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Everything posted by Natalija

  1. I'm looking for my dd also. I have heard that Tell Me More is good. Check out Homeschool Buyer's Co-Op for discount pricing. Membership is free. I'd buy Tell Me More but they don't offer the language my dd wants to learn. Best of luck in your search! Natalija
  2. Dd needs review as her retention is not as good as it could be. She will be in 9th grade. She did "OK" with the R&S grammar so she needs to continue to reinforce and maybe relearn with something different....but hopefully something that won't take as long as R&S!! Here are some I have heard mentioned here: What about AG? The high school review version? Easy Grammar Plus? Our Mother Tongue? Other? Thanks for any input! BTW, I am planning in using TOG1 but I hear you need to add grammar, right? Thanks!! Natalija
  3. Dd needs review as her retention is not as good as it could be. She will be in 9th grade. She did "OK" with the R&S grammar so she needs to continue to reinforce and maybe relearn with something different....but hopefully something that won't take as long as R&S!! Here are some I have heard mentioned here: What about AG? The high school review version? Easy Grammar Plus? Our Mother Tongue? Other? Thanks for any input! BTW, I am planning in using TOG1 but I hear you need to add grammar, right? Thanks!! Natalija
  4. Thanks all! I just checked and our library has all three Pimsleur levels!! Maybe only three copies of each (could be a problem) but they weren't all checked out. I will check into the Golosa too. I need to figure out how that works. The link for cyrillic.com still seems to work! Thanks! I also read a reviewer on Amazon for Pimsleur that recommends Declan ReadWrite Russian for learning the Cyrillic alphabet. Thankfully, my dd already knows the basics of cyrillic when she learned the Sebian Cyrillic alphabet. Very similiar. Thanks again for all the help! I will bypass Rosetta Stone! God bless! Natalija
  5. Oh, my!! Thanks, Leanna, that is exciting!! Thanks so much for letting me know!!! I will go check it out right now!!:hurray: In Christ, Natalija
  6. Thanks for your reply! Nice to hear you are emabarking on the same journey too! What grades will your kids be in? As for IEW, would you use the Ancient based history lessons instead of the Writing Aids that comes with TOG? WHat about doing another student intensive at a higher level? But that wouldn't weave in the history aspect into the writing. We did the Student Intensive 2 years ago and didn't get far in the history based writing lessons as the girls did an online writing class. Any feedback on the writing is appreciated! What are the differences you see between the two? I wish there was a service/someone to help with the writing...evaluating, grading, guiding their writing. It intimidates me and I don't feel well qualified!! Thanks, Teresa! God bless! Natalija
  7. Thanks again, Linda! You have been so helpful!! I was thinking about the Analytical Grammar high school review..every 2 weeks kind of thing. She is forgetful so she needs some review. If it is in TOG already, then that is great! I just called the Learnables. And they actually have Russian! Level 1 is on CD-ROM also! The others are on cassette tape ,though. She said they don't focus on grammar, though. Besides the installation issues you mentioned, how does Rosetta Stone and the Learnables compare? Oh, I feel terrible asking you more questions! BUt I am actually getting somewhere FINALLY!!! I tend to go in circles and can't make up my mind. :lol: You and others here have beenso helpful!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!! God bless! Natalija Have a fabulous day and thanks again!! Natalija
  8. Sorry....one more question!!! If dd13 does study Latin, would she not need to add in grammar to TOG? She completed R&S English 8 so she just needs to review. Thanks again! Natalija
  9. Thanks again Linda! DVD on the laptop..plug in a play...sounds appealing to me! Was looking at Rosetta Stone but it is so expensive! I have heard conflicting reviews on it too. I will definitely look into the Learnables. Do you know anything about Geting Started with Latin? I was thinking about it as it is not time intensive. But is seems to be more of an intro to Latin. So as a 9th grader will only a little Latin (about half of LCI done) and not alot of time, what program would you recommend? We need an easy program with audio or dvd support as I don't know Latin. Can you give me an idea how much time your son puts in for his studies a day? I am trying to figure out how to fit about 4 hours of piano practice a day (for now) with her studies. Sorry for all the questions! God bless!! Natalija
  10. How do you juggle lthe 2 languages? Do you do that in the car also?? I want dd13 to finally learn some Latin but she wants to learn Russian. She seems to be good at languages so I think it could be doable if she could do some or most in the car. Do you like the programs you are using for the languages? Thanks again! Natalija
  11. Thank you, Linda! My girls love audio books. The problem is Mom doesn't plan ahead to order them from the library!:tongue_smilie: It is nice to hear from someone in a similiar situation. We regularly drive over 300 miles per week/about 5 hours for now (on a weekday) and then an additional 7 hours every 3rd Saturday. Maybe more often in the future. We bought a laptop but dd13 gets car sick. The problem with lots of driving is that my girls, esp dd13 like to sleep so learning time is gone. But if I can get organized with the audio books, they will stay awake for that! Where do you get your audio books? Library? Download? I need to get a better plan going and find out how to utilize downloads. Thanks so much for the reminder! I need those!!:lol: Have a blessed day! Natalija
