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Twilight Woods

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Posts posted by Twilight Woods

  1. My DD is 7 and has Asperger's. I let some behavioral therapist convince me my DD needed to be in school so I sent her back with a plan in place. The plan was never followed. I never found out about significant behavior issues until weeks later even after hounding for updates and whatnot...I could go on and on about her year....granted it was 1st grade.... I however am not going to try it for 2nd grade. She was happy at home and was learning at home and that is what matters to us. Schools can only do so much and as my DD teacher pointed out to me.... It's a group education not 1:1. When she made that statement to me I knew I made the wrong decision in sending her back.


    I hope that things get better for him and you.

  2. I have a wiggly 7 y/o DD who loathes to read.She has to move all the time. :) I do the following prior to reading: NO TV or games 30 mins before she is to RA to me. I have a mini exercise trampoline in my house that we use to get some of the energy out before reading. When we read she will sit on her exercise ball so she can bounce while reading OR she will hang off the couch holding herself up with her hands [i am holding the book, and it provides the deep sensory her body needs so she can focus] or she lays flat on the floor. This is part of her "sensory diet".


    We are still working on Phonics mastery and fluency. If she is getting frustrated or I find myself getting frustrated we back off and read easier books.

  3. I just changed my schedule so I can HS full-time. :) I now work PT. I use to work overnights but it was hard so now I work Sat, Sun and Mondays during the day. Monday is the only day I have to worry about with DD-2nd grade. She typically will go to a friends house while I work then we do school after dinner. The rest of the week is open.

  4. No. She must know the sounds of each phonogram, unrelated to any word. She'll get the hang of them eventually. :-)



    I have not heard that CD, but I am suspicious of anything that isn't produced by SEI, lol. Actually, the CD is for *you* to listen to, so you can pronounce the phonograms properly when teaching them.



    ok so just teach sound 1 is _ sound 2 _ sound 3 _


    She likes listening to the sounds..... I think b/c of my accent its sometimes easier for her to listen to the CD then to me even though I do sound them out each time and she follows. She just keeps telling me that My sound is "different".....

  5. Do you think I could take the test....look at the parts where he did poorly (some of it is just forgetting becasue at one point he knew some of this stuff...it's just not been reviewed for a long time) and find some worksheets to review those parts???


    He is supposed to be in 3rd grade math and I could just kick myself if he truly needs to be put back into beginning of 2nd grade math...wow, did I fail my son horribly!!!!


    You didn't fail him. If he didn't miss that many parts in 2a/2b I would maybe take the time now to shore up those areas and start him in 3a?

  6. DD #2 when practicing math facts will take forever to recall the answer of lets say 4+5=9. BUT if I say write all the facts for 9 she can whip them out no problem including subtraction in the form of number bonds. I dont understand it. She does have slow processing so could this be a factor? OR is it b/c the "number bond" is a visual thing.... how she best learns and the flash card is not?


    Also, we are using Saxon and will add in CWP for 2nd grade. I love it. It's how I was taught and fits my teaching. She will do it. She however does not need the repeition. SHe is the I know it lets move on with just a smidge of sprial review. She gets is conceptually with little effort.... Will Math Mammoth fit the bill and not drive me crazy like Singapore? I want to stick with ONE main math program from here on out and will add BA when she is ready for it.


    I hope this has made sense.. I am short on sleep :)

  7. I work at a hospital. Most coders work either in office or at the facility. I have a few friends who work from home doing medical transcription. They both completed an online program. PM me with you want the specific company they used. They were also fully employed within a month after completing the program. One is an independent contracter sets her own hours once is considered FT but no benefits.

  8. organic beef, Milk, eggs, Havarti Cheese, Kerry Gold butter, Kcup coffee, Ziplock bags, trash bags, Cliff Bars, Pinapple slices, Mango slices, butternut squash cubes, Aspargus [i freeze all the veggies], bags of organic frozen fruit, DH's breakfast sandwiches, there is more I just cant remember.

  9. I think a lot is going to vary depending on where they are at when she hits middle school. Is there a way to HS her now while she is working FT? Why wait?


    What are the biggest challenges?

    My biggest challenges are keeping up with my house and all my other mom duties and just finding downtime for myself. This maynot be specifically related to HS.


    What are ways to fit in schooling around a fulltime job?

    Yes. We school year round, in the evenings and weekends. My DD is 7 so school for us will look different then school for a MS aged child.


    What sort of curric is best? I'm assuming curric that isn't teacher-intensive.

    We opt for open and go and lots of bunny trails. BUT I teach everything. Again she is 7.


    What does she need to have in place or it Just Won't Work?

    Thats something I think only she can answer.

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