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Posts posted by Berta

  1. Our routine seems to change each year. We started our year the first week of June. We normally wait til the end of July/early August but It gets too hot in the summer to be outdoors in the middle of the day, so we do a lot of school work during the afternoons. We use the AM to do our errands outside of the house. We slow it down between Thanksgiving and Christmas and take most of Feb and March off. The winters are mild here and this is when we take our vacation time. We also play hookie as needed. Our state requires 180 days and we have yet to have a problem trying to get them all in.

  2. I rely on frozen veggies when we go camping. They thaw out slowly in the cooler by the time I'm ready to use them. I also make foil dinner packs and throw them on top of the fire. Put some pre-seasoned cubed meat or chicken and veggies in a foil pouch with a bit of EVOO and it all cooks together. You can make them up at home and freeze them. I don't normally do salads because no one would eat them, at least not ones similar to what have been mentioned here. My family will eat a garden salad, but that is it.

  3. We did too. We have issues with a stalker and my daughter. Police were no help and I was not going to chance something happening to my kid. So, when we drove 600 miles for a homeschool trip to visit battlefields I happened to look on Craigslist and found a home for sale. I went to look at it, made and offer and then called my DH to let him know lol.. My kids and I moved within a few months after doing a little touch-up work on the house, then my DH followed a year later, with no job, just a leap of faith. He was able to find a job in less than a month. Our cost of living is SO much cheaper, we wish we had done this years earlier.


    No regrets and I would never move back. We also escaped suburbia for the country and it was the best move we have ever made. The laws here are much better all around, and fit our lifestyle. And did I mention the cost of living is MUCH less???


    I'm a doctor for adults. There is nothing irrelevant about these questions! In my old office, we asked patients how many partners they had had in the past 12 months. Only if the answer was more than one were they then asked about unprotected sex.


    Given the epidemic levels of STDs in our population, it would be irresponsible to not ask.


    When accidents and suicide are the commonest causes of death in some age groups, it is tantamount to negligence to not make some assessment of the risk in a given household. There is no question that seat belt use and bike helmet use saves children's lives. Yes it's a free country, and you are free to expose your child to these risks if you want to, but you may not be free from ever having your choice pointed out to you.


    Just because you choose not to answer the questions doesn't mean that you don't make your kid wear a seat belt or a helmet. If the doctor feels that XX needs to be brought up at a certain age, then do so to ALL parents that come into the office. But don't assume that because a parent values their privacy that it means they are guilty of exposing their child to risks. This harkens back to the "if you have nothing to hide" argument. Sorry, it's my right to NOT answer questions I feel are an invasion of my privacy and it most certainly does not mean I am "guilty" of anything.


    I absolutely will not answer any of those types of questions, written or verbal.

  5. Encouraging people to refuse the help they need for their children because of your own paranoia about public school employees is repulsive. Sorry. And I've gone through life trusting people until they give me a good reason not to. It's worked out pretty well so far. I've had quite a few "officials" in my home- everyone from public health nurses to school therapists- and never had a peep from CPS.


    I didn't see anyone tell the OP to refuse help, just to have the assessment done somewhere other than in the home. There is a difference.

  6. If you're tossing food and have things (that aren't long term storage) sitting on your shelves for 3 yrs then you are doing it wrong :)


    There is a big difference between hoarding and stocking up. Things sitting for years that should have been used and is wasted is hoarding. Rotating and eating what you store without waste is stocking up.

  7. I keep bare essentials in the kitchen cabinets. What no one sees is my "pantry", an 8x10 bedroom that is wall to wall shelves and more than 1 yr of food and staples. I also have two freezers in a shed outside. So while my kitchen looks bare, we could last for quite a while without ever going to the store.

