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Twilight Woods

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Posts posted by Twilight Woods

  1. We will be graduating our first. I'm doing a little happy dance about this. 




    Dual Enrollment. She needs 2 college level math classes and 4 electives to graduate with her AA degree. I'm not sure if she plans on finishing or will hold off on math till later. So honestly, no planning on my part needed. DD will need to start her college applications and possibly another try at the SAT (waiting on scores). 



    MATH:  Saxon 8/7, Singapore Math Word Problems Lvl 5. 

    LA:  EIW / EIL 7, Spelling Made Easy. (Last year of formal spelling) 

    Science: Holt Life Science & Technology, QSL experiment kit

    History: Holt McDougal World Geography /CIVICS

    Electives: Typing, Getting Start With Spanish, Notetaking/Study Skills


    Nephews will continue public school for 4th & 5th


    Myself: Summer: Composition I, Dev Math 2 & General Biology FALL: A & P I, Intermediate Alg, Intro to Healthcare, Medical Terminology, TEAS 6 review.





  2. I think that is fine, but I would gradually increase the length over time.   You have to gauge your own child and her abilities, but I would make that length a goal over the period of several weeks.  



    She CAN do it... she just can't focus long enough to do it so it took her over 30 mins just to write it out.............. I will try shortening it by a couple sentences and adding in one per week. 

  3. Of all the publications that are supposed to help people do Spalding, this one is the best. My only quibble with it is that the author does not emphasize enough the importance of reading the manual. Mrs. Spalding told people why her method worked, and how it worked, not just what to do next, and it's important to know those things. Also, if you just look at a break-down of what to do next, you'll miss the wonderful testimonies of teachers and their successes, and the wonderful Chapter 6 (or is it 7? I'll have to go check), where Mrs. Spalding talks about actually reading with the children. :001_wub:

    agreed :) 

  4. Oh no! That is awful!  :grouphug: 

    I might mention an Ecig to DH. I'm not sure how expensive that is upfront, though. Travel mugs are a definite help; he's been using one (or two) for years now. He can get a refill for anywhere from $.59 to $.99 each time. 

    No medical experience. I'm starting to think maybe I should! 

    We're definitely going to be doing a lot more meatless meals for a while. Oatmeal will probably go over well once it gets cooler again. 


    I'm so sorry you're going through this. :(



    depending on which job you may not need any experience. PM for some good sites for ecigs and liquid if you want. Thanks :) It's been different and stressful and could be a good thing IF I look at it the right way. LOL. 

  5. We are going through something similar... DH is actually losing his job though. I have stopped helping with the job situation b/c it puts him under more stress than he already is. As far as smoking.... I bought myself a Ecig to make the regular smokes last longer..... and I no longer buy coffee out. I use a travel mug if I am out and about. Since moving I am not working.. BUT I am looking but can't really do anything until DH get's back here... 2 more weeks. I can't remember if you have any medical experience? If you do I would look at local hospitals or clinics. They usually have PRN shifts available that have variety of shifts. you could even look for EVS positions (patient transport etc) For groceries.... we have been doing a lot of meatless meals b/c it just is not in our budget. Oatmeal is also a good breakfast and goes a long way. 








  6. I agree with calling it 8th for now but keeping records in case you need them.


    Stats is a good option for senior-year math for someone who doesn't want to do further math.


    Another option would be math for liberal arts. If she can dual enroll for this fall semester of senior year, she would have the college math credit completed -- it should transfer wherever she goes and suffice for math as long as she's not in a field that requires a math course -- and she wouldn't have to take math in the spring or risk forgetting what she's learned before she needs to take college math. The same reasoning would apply to DE for stats but there are schools that won't take stats but will take math for lib arts.


    If there's no local school, Potter's school offers it online and offers credit through Belhaven. http://www.pottersschool.org/course/list/#/?cid=3243

    Thank you both this is good information for me to have. I do have her set up working with a local artist to work on her skills and to start building her portfolio in JR year. I think we are keeping in 8th with the plan for her to focus on her art/portfolio her Jr/Sr year for submission and hopefully securing an internship as well. 


    My son took all high school courses in 8th, and I'm not counting it for 9th.  In my  mind, it just means that he has the chance to go much more in depth in the later years of High School.  Also, I'm a Graphic Designer, someone said that she should take that extra time and develop her portfolio.  I could not agree more.  Most schools have a requirement of a portfolio review to be admitted into their Graphic Design and / or Media Arts programs, and to be honest, they can be brutal... or they can be just another hoop to jump through, either way, she needs to be fully prepared.  Giving her the extra year to work on that, is a good idea.  Also, look up AIGA, which is the trade organization for Graphic Designers.  They often have free portfolio reviews for students.  I highly recommend going to one of these, they will guide her in what she needs to do to get her portfolio ready.

