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Sandy in Indy

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Posts posted by Sandy in Indy

  1. I'm not sure, but I've always assumed that colleges look harder at SAT/ACT scores for homeschooled kids.


    My two older ones were accepted by every school they applied to. DD received a merit scholarship based solely on her SAT scores. DS got a scholarship based on SAT and GPA--only 2% of the kids in his major at his school receive any merit aid.


    I know lots and lots and lots of hs'd kids who have gotten great merit scholarships!

  2. I LOVE my FL! I bought a Samsung steam washer and dryer in July of 09. I regularly use vinegar in my towel loads and always wipe the door/gasket and leave it open to dry. I haven't had any trouble with it smelling.


    Much less detergent...a water bill that's half what it used to be... I'm really happy with mine.


    (I do have the pedestals so there's far less bending, too.)

  3. I'm doing BF Early Am History and History of Science with my ds this year (4th grade). He LOVES it!


    We're also using R&S for math and English, AAS for spelling, Explorer's Bible Study and various books for reading. Along the way, we'll add something for vocab and writing.

  4. How long are you spending on each lesson? You may be able to go through Level 1 very quickly. My ds knew the phongrams before we started AAS, and we completed Level 1 in about 6 weeks. Don't drag it out, but is important to get the foundational stuff covered.


    I wouldn't switch just yet. What is it that she objects to? Don't feel that you have to do it just as written. If she hates spelling with tiles, then don't spell with tiles.

  5. Did anyone else see CNN's report on homeschooling this morning? The report itself wasn't so bad, but the discussion afterward by the two CNN reporters just about made me pitch the TV out the window. According to them, none of us are real teachers or scholars nor are we capable of teaching subjects like physics and calculus. Really?


    One of the reporters called Harvard and was amazed to find that homeschoolers are actually accepted at schools like Harvard and Loyola.


    I'm so tired of the media portraying homeschoolers as uneducated weirdos. Why can't they EVER report on homeschoolers without having to get in a dig somehow?



  6. DS was offered a full ride at a state school, but he turned that down to attend a private school. He got just over 25% in merit aid there BUT only 2% of their pre-pharmacy students are offered any merit aid--and he was offered the max for a pre-pharm student. So, I guess I can't complain.


    (He turned down the full scholarship for a school that has an auto-advance into the professional pharmacy school. For him, the security of knowing that he'd get in was worth the $$ he has to borrow. He'll make 6 figures in another 5 years [providing the bottom doesn't drop out under our new health care...].)

  7. The worst thing in the world at that age for my spirited child was to have to be still. So I would make him sit on the couch or chair for two minutes (or whatever his age at the time). If you've watched the Supernanny, sometimes it was just like that at my house. Sometimes it took an hour to get the 2 or 3 minutes of sitting. But I didn't give in and eventually he got the message.


    Today, at almost 10, that child is a pure delight to have around.


    Spitting would immediately warrant a trip to the chair--after it was cleaned up.

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