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Posts posted by bbkaren

  1. OK! Now that's sinful! Wouldn't have been better to lower the price and get SOME $$ vs. none? Or can they somehow 'write off' that on their taxes or something?:confused:


    Not sure if it's the case in this instance, but some farms are paid by the federal government NOT to produce...for "Price stabilization" or somesuch.


    I remember seeing on a documentary once, barrels and barrels of live baby chicks being dumped in a dumpster because chicken had gotten too inexpensive...

  2. ...in recent years TPTB changed some of those items when inflation started to take hold, so it has been altered to make it *seem* as if inflation isn't as bad as it really is. As if pretending the problem isn't there will make people think they are just imaging things!...


    I'm not certain if it's what you're referring to, but when they talk about "headline inflation" and "core inflation", the one that matters is "core"...because they take out food and fuel. ("Because they skew the data due to their volatility.")


    The most important and punishing effects of inflation hit us, the man on the street...not the economists (ahem, Bernanke!) who are complaining that inflation isn't high enough.


    We're in for more, too, so anytime I see a good sale, I clear the shelves.

  3. The devaluation of our dollar as well...


    Two staples in our house that have risen to astronomical prices, but that we can't eat the generic brand of:


    Honey Maid Graham Crackers $4.59


    Hellman's Mayonnaise - almost $5 as well!

    (and the mayo went from 32 oz to 30 oz as well.)


    I catch those things on sale and buy over and over again and keep them in the basement. Best price I've found for either of them in the last 6 months is $2.50.


    I've been known to buy the limit, bring it to the car, and come back in for more several times if it's on sale.

  4. First thing that happened was, they got smaller. i.e. a can of tuna used to be 6 oz; now it's 5 oz. Now they're ratcheting up the prices.


    Your toilet paper now rattles back and forth on the holder like an abacus bead...it's now almost an inch narrower.


    Paper towels are cut into "choose a size" lengths so they can claim more towels per roll...and they're so loosely wound on the roll, that you can literally pull the cardboard center out and slide it back in.


    A "pound" of coffee is now what? Is there such a thing as gallon of bleach? Does anyone even know anymore?


    It's by design, to keep the customer confused so he doesn't notice he's being charged more for less product.


    Even cake mix, now!

  5. overbrushing??


    That's my problem; and it doesn't go away once you start brushing more gently - it just doesn't get any worse.


    I used to scrub my teeth hard, thinking they were getting cleaner. Dentist tought me that using a soft toothbrush and brushing NO HARDER than I could holding the toothbrush with my thumb and index finger would help. It was a hard habit to break!


    I don't have a cavity in my mouth but cleanings were excruciating.


    I now use sensitive toothpaste (whatever's on sale) exclusively. After about 2 years of using it, I really saw a great deal of difference in the sensitivity. And now, 5 years later, cleanings are no problem and heat/cold/sweet sensitivity is greatly diminished.


    Hope it helps.

  6. Agreed--the new way is being forced. You can't sort by "top feed" or "recent" anymore; you are compelled to see at the top whatever the facebook people think ought to be your top news...


    Ugh, I can't believe that everything they do to "improve" it just makes it more invasive...AND harder to use.


    A suggestion to folks who are sick of it: tweetdeck


    I don't use it on the computer, although it's an option - but on the smartphone, it's how I view all my social media (for me that's twitter and facebook).


    I can reply and comment to facebook posts, and everything comes in IN THE ORDER IT'S POSTED. Everything scrolls in reverse chronological order and I love it.


    I guess I hadn't noticed the "improvements" on facebook because I don't do much with them on the computer anymore.


    Trying to edit photographs in my albums lately is...utter torture. There's some script that they run now and it's hanging up my computer something wicked.

  7. If your main news feed is out of order, just check at the top. There are two selections to choose from:


    "Top Posts" (which I guess means most visited, or most popular)




    "Most Recent" (which is what I have to keep selecting because it goes to the other setting on its own sometimes).


    Not sure if this is the problem you're having but that's how it works for mine.


    Hope it helps.

  8. I know this isn't a popular view here; sorry for that, but 1/2 tsp of this (found at home depot/lowes, etc.) adds the phosphates back in.




    I understand the environmental concerns, but in my house, they're overridden by the water and electricity wasted by having to run my dishwasher twice.


    Works for laundry too.


    Depending on your particular water issues, a pinch of citric acid (ebay, amazon, etc.) might work as well.

  9. ...especially scientists, is that they start almost every sentence with the word "so", whether or not the question warrants it. For example,

    Interviewer-"How does this affect behavior in chimps?"

    Scientist-"So, chimps are similar to humans in that . . ."


    Economists do that as well; I listen to Bloomberg radio a lot. Most who answer in that manner are foreigners so I've always presumed they just don't quite understand the proper usage of the word.


    As for "gets ___", the way I learned it (and it may be outdated) is that whenever it's used to create the passive voice in a sentence, it's a no-no. When I was in school, they taught us to use the passive voice as little as possible. I may be wrong, but that's how I learned it.


    "I got promoted."


    "My employer promoted me."


    "My car got hit from behind."


    "Another car hit mine from behind."


    "I was taught..."


    "I learned..." or "My teachers taught me..."

  10. Styptic pencils are what you need. You can buy them at Petco or Petsmart. I keep them in my doggie first aid kit. I've used cornstarch as a clotting agent before in a pinch and it works, but only if you can keep the appendage still for long enough for it to "set."


    Good luck!


    My first thought too...my dad always had one in with his shaving supplies. Might sting a bit but it'll stop the bleeding.


    Since there's fur involved and it'll be hard to get the moistened pencil to the wound itself, I might suggest taking a cotton ball or piece of toilet paper and saturating it with the styptic/water mixture. i.e. getting the cotton ball quite wet and really rubbing the pencil around on it so you can squeeze drops of the liquid solution onto the wound instead of scraping the wound back and forth with the wet pencil. It's not pleasant, that!


    Good luck!

  11. Sure, you can! and keep in mind, it's not just books - there's housewares that qualify so you can mix and match.


    And you can buy your books 4 at a time in separate orders, and only pay for 3 of each order.


    But keep in mind...the "4 for 3" is listed in the item description.


    It has to say "this item qualifies for the 4 for 3 deal".


    A lot of books that DON'T qualify still have a statement that describes the 4 for 3 deal.


    Items that do qualify will have both statements: "this item qualifies" plus the general description "thousands of items qualify, etc."


    I wound up confused at checkout because of that.


    (EEK! I kept saying 3 for 4 too. Corrected above...)

  12. Right now we have Netflix streaming unlimited and I signed up for a trial of Amazon Prime for their streaming stuff.


    So I'm glad you have both!


    Right now we have Fios internet so buffering isn't an issue, but when we move to rural TN it sure will be, so I'm anxious to hear opinions on that!


    My question to add, if you don't mind, is selection-related (it seems like Amazon has a lot less to choose from?), as well as how you get Amazon streaming into your TV. Do you use the Roku device, or do you have one of the newfangled TV's?


    We have older TV's so we bought a WII to use netflix...then they did the whole price-raising thing and I'm looking at amazon as an alternative.

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