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Posts posted by Mommy22alyns

  1. I don't think so. She's just got other things that are sparking her interest right now. Sometimes Becca chooses to read in free time, but if she's got the choice she frequently goes for imaginative play. That cracks me up about your DD demonstrating echolocation! I bet she and Becca would have a blast together. I know what you mean about the endless questions!

  2. I am about to go throw myself off the front porch! This is driving me insane.


    We're finishing up SWO A soon. I feel like it's really just been busy work for Becca and I don't know how much spelling she's actually learned from it. Maybe that's just because a large part of the book really was below her level. She's just now encountering some challenges in it. Maybe when she moves up to level B, and if I get the teacher manual to flesh it out, SWO will work better for us?


    I've also considered AAS. The kinesthetic learning aspect appeals to me, but I'm also concerned about the challenge level. From what I can gather, Becca might do best to start at least in the middle of Level 1, if not just directly at Level 2.


    I've also looked at Spelling Power, but keep hearing it compared to Saxon, which makes me want to run in the other direction. Our attempt with Saxon 1 made both of us want to poke our eyes out. We can't do that slow, incremental pace.


    Someone suggested The ABCs and All Their Tricks, but I just don't think I can work directly from that effectively - maybe when I'm a more experienced hs'er.


    I want her to learn the rules, but we also need a quick pace and challenging words. :001_smile:

  3. If you have felt the need to brush up on your grammar skills as an adult, what have you used?


    I'm self-teaching Latin with Henle 1, and I also bought English Grammar for Students of Latin (on PlaidDad's recommendations) and Lingua Latina for a fun supplement.


    Is this going to teach me enough grammar, or should I get something just for English grammar? What would you suggest?


    You can see by my siggy that my girls are still very young, so I don't need to worry about keeping ahead of them... yet. :001_huh:

  4. The thing is: SOTWI is fine for a 5yo, but SOTW4 is not fine for a 8yo. It is a huge leap in complexity and difficulty and, to be honest, dry-ness.


    So I would wait.



    I was planning to just divert completely when we hit that age and do a year of US/state history with the girls. Or who knows what might come out in the next 3 years. :) Then I'd pick back up and go through the cycle again. That would have Sylvia starting her "formal" schooling with the US unit.

  5. Help please!!


    What do you do with your 3 year old while you're trying to teach your 5 year old?


    I was actually hoping Sylvia would happily go to the MDO preschool so I would have some alone time with Becca for teaching. Becca is SO easily distracted, and everything Sylvia does looks tremendously fascinating when she's supposed to be working on something else.


    We have a small house and there's just not very many places to go to reduce distractions.


    Sylvia will ask to do "school work" in her own preschool workbook, but of course wants direct attention then too.


    Any suggestions or hints? Becca can finish her work quickly if she could just focus and pay attention to it. If she stops every split second to see what Sylvia's doing, it could take all day. :banghead:

  6. Here in TN our best (read: least intrusive) option for homeschooling is where I basically end up operating as a satellite campus of a church school. So that means technically DD is not considered a "homeschooler," but an attendee of our umbrella school. Here's an excerpt of the law:


    Option 3:

    Allows parents to register with a church-related school (as defined by law) where the family’s home is designated a “Satellite Campus†of the church-related school. Families are not allowed to use the term “homeschool†or “homeschooling†as the family is, technically, a home-extension of the church-related school. By making this choice, the family removes itself from being subject to governmental oversight and is responsible only to follow the policies of the Church-related school and its Satellite Campuses.



    In the parent handbook, it actually says to not tell people you're a homeschooler or you could open yourself up to legal issues.


    • Do not call yourself a “homeschooler†or say that you are “homeschoolingâ€. You are a registered teacher, teaching at a satellite campus of a church-related school.




    So does this mean that I shouldn't even say in general conversation, "We're homeschooling our daughter"? :confused: Now here comes the really dumb part: Does this mean I shouldn't put Becca in a shirt that says "Homeschool ROCKS"? :001_huh:


    This all seems stupid to me. I mean, I understand the law, blah blah blah. But that just seems like dishonesty to fit in a loophole when it could all be so much simpler.