  7. Went to Staples and showed them the weird characters.  The lady said they don't have the most up to date computer.  What???  It is a copy center of a major nationwide chain, but so be it.  I took my laptop in and sent the PDF via email.  I looked at it with the lady, and it was flawless so she is reprinting it. 


    I say all of this to explain the situation for those who may encounter similar issues with trying to get it printed.  It is not the program.  It is the store.


    let me know how the reprint went. I am going tomorrow. DId they have to update anything to reprint it?

  8. I will be going up there tomorrow and asking for them to redo it.  I will probably take my computer and show them what it looks like on my screen.    I don't expect any issues.  Clearly the fault is on their end.

    I am headed back there tomorrow as well. I wont be able to bring my computer but I will show them a printed page from my printer. I wonder if they will be able to access my print order with the uploaded file as I do not have a thumb drive. 

    • Like 2
  9. Just picked up my copy of the teacher's manual from Staples and noticed that there is something wrong with the way it printed.  In pages 9-67, there are random ? inserted for the characters to the point that I cannot read some of the words.  In the other pages, it is fine.  When I look at the teacher's manual on my computer, it does not have these.  I know nothing about these things, but it seems that Staples did something odd when printing it.  Before I go address this with them, I wanted to hear if anyone else had this experience or if anyone knows why this might happen. 


    Example:  page 22 - Quick Review!  The past fe? ?eeks you have studied proper nouns?common nouns?nouns as sub?ects?and action verbs. 


    This is exactly as it appears on my printed page except the question marks have a box around them. 


    Any insight?  I know nothing about these sorts of things...obviously! 


    Mine has the same issue through out the book to the point it is unusable b/c you can't read it. Lots of little squares, questions marks etc. But when I printed a page out on my printer it printed fine..... 

  10. If you are not required by homeschool regulations in your area to declare, then I wouldn't worry about it this year. The only point where you may have to decide what grade is if you decide to have your student take the PSAT test -- students who score very well (98-99%) when taking the test in 11th grade qualify for possible National Merit scholarship money.


    That still gives you at least 2 full years to see how DD progresses, what her post-high school goals are, and to consider all the pros/cons of early graduation, before having to decide about possible PSAT testing.


    Some things to discuss and research together:


    What are the job markets and educational requirements for animation or craft/fine artist?


    Will post-high school education of some sort (classes, internship, certificate, Associate's degree, Bachelor's degree) help with landing a job, or a better-paying job? And if so, does DD plan to continue her Art education right after high school, or would starting during high school through dual enrollment be an option?


    Many community colleges have agreements with high schools to provide FREE or reduced rates for dual enrollment for high school students. By NOT graduating early, DD could take advantage of those dual enrollment financial benefits longer, and either complete, or mostly have completed an Associate's Degree in animation or graphic arts by the end of high school.


    Will finances be a concern for attending a university or community college?


    By NOT graduating early, there is the possibility of accruing a more impressive portfolio, which can make a student more competitive for scholarships and selective schools and art programs. Not graduating early may also help DD score higher on SAT/ACT test scores, which opens more doors for scholarships and admission to the school of her choice.


    There are internships available to high school seniors, so DD would not necessarily have to graduate early in order to complete an internship before art school -- by NOT graduating early, she would be able to have a lighter credit load and handle an internship during the senior year.



    BEST of luck, as your family discusses, researches, and plans for the high school years and beyond! Warmest regards, Lori D.

    Thank you both for your replies. This is very helpful. 


    If you drop your umbrella school and register with the county, you do not need to meet FL graduation requirements for the Bright Futures Scholarship. (Just an FYI.) You would still need to meet college entrance requirements wherever she wanted to go. Statistics is accepted as a math class above Algebra I.


    My dd plans to go into theater/film. Her math classes will be Algebra I, Algebra 2, Geometry (.5 credit) at home and then dual enrollment in Intermediate Algebra, (.5 credit) Liberal Arts Math I and Liberal Arts Math 2. So, a total of five credits without Pre-calculus and she won't need any other math in college. 

  11. If they don't allow consumer math, think about Statistics. My daughter did that instead of Calculus. I have 3 who have already been admitted to college and I have helped countless other students (I teach at a homeschool co op and end up helping many of the seniors) and I do think you should rather assume a college will not accept Pre-Algebra as a math. There may be some less competitive ones that will, but you would need to check up on that. Could she do her final math course the same year she does an internship? Or she could do it in the summer before that.

    If math isn't her thing she probably won't want to do 2 math courses at any point. 

    Pity all students are now forced to take 4 math credits in high school. So many (like your daughter) do not need it. My daughter went on to study film - so she didn't need it either!