  8. Laura,


    If you mean some thing like a rash guard and swim shorts, then no, that's not what I'm thinking of. I'm thinking more along the lines of some of the images available here: http://modestswimwear4u.com/. I'm not at all saying its gotta be, paraphrasing Eddie Izard, "bikinis or death;" but rather when people are wearing clothing whose whole PURPOSE is to appear to shout "look at me, I'm modest!!!!", it is rather a self-defeating proposition. (Unfortunately, I think that this falls rather into the same category as p---ography, in that you know it when you see it. ;))




    My older daughter developed very large b00ks at a young age and has always dressed modestly. She cannot buy a bathing suit off the rack (to fit her rack) and a two piece never worked because she will not show her midrif. While looking for a bathing suit online that fits a DD I came across http://www.modestlyyoursswimwear.com/swimwearstyles.html . The lady custom makes swimsuits according your measurements. I bought my daughter the Hawiian Paradise and she loves it. We modified it a bit so the neck is slightly lower, but not low enough for cleavage to show. Just low enough so as not to feel choked. We also shortened the leggings, so that they came mid cald. I saw a really cute one in the "ready made" suits for my younger daughter and bought it for her. Then I had the Tropical Paradise suit made for myself.


    We wore our suits on vacation and I will never go back to wearing a regular bathing suit again. There was no need for a cover up and no one batted an eyelash at our suits as being "Duggar" or old fashioned.








    (I have no stake in the company and don't know the person that makes the suits. I'm just a happy customer.)

  9. We took our swing set down, too, this spring. Yep, I felt so sad. The backyard looks kind of empty and meaningless now.

    It was like taking down the crib for the last time. :(

    I know how you feel.


    I literally cried when my crib went out the door. I just can't convince DH that five really isn't too many kids.

  10. These are super cool. If you know the person, you should have her get someone she knows to do some cute graphics for a banner to set up possibly like an Etsy store or site on Facebook. Better pictures and website graphics will make these catch on. I think it's a really good idea !!! Maybe even find some people with educational blogs to test some out.

    I agree. She should get rid of the "Applying the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (3.0A, #4-7)" statement, that almost made me not want to buy them :) Anything with the words "Common Core" make me twitch.

  11. You are not marrying just your husband, but his family as well. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Inlaws are a package deal and they can have a BIG influence on your marriage. I was married for 16 yrs my first marriage, and nine years next month to my 2nd and final husband. I am 2-0 when it comes to good inlaws. My husband however, has struck gold with his inlaws :)


    The only "evidence" that school officials are all waiting to pounce on homeschooling families and get their kids taken away comes from the HSLDA, and they aren't exactly known for their honesty. They'll say anything, no matter how deceitful, to get people to send them more money. In my opinion, blindly trusting what they say is far more foolish than blindly trusting your kids's occupational therapist.



    Take HSLDA and anything homeschooling out of the equation and I still do not allow anyone that could cause problems to come into my house. This includes the police and officials of any kind. It's not paranoia, I've seen first hand how something innocent turned into a HUGE deal that all could have been avoided if the person was not invited into the house. It's one of those things where until it happens to you, or someone you know, you just can't comprehend it.


    I think people who blindly trust institutions and their officials, no matter how well-intentioned, are foolish. I also believe that protecting our right to privacy is of utmost importance, especially in the HS world. Paranoia implies an irrational or imaginary fear. There is plenty of evidence that shows that such visits have caused problems for innocent home schooling families.


    I didn't say I wouldn't do it. I'd just want to go in with eyes wide open to all the ramifications.



    Exactly! I could not say it any better. No way is any official from a public school stepping foot in my house. Once they are invited into your home they can turn something innocent into a big legal problem. I'd rather be considered paranoid then foolish any day.

  14. Me too!!!!! A couple of trips to the library temporarily relieved symptoms, but then a visit to the used book store caused a huge flare-up! I've even resorted to keeping a notebook by the bed to write down 3 am curriculum brainstorms. First-year curriculitis is the worst!




    We are starting our 5th year, it doesn't get any easier!

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