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Posts posted by warneral

  1. If I think my kids are not getting the work done just because they are goofing off or being a little lazy, then I say that whatever they don't get done in the time allotted will have to be done for "homework." "Homework" in our neighborhood with public school kids means not being able to to play and have free time in the afternoon. I find that the homework threat is so terrifying that it usually works fine, without me having to give any speeches or get upset. Just a matter of fact, "You can do it for homework if you can't get it done now."


    Love this! My kids were in PS last year so I have one thing that works - I ask "would you act this way with your teacher at Public School?" to which they would stop and think and answer "no". They also had homework and I like telling them they could work on it for homework!

  2. Thanks ladies.


    I am thinking of just using a spine, maybe this one:




    and then adding in living books from book lists.


    Does that sound doable? What is the difference in doing that and using Sonlight?


    Thanks so much for your help!


    Jennifer, I was surprised to see that you were straying away from WP!!! I know so much what you mean by that "behind" syndrome. I think that is the number one reason I don't want to have a teacher's guide. I don't like feeling behind if we miss doing something. Does that make sense to anyone?


    I actually have (in hand) Core B and most of Core C from Sonlight. We've been plowing through the books of Core B this summer and I don't really feel like it is too much reading (we are going at a fast rate and adding in supplemental projects found on the internet and other non-sonlight books).


    While I like Sonlight, I don't feel it necessary to purchase each book. Once most books are read once, we will no longer need them. That is what the Library is for :D


    I bought mine from a friend so it wasn't as expensive as purchasing from the site.


    Last week I read through TWTM for the first time. I really found it inspiring! I also like the concept of a 4 year cycle and was thinking I would like to try Mystery of History in a few years and give my kids 2 full cycles of World History. Before that, I wanted to try a US History program and discovered there aren't any in-depth 1-year US History programs available.


    I decided to jump ship on my Sonlight Core B and switch to 2 year US History. As much as we loved learning about the ancients, I was feeling my original plan of doing world History in 1 year and then US History in 1 year was just too much for our first time HS'ing! I really want to get in US History before we start our 4yr cycles so I bought Queen's Living History of our World.


    I have it in hand and have been putting together our lesson plans. I want to add in books from the Library and am using Sonlight, GuestHollow, Beautiful Feet, etc. for ideas of supplementary books. I think that the Living History of our World alone is actually enough. I personally think the workbook is a good thing to have. My kids learn more if they are writing and not JUST listening.


    I wasn't impressed with SL's Language Arts and had ditched that long ago. I also don't care for the IG as it is too structured for me. I want more flexibility and I don't want to become a slave to the schedule.

  3. We're doing Real Science Odyssey (Pandia press). It is fun and simple. I add in some reading with books from the library and encyclopedia. It is very hands-on. Biology is good for their ages. My kids are even enjoying ones I thought were boring :p

  4. I was planning on a 4yr cycle of MOH but thought it would cover US History. My guess is that level 4 will but it has not yet been offered.


    I just recieved Queen's A Living History of Our World. It is pretty simplistic and levels 1, 2 and 3 are all US History. There is an optional notebook with narration pages, a few activities (limited) and timeline suggestions. There are samples on the website and facebook (facebook samples are more detailed).

  5. There were some neat historical document replicas and bank notes from colonial & civil war areas that I picked up from RR. Here are the activities and games for US History listed at RR:



    If you want some neat projects, check out these kits. I thought the westward expansion kit looked more unique so I ordered it :O) http://handsandhearts.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=2

  6. I too will be starting my 9yo son and 7yo dd this fall. I will be working with them separately for 15min 4x/week. I am not buying separate sets of cards but will but a divider with each of their names in the review section - then I can keep track of who needs to work on which cards and will put cards that both need to review in a separate spot.

  7. Thank you! HS in the woods looks so good but I'm not sure which one I would want to spring for. I think I want to try this - my kiddos love crafts. They have an early American one that looks less impressive but I might try some of those crafts on my own. http://handsandhearts.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=155


    I've ordered a few Native American and Colonial crafts books from the library and will share if they look useful!


    I will pick up the Maestro book at my library tomorrow! The covers are beautiful.


