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Posts posted by bbkaren

  1. ...If we bring the cat in, put the litter box outside, and install a kitty door, how long before the cat figures out he needs to use the kitty door to go use the litter box? And if it's really cold outside, won't he resist going out to use the litter box?


    I wouldn't worry about that. Cats don't mind the cold that much; and the litter box is still indoors, right? Even a screened-in porch is warmer than the unsheltered outdoors.


    Cats are neat; unless they're sick, angry, or stressed out, they won't generally mess in the house unless they're unable to access a "bathroom".


    As soon as the cat learns where the litter box is (I'd put him in there maybe two or three times), he'll go there. You'll need to give him unobstructed access for a while, though.


    The cat door takes a little time for them to get used to; many have a magnet that requires a bit of a shove to open them.


    We propped the flap open for a while and called the cats through to get them used to it, then half-closed it, then covered the magnet so the door would swing freely open, then once they were using it regularly, removed the magnet cover allowing the magnet to snap the door shut.

  2. I've heard they're a fairly difficult breed...pls do a lot of research before snapping one up.


    I don't recall the details but they're very high-stress in certain situations. There should be plenty of breed info on the net.


    eta: http://www.breederretriever.com/dog-breeds/210/shiba-inu.php


    Though sometimes reserved around strangers, earning this dog’s respect will win affection. The Shiba Inu is usually good with children but does not tolerate mistreatment. Socialization as a puppy will instill patience and tolerance in the dog. It can be aggressive with other dogs, especially of the same sex, and while it can live with other pets if raised with them from puppyhood, the Shiba Inu is generally not to be trusted around small animals. Intelligent and independent, this breed can be difficult to train and may adopt a selfish and headstrong attitude.


    [in the same article, they mention that they are heavy seasonal shedders and need regular brushing, even when not shedding.]





    A distinguishing characteristic of the breed is the so-called "shiba scream". When sufficiently provoked or unhappy, the dog will produce a loud, high pitched scream. This can occur when attempting to handle the dog in a way that it deems unacceptable.[1][8][9] The animal may also emit a very similar sound during periods of great joy, such as the return of the owner after an extended absence, or the arrival of a favored human guest.

  3. ...Put the cat box in the garage with a wipey-paw thing around it. Then install a kitty door from the garage into the house. Kitty can come and go and mess stays in garage.


    And of course Kitty will get cold and miserable. Let him in. We have eight cats. They are worth the trouble.


    We did this in our basement; the cats come and go when we open the door outside normally. If they're inside and need to use the litter box, they go down to the basement through the cat door. (Or sometimes they'll meow to be let out.)


    Works great!


    I'm glad you decided to let him come and go; cats who are used to being outdoors tend to be not-very-pleased when their person decides they should be confined to the house. And that can get gross (they pee on things when they're upset).


    Congrats, a cat is a great companion!

  4. I just had the same experience when making applesauce last weekend; hard as a rock.


    I took a heavy bag (I used a contractor garbage bag - new - just in case the sugar bag breaks. A pillowcase would probably work too) and brought it outside and dropped it on the concrete porch.


    I also swung it against the edge of the porch for a higher point of impact. I also got brave and threw it down on the porch.


    It broke them into...well...some sugar and some smaller chunks. At least I was able to use it; I used the chunks in the applesauce since it called for 12 cups of sugar.

  5. Congrats to your son!


    Marinated medallions on the grill, then served with ultra-garlic-buttered italian bread. Heaven.


    Venison is very lean; don't spare the fat (butter, oil, something!)


    If you cook venison like beef, it'll be very dry. Meatloaf using venison is very good but needs oil added.


    Also, don't overcook unless you like to eat hockey pucks. :)

  6. When we move to TN we've got a similar problem, although on top of that, Mifi isn't even an option since we have scant (no bars or maybe one bar) cell signal.


    So, Wildblue/Hughesnet (satellite internet) are our only real options.


    I did a spreadsheet comparing the two in terms of download speeds/costs/options. Maybe you can find something useful there...




    Basically, when we move, we'll be paying a whole lot more, for a whole lot less service.


    Hubby figures, even with the best package, we reach the limit after maybe a movie or two.


    So we're going a different route (we think).


    We're looking at signal amplifiers for the cell - on the roof, we get 3 bars steady. If we can get strong signal on our phones, maybe we can hook the TV up to the phone using the HDMI jack and play that way.


    It's a roundabout method and we haven't fully investigated it, but the amplifier people have a 30-day "didn't work for me" warranty. And once we've spent the money for that ($600), if it works, there'd be no further charges for internet because it'd be using the data plan on our phones.


    But in the meantime, I'm :bigear: here for other ideas! :)

  7. I've never made vanilla extract but presume that there'd be a hint of whiskey flavor in the finished product, which would make me barf -


    Vodka, as far as I'm concerned, is flavorless (aside from the "alcohol" flavor) and would be a better medium.


    It's what I use for our elderberry tincture and there's no flavor at all.

  8. If it were me, I'd fix it and take the known evil over the unknown (who knows what kind of problems another car will have?).


    That's presuming the problems with your existing car aren't major (i.e. new engine, etc.).


    And if I really liked the car, I'd even consider that. If the body's in solid shape and everything else is okay, a new engine is still cheaper than replacing the car completely.


    We were in the market for something used about a year ago, and cash for clunkers had wiped out the affordable used car market - there was nothing decent for less than $4,000 around us.


    A car loan (in NJ anyway) also means you have to take out Comp & Collision insurance with is a lot more expensive, until the loan is paid off.


    I would do anything I could not to wind up going into debt for it.

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