    Can any veterans help me out please? Oh, and we will be joining HSLDA.

  7. The number bonds were a bit of a struggle with Becca too. I wonder if it's because it's not a skill we (as adults) were taught as kids - it's new to us too?


    In any event, manipulatives helped Becca. I'd tell her that 8 was her "big number," so she needed 8 blocks altogether. Then one pile of 2, so the other pile has ___ blocks in it. She'd count and see that there were 6. After several sessions of that, she was able to talk herself through figuring it out.


    If you get the Intensive Practice workbook, there are a lot more pages on number bonds there as well.

  8. Like PP have said, it seemed logical and "right" to me.


    Without knowing it, a lot of the basic approach was what I wanted in an education for myself when I was 15 and chafing at public school. I got very good grades, but I probably taught myself more by spending a lot of time in the library and coming home with armfuls of books.


    Even before reading WTM, I knew I had received a pitiful history education. The subject didn't interest me at all - I wanted to know more about how people lived, not what laws were passed when. Lo and behold, the 4 year cycle! Wow, imagine that! Studying history chronologically... what a novel idea. :glare: I mean that as in, why don't schools do this? Here is an opportunity for Becca to love history. Here is an opportunity for me to re-educate myself.


    It just clicked!

  9. Can anyone share some fun recipes they used with ancient history at various times? We're in Mesopotamia right now, so we're trying out barley. I made a tasty breakfast porridge, but I'm hoping to find a barley bread recipe for something a little more realistic.


    Where have you found some unique ingredients for ancient recipes? I can't seem to find barley flour. Did anyone order ingredients online?

  10. I used SOTW AG along with HO Ancients last year.... but it was too much for us to keep up with (though I have a super fancy blank chart for planning/combining if anyone wants a copy of it).






    I'd love a copy too! I'm using both HO and SOTW AG right now, just choosing which activities to go with. We're taking it slowly so we can have as much fun as possible. :D

  11. A couple of items ended up being backordered this time, so that was part of my problem. I had a big enough order where I got free shipping, so I was too cheap to shell out the extra $10!


    Another problem is the DHL shipping though. For some idiotic reason, they partner with USPS, so DHL drops my package at the post office and then the PO delivers it to me. This ends up dragging things out an extra day or 2. :confused: What I can't figure out is why - DHL is perfectly capable of delivering directly to me, it's not like I live waaaay out in the boonies or anything. They actually have delivered directly to me before.


    I should finally have everything tomorrow... I waited so long to even place the order, and then it's been another 2+ weeks for me to get it.

  12. I like "homeschooled since birth." :001_smile: Obviously whatever you're doing is working... I'd just keep it up. No pressure, just facilitate her curiosity in a fun, easy, age-appropriate way.


    And of course, reading... lots and lots of reading, looking at books, make sure she has books to look at independently... smile when she wants to take a stack of books to bed, and always, always honor her requests to read to her!

  13. I am having a FIT trying to get through Moby Dick right now, and y'all are telling me it doesn't get any better? I hate books where nothing happens!! Slog... slog... slog...


    Now I read Gulliver's Travels just before this and I loved it. I liked Laputa and Balnibarbi the best of all - I laughed out loud at some points there. Just a very sharp, pointed, timeless wit.

  14. I love my compact SUV. We have a Saturn Outlook. Maybe I'm completely and utterly insane, but we lease our car and I'm really happy with it. I figure we never have to worry about big repairs on the car, and once the car really starts to show its age, our lease is up and we can get a new one.


    We get pretty good gas mileage in our Outlook. Especially for an SUV! Plus, I get the vehicle big enough for our needs, yet still stylish.

  15. I think the thing that has people so shocked is not so much that they are asking for help -- but what they are asking for. If I knew a family who was struggling and in need of gas money to get to work or groceries to feed the kids, that would be one thing. But asking for money to send kids to camp? It's the difference between necessities and luxuries -- and when hard times hit, it's time to evaluate priorities.






    That is completely tacky, IMO. Gee, why didn't I think of sending out mass e-mails to ask for donations to fund Becca going to Fine Arts Fridays this fall? :glare:

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