency in math facts is important, but they can be practiced in tandem alongside the more interesting arithmetic. So don’t drop everything to just work on facts getting things into longer term memory generally takes repetition which needs time. The student will retain these facts faster by internalizing the repetition which is a fancy way of saying they need to be thinking about them, but this thinking about them is the proverbial double edged sword- one way they can be thought of as interesting, even a fun challenge, but another way they become a storm cloud of dread. Myself I would work on myself, children will remember more of what they say than what they hear, so have a talk together. Now lead or coach the conversation because the student is still learning how to say what they mean. Example; child sits or stands alongside parent with a shared dry erase board (large or small), write out 8 + 4 = 12, below that draw something to correspond to the digits, dots are simple. Now initiate the conversation, “eight dragon dots were hanging out on the cliff when four more dragon dots showed up” how many are there now”? Now you need to make it fun, maybe ask “what would all those dragon dots be doing on a cliff”? Try to lead the child to say something that makes them crack a smile! If they don’t come up with anything on there own, lead. If it works play the imagination game with them alert to reel it back in if it goes crazy. Just 36 facts I believe that need to be learned by heart, take your time.

    As things improve trade up some written work with oral problem solving, but go easy, the brain needs to build up to this without the aid of writing to hold thoughts around. Check penmanship until fluency levels the physical act of writing eats up working memory and may be a hidden source of math dislike.


    Ending babbling with some links to things I liked:





  4. I used a magnetic dry erase board with the manipulative below to mimic the text book lesson. The place valued disks may be available with magnets, but it was not too much trouble to attach the magnetic dots.





  5. RAy - what do you think of BFSUII?



    Me? Oh yes I like it, 5 dollars...geeze... iPAD...come on Santa:001_huh:


    iPAD or not this download price is remarkable and the low, low price is not a reflection of what you get-download now I say.


    The format is all in words. no pictures, lessons appear in outline form making it easier to follow various chunks of information and instructions that are the lesson. They make explicit the 'pegs' that came before which led to where the student is at presently and where they will be going within the four main themes of BFSU ; earth, matter,life, and physical science.

    I really like how Nebel lays out a course that guides the parent or teacher to ask leading questions that perhaps we do not have the background to come up with on our own. Or better still tying them all together into a coherent path, that if followed, really looks like the kid will end up at commonsense land, and have the most rare things ' a clue '!


    I think Sagira has followed Nebel's better than us,and could provide a more experienced review. I am grateful for the link provided we will be reintroducing Nebels back into our studies.


    Here is a quote at the front of book:


    "Every Child should have mud pies,

    grasshoppers, waterbugs, tadpoles, frogs,

    mudturtles, elderberries, wild strawberries,

    acorns, chestnuts, bats, bees, butterflies,

    various animals to pet, hayfields, pine cones,

    rocks to roll, sand, snakes, huckleberries, and

    hornets, and any child who has been deprived

    of these has been deprived of the best part of

    his education."


    Luther Burbank

  6. Bar diagrams are not popular here, but I do request that a 'math sentence' or 'math expression', e.g. 4 + 5 = 9 be shown for all word problems. I do encourage pictures for the 'figuring it out part', but how she approaches the problem is up to her, the 'math sentence' is for me so I can follow.

  7. I made this thread on a lark, with new toy-IPod Touch. Trying out the Kindle app, reading the Why Don't Zebras Get Ulcers book. It was there I noticed the WWI / Flu footnote ;though the book is about stress similiar to Stress Of Life.

    The 1918 Influenza Pandemic triggered my memory of two previous threads I had browsed earlier this week. Our choice to acquire flu shots was not associated with the historical footnote.

    But, boy my my really crazy the digital clawings dug into the 960-by-640 Retina display!

    Fair enough though, JJoyce I'm not, cheers to more clarity in the future. Thank you to the more hospitable posters!

  8. "...

    I was reading the thread about memorizing math facts. Do you think learning math facts orally like that would help a child to learn them, or is that something better seen than heard? What do you think?"


    Absolutely, one of things we used was something called KUKUhttp://japanese.about.com/b/2010/08/25/kuku-memorizing-multiplication-tables.htm




    it is effective because it reduces the impact on working memory by trimming down the wording to bare minimums.

    Example; “nine times nine equals eighty-oneâ€, doing it Japanese style becomes; “nine,nine,eighty-oneâ€. Well as close as you can get using English.




    Good idea with the MP files optical is the next floppy.

  9. snip>

    "However, she does not seem challenged by the math. Is that ok? "? <snip


    You know I was looking into a pop psychology book at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Flow-Psychology-Optimal-Experience-P-S/dp/0061339202/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1287160123&sr=8-1, anyway one of the reviewers there said " to be in flow, ensure your skill level and challenge level go up in tandem". So if you go in for this sort of thing than-no.


    Myself I think if the interest level is good than the task level is close to right on for optimum learning.

  10. Use the Ruby edition text/workbook on language art days and the schedule would not look unlike a workout program routine. For example MWF cardio days with TTH strength/flexibility days scheduled for that week. But instead of physical attributes being trained a specific ‘school’ topic is substituted in the schedule.


    Paralysis by analysis is a phenom where I spill buckets of time down the drain trying to come up with the silver bullet. No expectations to find that perfect plan nevertheless still look behind every latest and greatest rock.


    To ensure something useful gets done in the meantime things like the Mosdos workbook establish consistency and forward progress. The discussions and writing assignments in the ‘studying the selection’ of textbook show how much determination or effort were brought to the table that day.


    Not a Slaver, so not everything is done everyday it just depends on how much oomph is available. Note Mosdos and MCT are LA component of choice here.


    Barebones: start 20min’s get physical (Wii dance, mat drills, jog, whatever), hydrate, open book get to work. Milk it. Make it moo.:D

  11. Word Problems are like cooking, and the more times you cook (solve) the better you get.


    I can look in the pantry and complain “didn’t we just go to the grocery store†“And there is nothing to eatâ€!

    Where my wife will look in that same pantry and whip something up generally quite edible. The difference is she has more memories of ‘cooking’ than I do and can see a solution where I see ‘nothing to eat’.


    It is the same with word problems the more of these things a kid does the better they get at doing them, the trick is keeping the child interested long enough to complete the quantity needed for mathematical superiority.


    One of the tricks is to know how much ‘Rachel R 30-min meals for kids’ vs. ‘Hot & Spicy red hot and sizzling dishes’ meals to cook.

    Sometimes the kid will eat the CWP ‘challenging’ problems all day long, and other days just the ‘practice’ problems, and sometimes a Big Mac will do…



  12. Attachment has a ms paint 'drawing' where I tried to show the gist of what DD did for the first cwp problem in thread. Looks like a fraction pizza gone crooked:D


    Anyway the bar modeling has not really taken off here, but I do encourage drawing things out and it looks like this time she nailed it. I confess to not checking everything she does and was surprised at her answer .



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