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Posts posted by Berta

  1. I cannot touch coffee grinds. I won't make coffee and I won't clean the coffee maker if my DH makes coffee. If he does make coffee and forgets to clean it and mold starts to grow, I will throw the entire coffee maker out. He decided years ago that it's better to just stop and buy it on his way to work. And I agree.


    Until a few years ago I could not cook a whole chicken. I could do chicken pieces, but not a whole chicken. It looked like a newborn baby without a head.

  2. The color orange, in every way, shape, and form, should be outlawed.  It is a crime against humanity to paint a beautiful car (such as a '66 Mustang, for example) such a vile color as orange, and orange clothes burn my eyes.


    I don't like shoes.  At all.  I go barefoot in the summer and wear socks in the winter.  When I go out, I wear Crocs.


    I hate to dress up.  Anything other than jeans is "dressing up."


    I don't wear make up, and I don't do anything to my hair besides wash and brush it.


    I don't like people overmuch.  I'd much rather surround myself with animals.


    I love watching TV.  I let my kids watch TV.  And play computer/video games.  I have no limits on "screen time."


    OMG we must have been separated at birth. Please tell me you hate coffee.

  3. I have a confession. Our elf has a split personality. After everyone goes to bed he gets into R-rated or X-rated trouble. I take a picture of it and then in the morning I have been sending the pics to my DH at work. My daughter would die if she ever knew the situations her elf has been into ;)  .

  4. My girls favorite elf sighting was the morning she had gotten into our bag of flour. She sprinkled it around like snow, made a snow angel, and some snowballs. They were so excited to see the elf this morning.


    I love this!! I just did this with our elf and my DH thinks I've gone off the deep end. I can't wait for my DD to get up!

  5. I think it's important too. I taught my daughter starting in 1st grade with A Reason For Handwriting. She writes beautifully. She is almost finished with the last book in the series and although she doesn't need it, she is a little sad that there isn't another book.

  6. We have TVs all over the house and we don't limit screen time. In our case, having TV available at all times seems to have taken away the novelty of it, so my ds watches quite a bit of TV on some days, and none at all on other days.


    Same here. My only restriction is that the kids are not allowed to have it on while doing school work. I have a small tv by my desk and if I am awake, it is on. I have a hearing loss and a completely quiet room freaks me out. I don't sit and watch much but I need the noise. I have one show a week (Survivor) that I sit down and actually watch. Other then that, I have the news or weather channel on during the day. (I know, I'm strange).


    My DH watches the big tv in the living room at night and each of the kids have a tv in their rooms. That said, the ones in their rooms are hardly ever on and I was thinking of removing the one in my younger daughters room to make room for more shelves.

  7. Ours is named Dee although my daughter calls him "Santas Little Snitch". Last year he got into a lot of trouble. He took ALL the ornaments off the tree and we had to redecorate the tree the next morning. He ate all the candy out of the Advent calendars (luckily I had extra calendars ;)  ), stole the Christmas stockings and locked the cat up in the dog cage.



  8. A Realtor will walk through your house and point out what you can do to make it look more inviting. Sometimes just removing a few personal items is all it takes. A fresh coat of paint and new carpet helps. Make the first impression count and paint the front door and spruce up the entrance. 

  9. I love animals and have had just about everything you can imagine, and more. My parents had a permit from the state to raise distressed wildlife when I was a child, so we have had just about everything.


    I would go for another dog instead of anything like guinea pigs or hamsters. We have had a bunch of those and the maintenance is more than I liked. If you weren't allergic I would have suggested a cat. You already have a dog, so you know what kind of maintenance to expect. And, you get the addition of cuddles and puppy breath!

  10. I wash my hair very infrequently---once a week tops, usually less. I do, however, wet it down when I'm in the shower in the morning. When I'm out of the shower I use one pump of Catwalk Curl Rocks curl amplifier cream, comb it through, and let it my hair air dry. I've turned my other curly and wavy haired friends on to that product and they love it too.


    My hair routine is the same as yours. I LOVE Catwalk Curls Rock!! I went through a lot of different products before I found the Catwalk. I use that and then Deva Curl light defining gel over it.

  11. To clarify, children who are enrolled in government-funded charter schools (*probably* they're charter schools, although they might not be) are legally not homeschooled students; they are public school students. That the charter school is on-line is irrelevant; that it provides K12 or Calvert is irrelevant. The children are enrolled in the charter school, not in K12 or Calvert.


    If their parents buy K12 or Calvert, then the children are legally homeschooled. They would still not be enrolled in K12; they would be enrolled in Calvert...but in both cases, the parents must comply with the homeschool laws (if any) in their state (which may include Calvert enrollment...it's complicated, lol).


    Yes, this is what I meant! Thank you for clarifying.

    If the district is paying for it she is a public schooled student.  If she pays for it herself and follows the homeschool regs of her state then she is a homeschooler.

    Exactly this... If it is publicly funded then you are considered enrolled in a public school.

  12. Thank you for the blunt talk. The crazy thing is that we have nothing to steal. I'm afraid the dude would be mad about that. No jewelery. A couple of laptops and an ipod. Is that what they want??


    Yeah, it's a phobia. I know. I just wondered what others did to get through this thing.






    They would also be looking for prescription drugs. Some thieves need enough money/jewelry/electronics to buy/trade to get their next high. If thieves were only looking for high dollar expensive items there would be no robberies in the poor sections of towns. My neighbor where I used to live is a detective and I have heard stories of homes being robbed and all that was taken were change jars and cigarettes.


  13. I would buy it now if you can find it. My daughter wanted a very specific lego set (cruise ship dolphin something) and I found it on Amazon for less than what they wanted in Walmart. I don't know that I have ever seen a big discount on legos, they are pretty popular. If you do find it on sale you could always return the first one.

  14. I have a question regarding unschooling and state requirements. We are very laid back homeschoolers. We don't have a set schedule, it's more of a routine. My state requires certain subjects to be taught and I have to keep a plan book. 


    How do you totally unschool and get around keeping track of subjects/hours/portfolios etc?

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