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Posts posted by Berta

  1. I can't stand the feel of satin, no way will I use one for my head. I'm on day 4 of the curly girl method and it definitely is a learning process. I'm sticking with it though, and once I get my hair to grow out a bit I'm making an appt with a DevaCurl stylist to get my hair cut and shaped. I just had it cut not long ago because I damaged my hair really bad with a relaxer. 

  2. It's called plopping.




    I bought all the stuff I will need to get started no poo. Yesterday I did a last-time wash with shampoo to remove all the -cone products. Today I just used the conditioner wash, rinsed then added more of the conditioner. I left it in, plopped my hair and I am SHOCKED at how much of my curl is back. I had relaxed it and haven't seen a curl in 6 weeks. It's still not the curls like what it was before relaxing (3a type curls) but I have a feeling I'm going to LOVE going no-poo in a few months when it grows out and my curls come back.







  3. When we lived in NJ the homeschool group we belonged to offered the IOWA testing. It was our 2nd year of homeschooling and I had both of my girls take the test. I did it to shut up my MIL. Both of my girls tested 2 grade levels above where they were and my younger daughter actually tested 3 grades above in one of the sections. My MIL has never said a negative word to us about homeschooling since. I also want to add that the test results came to me, not any school district or anywhere else.


    We moved to SC three years ago and we belong to a homeschool association which does not require testing.

  4. This picture was taken last summer when I was on vacation. It's wild and I have no control over it. I have grown out my bangs because when they curl they look like horns sticking out of my forehead.




    I used to have very thick hair but after being on blood thinners for almost a year (about 8 yrs ago) my hair got really thin. It's been a while but it is still thin.


    I've totally been there! I've found the best way to keep my hair looking like it does when it's wet is to...well, here's my routine.

    I leave use my rinse out conditioner as a leave in. My hair is desperate for moisture.

    Then I wrap it up in a t-shirt (not plop...just like a turban).

    I do my make up...so, my hair is up for about 4 minutes

    I let my hair down & finger comb it. It's still pretty wet, but not dripping.

    Then I put my gel in. I use quite a bit.

    Then I take the same t shirt & scrunch my product in.

    After that, I diffuse for 3-5 minutes, til my hair is about 80% dry...I let it air dry the rest of the way.

    Sometimes I add a little hairspray and I'm good to go.


    Then I DO NOT TOUCH IT. I avoid going outside if I can until it's dry LOLI get dressed right out of the shower, while my tshirt is on my hair. Even just putting a shirt on over my hair when it's semi wet will ruin it. Once it's completely dry, I 'scrunch out the crunch' so my hair isn't so crispy but still holds the curls.




    I've spent the last 3 hours researching this stuff lol... I ordered the Deva Curl no poo, one condition, light defining gel and mister-right spray. I'm going to give it a try.

  6. I wish I had seen this thread back in March BEFORE I chemically straightened my hair. I have curly hair that just doesn't look good no matter what I do. It looks like I have a perm that is growing out. It doesn't curl in a nice direction. It looks good wet, but once it starts to dry it looks awful. I used a chemical straightener for black kids and it straightens my hair, but it really damages it. I live in the South and the humidity does a number on my hair. I'm going to try the no poo and see if that helps.

  7. We do low carb (not no carb) and my favorite for breakfast is french toast. I use up my daily carb allowance with two slices of whole wheat bread (Natures Own is my favorite). I use two eggs to make and top it with Maple Grove sugar free syrup.


    I make these and use them as rolls for cheeseburgers. They are really good. You can also use them for french toast but for that I prefer to use real bread.



  8. My goal is to get my daughter to know her multiplication facts by heart. We got the bands two days ago. She knows the 1x and 2x so I have her wearing only the 3x band. I randomly asked her throughout the day "what is 3x3?" and "what is 3x4?". The first few times she looked at the band and had to count, and now she knows them without looking. Tomorrow I will add in "what is 3x5?" and so on. One band at a time. Once she can answer all of the 3x questions then I will have her add the 4x band.

  9. I know this is an old thread but I'm hoping someone could answer my question regarding the reading. Is it possible to supplement with other readers for kids that do well with reading? My daughter loves to read and I can't see her reading half a chapter and not wanting more. Can I add other books that are not POE books but ones that correlate to the unit study we are on?

  10. I just thinking about this thread (its a slow day!)


    and you gotta find better names for these bags, I googled mom bags and its named "the bff" or the "super be" and the "petunia pickle bottom"

    which honestly kind of makes me gack


    but it is not as bad as the max bags you linked


    as much as I like them they all have names like "the fatboy" "the beefy" and "the jumbo" they do have one "mini rolly polly" but im thinking it probably does not sell as well and i cant imagine asking someone to hand my "mongo" pack


    i am just going to keep buying clothes with lots of pockets and put up with the fact that i jingle and clank a bit when i walk ;)




    I had a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag. I got it for $10 (talked down from $18) at a yard sale. It looked hardly used and was purple and had embroidered butterflies on it, looked kind of Asian. My daughter is Chinese, so I thought it fit. I went to a baby shower and the mom to be got a PPB as a gift. I was SHOCKED to find out that it cost over $125. The mom to be was shocked that I found one at a yard sale for $10.


    Funny -- I love the smell of coffee, but I can't drink it straight. I do have a cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino every morning, but that's more like sweet milk with a little coffee flavoring added.


    I love the smell of coffee, but I won't drink it or make it. I also won't touch the grinds and I will not clean out the coffee maker if my DH makes it. He has gotten to where he just stops and gets coffee on his way to work. I have been known to throw out an entire coffee maker because he left the grinds sitting in there.

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