  12. Hi Monica, I pm'ed you last night about a a different question. Thanks, Natalija
  13. Thank you all! You are all so helpful!!:001_smile: I apprecaite it!! God bless, Natalija
  14. I forgot to ask... I know it varies according to how much you choose to do but what is the average daily (or weekly) time your high school student spends in the TOG subjects? Just trying to figure out how to get it all done....all the schoolwork and all the girls' music (including TONS of driving to lessons, practice, etc). Any ideas would be very much appreciated! Thank you and God bless! Natalija
  15. Thank you ladies!! I am feeling a bit better about trying TOG, especially with not much time to prepare. Thank you April and Leanna for the advive. It gets so confusing...all these decisions...that it really helps when an experienced user can offer feedback and guidance. So all I have to add for English is grammar? Is there a guide for writing level placement for each child? Does anyone know how Writing Aids compares with IEW History-Based Writing? I was thinking about using the Ancient history book to tie in with the history topics but not sure how they compare. Can anyone tell me where to find the resource/booklist list on the website?? I downloaded the week 1 free sample and did not see it. Thanks so mcuh for taking the time to respond!! I really appreciate it!! God bless! Natalija
  16. Thanks so much, Monica! Great idea! That seems so much less overwhelming! Bite-sizes piece....just the way I like it!! I did print out the 1st week free sample....so many pages for just ONE week!!! And that doesn't include the maps, student activity pages! I did not see the Resources page. I get a little confused on the website. My next step is to find the Resources page/book list. I really like some of the main books used in MFW Ancients....like Notgrass Exploring World History, Victor Journey Through the Bible ( which we already have). Would it be just plain crazy to try to work those in also?? We can't spend tons of time on it though. I would like to add in The Iliad and the Odyssey as well. I guess I need to see the TOG Yr 1 book list again...once I find it!! Can you tell me how much time to expect my 7th adn 9th grader would take for TOG? Any guidelines would be helpful! We are very busy with music....lots of driving and practice time. See I need to see if it is doable for us. I guess you can make it what you want it to be, no? Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! I really appreciate it!!:) Looking forward to your reply! God bless! Natalija
  17. PS- I also don't knwo if I will have enough time to prepare TOG if we wanted to go that route. Any thoughts? I like the Socratic discussion questions built in and need them. As well as having both girls study the same thing. Otherwise, I'd go with MFW Ancients, as I like their book list better. So confused and running out of time! Why do decisions have to be so hard for me!!?!?! Thanks for your time!-
  18. I am so late and I still haven't been able to decide whether to go with MFW or TOG. I have 7th and 9th grade dd's. Problem with TOG is that I only have a few weeks to plan if I get it as we are going away. Do any of you MFW or TOG users feel they needed to supplement the programs with more writing, grammar or lit analysis, esp for 9th grade? ( I have never done a multi-subject curriculum before but rather pick and choose to try to get the best individual ones.) My 9th grader is behind in writing skills, aside from creative writing. Would we still need R&S English for my 7th grader? Or would it be overkill? Thanks! Natalija
  19. I am SOOOOO late planning for the coming year! I am trying to decide between doing TOG together for my 7th and 9th grade dd's or MFW, spearating their studies. Problem is, I am running out of time to plan TOG if I go that route. If I order by the end of the week, I will haev less than one week before we go on vacation then maybe a week, max 2 when we get back. I read a post where someone was spending months planning TOG! Can someone tell me if it is dobale ordering TOG (for the first time) this late and having limited time to adjust to the learning curve and plan at least the 1st 9 weeks? MFW is ready to go, from what I read. But I like the discussion questions in TOG. Thanks!
  20. Thanks for responding!! That is good to know and a good idea. Thanks! Natalija
  21. Dd13, who is starting high school soon wants to learn Russian. Am I wrong or is there a limited number of choices for learning Russian? I know Rosetta Stone offers Russian. Powerglide used to but not any more? Anyone who used RS Russian...did you like it? Was it worth the $$$? Anyone have any other suggestions? A local CC offers Russian so she can take those classes in her junior year. If you already studied it, do they give you a placement exam? Thanks so much! Natalija
  22. (I posted on the High School board for specific questions as to using this in HS.) I'd like some feedback on this. It got great reviews on Amazon. I have a rising 9th grader as well as a rising 7th grader. We tried and dropped Latin a few times over the years. We just never had the time. Plus we did not like what we were trying to use. So we need something that is easy and gets the job done without a lot of time invested. I really like that we can download the audio online, burn to a CD and listen to in the car during our long drives to music lessons! Would be appropriate for a 9th grader. Would it get half a credit as a one semester course do you think? I think it would work well for my dd11. My main goal is for Latin to help them with vocab and hopefully higher SAT scores later on! Dd13 wants to learn Russian but Mom wants her to get some Latin in!! Many thanks!! Natalija
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