    I'm excited to check out the Liberty Kids videos from our netflix stream too. Also we have a Peanuts/snoopy video on Netflix that I recall!


    I also found that Guest Hollow has a nice list of activities in her week by week curriculum: http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/history/dailyschedule.html

  8. I've decided to change directions and will be doing US History this year with my kiddos :) I was going to wait til next year but I'd rather take our time on US History before we start the 4yr history cycles.


    What are your favorite resources for finding activities for US History? Beginning with ancient civilizations and native Americans, I want to find some hands-on projects.


    I just purchased Queen's A Living History of our World but don't have it in hand yet. :)

  9. I decided last fall that we would start HS'ing my rising 2nd and 3rd grader. I originally purchased (from a friend) Sonlight Core B. I also purchased several of the books for Core C in order to do a 1 year world history overview. We started it and were enjoying it but last week I sat down and read "The Well Trained Mind". I highly suggest reading this book :) It really helped me put things into perspective. History is important but not yet the top priority. My children didn't receive history except for a few holiday lessons in public school. In fact, all of their social studies/history is taught in the Spanish language which they are not familiar with!!!


    I was originally going to do 1 year of world history this year, followed by Sonlight's D and E (formerly called 3 and 4) which is US history - 2 years. I really love the books Sonlight suggests, but am not finding that I want to follow its schedule.


    So I ended deciding to start our 4yr cycle of world history in 2 years which will give both kids 2 full cycles. I then wanted to finish this year of world history and do US history next year but discovered most curriculum is set up for 2 years of US to give time to get through various topics.


    As a new HS'er, I know it isn't a good idea to switch and cut bait too much but I decided that instead of stressing through a whirlwind of 1year world history and then 1year of US History, we would take our time with 2 years of US History this year and next. I bought Queen's A Living History of our World. The notebooking will allow us to practice some of the Well Trained Mind suggestions of Narrating, Copywork, etc. I might do all 3 units but we will see. I am also making library lists of Beautiful Feet, Sonlight, etc. US History book suggestions so that we can supplement with Living Books.

  10. First, let me encourage you - that even if it is painful, kids adjust to new rules relatively well. My kids didn't even complain when we implemented our new rules. I'm currently considering getting more stringent.


    First I implemented the concept of "screen time" lumping wii, computer games and TV together. I explained that they will have limited time on that screen time, but if time permits, they can spend more time viewing/playing educational. I taped some shows such as Wild Kratts, nature TV, and Fetch with Ruff Ruffman. There are math drill games on the computer they can play. Then they get 30min of "free screen time" a day but they need to do free reading for 30min first (after schooling). It's working well but I think after reading TWTM, I should really get stricter. :)

  11. I have a purple cow one from Costco. I'm not sure if it is the same for all laminators in this price range, but I don't like how the end of the page gets a little wrinkly at the end of the laminating cycle.


    I was wondering if the scotch does the same thing.

  12. I did the same thing with my ds who turned 9 on May 28th. He is a REALLY little guy and socially he wasn't ready for k-garten. I also wanted himi to have a chance to be a leader with his peers vs a follower.


    Here we are starting HS and he has mentioned he wants to do "4th" grade. I haven't decided what to do but for now, since this is our first year of HS'ing I'm not really worrying about it. We can figure it out next year or the year after (some time before high school). We have so many adjustments right now.


    Just wanted to share that I can relate.

  13. I voted RSO but should have read your preferences.


    You can download and view Mr. Q for yourself (for free). IMO the vocab and concepts would be over the head of a 1st grader.


    RSO is mostly ONLY experiments so if you're not keen on experiments and just doing worksheets - this isn't the curriculum for you.


    If you are looking for workbook science, I'd look elsewhere. Perhaps something from Abeka?


    Oh and if you are interested in seeing RSO - they have a "try before you buy" on the website so you can download a sampling of the first few weeks.

  14. I was thinking the MP lit guide looks like a great product. I would like to just do 1 with each child but the 2nd grd teacher guide is a combo and also not available through the HSBC deal.


    I'd love to hear how you liked the Literature guide and also whether you think the TG is necessary. I think I could order it through the website but the price would be 18.00 after shipping!


    TIA :)

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