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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. Has anyone used this? I just discovered it in my RR catalogue and it says that it follows a classical/CM format. I would love something to help me be a little structured in art/music appreciation, so I'd like to hear about any experiences with this. Thanks in advance!

  2. We're using Singapore 1A with Miquon Orange right now. I'd never used the Cuisenaire rods before either, but we spent some free time playing with them. The rod track has been very helpful in reminding us which number the black rod represents, etc.


    I've kind of been doing Miquon "wrong" too, starting out. But Becca is enjoying working with the rods and picks up concepts faster with them. She's quickly finding creative ways to get to different numbers after only a few lessons.

  3. That sounds like Becca too! I have her enjoying Magic Tree House books. She's also a huge Magic School Bus fan and they have some beginner chapter books. I also look at the leveled readers in bookstores. Not all of it is something I want Becca to read (I'm not ready for fourth grade attitude yet), but I can easily determine appropriateness.


    The Breyer Stablemates books are great too, especially if she loves horses like my girls.

  4. It's all very well to talk about walking or bicycling to places when those things are nearby! There's no way we could walk anywhere, even here in our small town.


    Basically, I've had to give up sending Becca to a one day a week arts class because it's 50 miles away. We're using the art center in town for some classes instead.


    Otherwise, we just don't go anywhere or we go to the library for entertainment instead of driving into town.

  5. I did Sea Monkeys so many times as a kid... fond memories. I bought some to enjoy with the girls and they were completely fascinated with them for about a week. At that time I decided to replace some of their evaporated water with bottled spring water (that we had on hand for the grow-a-frog). That promptly killed every last Sea Monkey. :confused: I'll have to try again later. I guess spring water isn't good for them?

  6. Can you all recommend a great ancients timeline for young ones? We don't need to get complicated; I just want to put some key people & events on there so Becca can get a visual grasp of how long ago all of this happened. :001_smile: She's so young, she still doesn't have a solid concept of time yet - for all she knows, this happened last week!

  7. Three is my goal, but I may not get there, which is fine too. With two kids so close in age, Sylvia's going to be around for the fun stuff in ancient history. By the time she's ready for first grade work, Becca will likely be ready to go into modern history. With everyone saying how emotionally hard it can be, I'm probably not going to cover it right then. Becca will be a young fourth grader and Sylvia's going to be way too young to handle it. We might then take a year for American history before going through the cycle again.

  8. I am so glad to find other moms in misery too... Sylvia is as stubborn and willful as they come. She could go potty if she wanted to... but she doesn't. Nothing motivates her. Honestly, I don't want to clean the carpet every 10 minutes. Surely there's a better way!! She's almost 39 months. :glare:

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