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GailV last won the day on December 7 2015

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    Knitting, sewing

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  1. Celebrating that dd did NOT get cast in a musical! Woohoo, think of all the spare time we'll have!

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      I know that feeling! Sometimes I'm secretly just a little bit happy when my boys don't make the baseball tournament playoffs! I like to call it "looking at the bright side!" lol

    2. catz


      LOL! Have definitely had those moments. Especially as we're going into the last 3 weeks of a BIG show.


    3. GailV


      Yeah, we're in tech week of a different show right now. And she just got roped into this one 3 weeks ago during performance weekend of a different show when current show's director needed to quickly replace the head flying monkey. I've reached my limit.

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