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Twilight Woods

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Posts posted by Twilight Woods

  1. Thank you for all of your thoughts and suggestions. I have already donated or given away the winter gear we have. I am in the process of purging everyones wardrobes. I would prefer to not bring 90% of what is in my kitchen. I just want a set of dishes, pots/pans,baking sheet, juicer and my vitamix. The only furniture we are bringing is the IKEA shelves, beds, electronics. 


    I am having a hard time convincing DH that the rest of the stuff can be sold, donated or given away to friends/family. I already have 3 boxes of books ready for goodwill. I think I need to send DH somewhere for a week. I would be able to clear out a ton of stuff. He already said we need to rent a storage unit b/c of all of his computer stuff, which I do not expect him to get rid of b/c he uses that stuff for side jobs. I told him the only important stuff he should care about is his clothes, comic books and computer stuff. Instead I am looking at 5 boxes filled with empty computer game boxes he wont part with. 



  2. We will be relocating to FL from IL at the end of July. We will be moving from a 2000 sq ft home to an 1100 sq ft apartment.  :crying: I will be downsizing from a very large kitchen with lots of cabinets and pantry to a kitchen the size of a pin with minimal cabinets and counter space, no pantry and well just overall space period. UGH! 


    For those of you who are super organized and love purging I could use some ideas and tips. I am having a hard time purging the stuff we have accumulated over the last 10 years. 





  3. Thank you for your insight. Writing is a struggle here as well. We have been only doing "creative" writing so far for 2nd and WWE 2. We will be doing most of the MP grade 3 package (using CAPs LFC A instead of LC1). The 3rd grade starts with intro to composition which from what I was told mirrors WWE 3. I am looking ahead to CC or W & R Fable program to see which direction we will go. 



  4. Has there been a thread comparing these Memorial Press Classical Composition and CAPs W & R programs? If so can someone link me? OR compare the 2 programs for me? This would be for my upcoming 3rd grader. 


    If someone has also used CAPs Reading & Reasoning program I would love to hear some feedback on that as well. 






  5. First of all, you can do almost of the curriculum orally.  The questions in the guide do have value, so I wouldn't just skip them.  From what I understand, in their classrooms they ask a question, formulate a well-structured answer as a group, the teacher writes it on the board, and then the kids write it in their books.  You could just eliminate their last step.


    We use their flashcards and you can practice these almost anywhere in any way!


    My second son is about to start 3rd grade too!  Good luck!

    Thank you! These are some great ideas and I may just to everything orally like we have been doing with minimal writing. 

  6. We will be starting 2B soon. She knows how to do 3 digit adding/subtraction so I do not anticipate doing all the sections. SHe does have several different methods but we will only be doing the one she knows and likes using. We typically do 1-2 pages a day depending on her attention span/mood. I teach the method on the whiteboard then have her do a few problems to make sure she has grasped the concept. If she understands she only does every other problem and all the word problems. If she needs more practice then we do all of them. 

  7. I ordered DB FT last week. The FT comes from a printer in the US. The flashcards come from the UK and would not arrive for 10 days. I had replied to the confirmation email from Sound Foundations asking if I could start the program with out the cards and they emailed the PDF version for me to start with. :) 




  8. We have dumped plenty of curriculum in the last 4 months.  :glare:


    I have a VSL non auditory learner she is 8......... as long as the talking is paired with a video she is good. ;) MM has been working out well despite it not being on the computer.... tho she hates reading so I end up reading some of it to her sometimes.. Most of the time tho she usually says I got it. I kinda feel left out of the process.  :crying:



  9. DD was taught this way in K and 1st and I have been spending a lot of time correcting over the past few months. It has been a slow process for her. We are slowly going over the phonogram but when she is she still guesses and throws in letters that dont belong or changes the word entirely.  She also picture reads a lot. Most of the time is the book has no pictures she will not read it. If she reads a word incorrectly we always go back and if I notice she is frustrated I stop and we do something else. She is not yet a fluent reader but we are making small steps and building her confidence b/c this is an area where she struggles,. 

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