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Posts posted by bbkaren

  1. That's a little presumptuous of her. Here's my take:


    She's an adult so if you like how she interacted with your kids and want to use her again, I'd tell her that in the future you need her to ask you if she plans on having someone else come over (or, tell her that you don't want her to bring anyone else over).


    If you don't care to have her watch your kids anymore, I'd just stop calling her. If her dad asks your husband what happened, he could just mention that she brought a guest over without your knowledge and that kind of put you off.


    That way, the dad can drop the hint to her that it's not acceptable to do that and hopefully she'll learn for future gigs.

  2. I'd also like to thank:


    1. The OP for pointing out Brain Pop, which I'd never heard of before! It looks great!




    2. Angelbee for pointing out the G3 link to get it cheaper.


    And...do I really see Rosetta Stone there for $99 a year? I was thinking about it (briefly) for my son who's learning (mandatory) Spanish in PS (they started it last year in Kindergarten) but saw it was $several hundred$ and dismissed it.

  3. I fussed and fretted about it too; my son (now 20) was diagnosed in Kindergarten with ADHD. He couldn't sit still and caused trouble in his classes; even as a small child, he was in trouble all the time because he just couldn't focus.


    I tried all sorts of supplements and didn't want him to take ritalin.


    I think it worked a little, although it's possible that it "worked" because I was being more attentive and working with him more, as I tried to determine if the supplements were helping...if you understand what I mean.


    It was a real struggle.


    Finally, I agreed to give him ritalin. I know it's the unpopular opinion, but for him, it really worked.


    It took his thoughts and allowed him to sort them out and deal with them much better, rather than a flood of stimuli that overwhelmed him.


    Yes, it stunted his growth somewhat. I'm 6'1" tall and his dad is about 5'11". My son was small for his age, and remained so until he stopped taking the ritalin around 9th grade.


    He's now about 6'4" tall and doing well.


    I know it's the popular thing to do, resisting taking medication for ADHD, but in some instances it really does help, and it's not worth the agony of struggling without a medication that might really help.


    eta: I agree with the poster above, that really there should be no need for medicating a 4-year-old...

  4. Yep...i squeezed my eyes shut and hit"one click order" on the big one last night.


    It'll seem a little silly for now since we're only after-schooling but I'm sure I'll be glad I'm familiar with it when we move and I start hs'ing for real.



  5. Wanted to bump this up. Amazon has the green zorbs for 19.28 right now. There aren't many in stock, but I figured it might help someone. It's going in our gift closet--if I can keep it under wraps til Christmas.


    Orange and blue are at regular price only Safari green is cheaper.


    that's awesome thank you I just bought 1 for my son and 1 for me too! you can't beat It for 20 bucks!

  6. The banks will have to sell off their inventory for whatever they can get and take the losses. If and when that happens the housing market will take another significant drop, but that should be the bottom, IMO.


    I agree; and the banks don't want to do that because when they do, those assets will have to be revalued at a much lower value.


    And that looks bad for the bank's balance sheet to the stockholders.


    Suddenly an asset that's on their books for $400K, is now worth only $200K. Several thousand times over!


    They're putting it off as long as they can; and in turn, prolonging the recession.


    And that's not the only problem in the economy nowadays; the real problem is that nobody is going to be willing to suffer the consequences of living off their credit card/home equity loans for the last 10 years. So we keep printing more money instead of...well, "eating our peas".


    And guess what? Our kids and grandkids will be eating those peas a decade or two from now when it's unsustainable.


    That's the sin of it all.

  7. I've had it jumping in...and out...of my cart for a few months now.


    We're not fully homeschooling probably until late winter(ish), but I'm trying to get things set up so that when we do move, the transition is smooth. (i.e. after-schooling with the programs we'll be using so they're familiar).


    Are you folks leaning more toward the full-size version or the smaller one?


    my purse is big enough to handle either one, but I was wondering if there were any big benefits to going with the full sized one?



  8. You mean...you mean...it's okay to skip ahead past the stuff they've got down-pat?? :001_huh:


    I'm not sure I can handle that.


    I just started doing this part-time (I guess you'll call us after-schoolers, soon-to-be-homeschoolers) but have been forcing DS to complete stuff he handled easily in kindergarten, just to complete the page.


    You mean we should leave those pages...blank? :ack2:


    Oy, this is stressful...!

  9. The paper idea makes sense to me...although at the same time, once the actual items are up, you may find that you want to disperse the dark-colored items, or the busy-printed items.


    If the items aren't heavy, use light-duty, thin nails to minimize the size of the holes.


    Chances are you'll decide to do some rearranging once they're already hung.


    Two comforts:


    1. There's a good chance that once rearranged, you can hide the empty nail hole from the old spot with something else. And


    2. If you can't, toothpaste makes a great nail hole filler (unless you're a perfectionist, which I'm not!)

  10. For independent work at that age, BrainQuest/Target/dollar store workbooks. "Real" workbooks will require help, IME. Perhaps HWoT Pre-K, too?


    My son (1st grade this coming fall) did really well this summer with the "Brainquest" 1st grade book as well as the "Big First Grade" book (got both on amazon).


    They're segmented to cover a variety of topics (various language subjects, math, etc.), so each day I had him work on a different topic.


    He found them to be easy and fun to do - and I think it kept him sharp over the summer and hopefully accustomed to doing schoolwork so the fall won't be as much of a jolt.


    I'd be willing to bet they have them for Kindergarten too.


    eta: I see yours is actually going into Grade 1...he should have no problem with the 1st grade workbooks I mentioned. Also, the Zaner Bloser handwriting workbook my son is working in right now (K) is really easy and I almost regret buying it...but we're going through it because he tends to be careless and can use the practice. The pictures are entertaining and he seems not to mind the work.

  11. I think he figured that, like a lot of people, he could make that comment and you'd just make a snide remark back or ignore it.


    The fact that you were sincerely apologetic, made him feel like the mouse he should feel like, and he hated that.


    Good for you! Maybe next time he'll give someone the benefit of the doubt and say something more on the lines of "Excuse me, but I'm next in line."


    That would've been simple and the end of the discussion!

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