    I agree. She does not need it but in order for us to qualify for the BrightFutures Scholarship she needs 4 years and they have to be Alg I and higher. I will have to see if the allow Statistics as an option. I think my plan for her is to do that her senior year. She is a young 8th grader b/c of her birthday so I would prefer her to not graduate early and just spend her senior year doing a light school schedule so she can spend that year with the internship and outside art classes to work on her portfolio. 

  12. I (respectfully) disagree.  I took Pre-Alg in H.S., my nephew will be taking Pre-Alg in P.S. for 9th grade.  No it will not go toward counting for college but as long as you can get through Alg. 2,you should be fine.  



    I took Pre Alg in High School as well. I honestly can't see her completing Pre Calc..... I was hoping Alg, Geometry and Alg 2 would be sufficient but she will need 4 years of math to abide by the rules of our umbrella school we are using since they will be issuing a FL High School diploma when all is said and done. . I need to see if consumer math will be allowed. 

  13. I would not call this high school if she is taking pre-algebra. Does she know what school she wants to go to after she graduates? Have you looked at the recommended high school courses of any colleges she is interested in? Most expect four years of high school level math.



    She has a couple that she is looking at. I know one of them require 4 years of math. I was expecting to keep it at 8th b/c of math, then when she reaches her 12th year she will have more flexibility to work in an internship without graduating early bc of the credits earned in 8th.

  14. My DD will be a 3rd grader this year. She has had little grammar and we have not start paragraph wriitng... still working on a cohesive complete 1-2 sentences. Reading and writing have been a struggle here. Will this be a good place to start with her? Also I am thinking about having my older child (8th) go through the note taking/outlining sections since she has not been taught this in public school. Thoughts?

  15. Technically she is an 8th grader. This coming school year she will be taking all high school level course with the exception of Math. She is not ready for Alg. She will be doing Saxon Pre-Alg. 


    Thoughts? Does it matter? Next year for what would be *9th* she will carry 6 credits for the year b/c she will be adding in ALG and a Foreign language. Her goal is to graduate early so she can start an internship within her desired career field before art school.


    Here High School courses are:


    Math: Saxon 1/2

    History- World History

    LA - English I, Lit class thru Co op

    Science: Physical Science w/lab (Exploration Education Advance)

    Elective: Digital Media - FLVS

    PE - Swimming/yoga


    non credit: She will have a once a week art class for an hour working with and artist. (she wants to be a animator/graphic artist)


    so in total she will have 4.5 credits. 



  16. But it's "or"? You're the either. Can you talk to a manager? Do you have another option for printing?


    ETA you're the purchaser not a reviewer!


    I know. I can't even tell you how many times I explained that and told them they were reading it incorrectly. I sent it to Staples (hoping I have no issues)  and told Office Depot I would not longer send them stuff to print since they can't read a copyright correctly. 

    • Like 4
  17. I'd make sure they saw that the copyright specifically states, "except for personal use by the original purchaser" -- that's you. If they need to see it, perhaps you can offer to show them your receipt (which I printed off from PayPal) that shows you purchased it. When I say, "show them," I mean -- email/fax it to them.



    I did but they stated b/c it states "or by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review" that they will not print the whole book for me without written premission from the author. 



    Im slightly PO'd. 

  18. 8- 


    I sent the file to my local office Depot and they called me and said they would not print it for me b/c of the copyright. Suggestions?



    I picked up a partial order of my printed copies a few minutes ago.   I am just as thrilled as you are b/c they look beautiful!  


    I wonder if people realize how easy it is to get things printed and bound?  If you save the pdf on your computer and then on to a thumb drive, it is easy.I know through tomorrow our local Office Depot is having 25% off printing.  Staples,etc all off the same sort of service (though the 25% off coupon is significant savings.).  All you need to do is carry in your thumb drive and tell them what you want.


    I can share what I learned today.  Yesterday I had printed up a special copy for someone who was very helpful behind the scenes for inspiring me.  Her dd had drawn some artwork and I had a copy printed up with it in it.  I have never printed an entire book before and went with the advice of the person helping me.  I mailed it out this morning and shipping was very reasonable.


    But the copies I picked up tonight were prepared by someone else.  Now I feel bad b/c they are so pretty compared to what I had printed yesterday.   The person today printed on 24 lb paper and it made a world of difference in how it looks. I  had no idea how the looks change with different paper.


     The cover I chose after trying out a couple of different ones yesterday is 100 lb cardstock.  The cover printed great and I think it was a good choice.

     To start off with, I would only print the teacher's book and have it bound. Student pages can be printed up quite easily on a home printer on the days that require them.  (Some days do not require the student to have anything printed.)


    FWIW, dh is setting up domestic sales only. He is getting close. :)


  19. I can't give you any feedback as we just moved to FL from IL. We moved to Brevard County. I love it so far. The 2 days we were unloading the truck I swear the humidity rose on purpose. :) I am a warm weather girl so it suits me just fine and I can't wait till the winter months... no more coats, gloves or below zero weather. 

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