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Twilight Woods

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Posts posted by Twilight Woods

  1. You sound personally offended. I wasn't picking on you or anyone else. The OP asked for opinions, and I gave mine. 


    Personally, I feel that unless a child is highly gifted, any high school program that can be accomplished by 5th and 6th graders is far too light. Also, imo, if a child is highly gifted, T4L would be in no way appropriate for him/her. It's great if the high school level works for an 11 and 12 year old ... but imo, that does say something about its rigor.

    I am not offended. Have you tried their high school program? If so a review on that would be great. 

  2. I would find it concerning that young middle schoolers are doing the high school level. That would say something to be about the depth and rigor of the program.


    I looked into T4L several years ago. I found it to be very light.

    No it doesn't It just means her kids are doing advance work for their age. You found it light and it didn't work for you. Great. Other people find it works well for their situation. 

  3. Both my kids have just come out of PS. My 2nd grader did Envision math for 1st grade at school... She does well with MM. I teach the concept first which typically does not take long then she completes the worksheet to show she understood... sometime I do not need to teach it -she just get's it. MY oldest does Saxon. She needs the parts/whole/spiral approach. 

  4. My 2nd grader is hating math these days as well... We use Math Mammoth. I do not drill facts. We use number bonds and base 10 blocks when needed. I also let her figure the problems out her way.... if she get's the HOW by doing it differently then I am ok with it. She almost always turns a subtraction problem into a addition problem,. We also play lots of games ....... Right now we are working on regrouping with more than 1 ten.... it's slow going b/c she is hung up on the number being something other than a 1 when carrying...... She knows it's 2 tens but still wants to put a 1 instead of a 2 or other number........ 



  5. I just pulled my 7th grader out of school today :) I already HS her sister who is in 2nd. 


    I was looking at OM 7 for her. She loves to write, draw etc so I am looking for something geared towards her interests. Is OM 7 easy to implement having never done OM before and being she has been in PS since K?




  6. I just pulled my 7th grader out of school today :) I already HS her sister who is in 2nd. 


    I was looking at OM 7 for her. She loves to write, draw etc so I am looking for something geared towards her interests. Is OM 7 easy to implement having never done OM before and being she has been in PS since K?






  7. My DD started 2nd grade this year and we are just finishing week 7..... The 1st 4 weeks were a major source of frustrating for the both of us. Reading/Writing is the most challenging for her. She has Asperger's and ADHD. What we decided to try and is currently working is Time4Learning and she does WWE, ETC and MM2 with me. We will be starting AAR 2 as soon as it arrives. I also have to give her frequent breaks especially when we have writing to do. SHe is good with copywork and dictation as long as it is only 1-2 sentences. I do not require any creative writing at this point b/c it produces tears. I also with have her to her math and some of her written work orally and I write for her b/c the actual act of writing fatigues her and is a HUGE source of frustration and I don't feel like dealing with the meltdowns that happen. Her handwriting is neat and she is learning cursive with no issues. Since I added the visual learning she seems to tolerate the rest. We just finished doing standardized testing this week to see what her weak areas are in Reading so I know what we need to focus on this year. Right now she is only capable to reading out loud for 10 mins at a time. We also use parts of Spalding... I have not incorporated it 100% yet b/c we are still working on Phonics memorization. We play lots of games too like sum swamp, Dino tracks, and pop word games....... If I tried to have her sit through the entire time doing worksheets she would melt and out right refuse to do work period. 


    SHe seems to have trouble with small words and likes to replace them with other words but can read words like Associate and weasel with no issues. We go at the end of this month to check her visual processing with the Eye Dr. 


    Slow and Steady....... 

  8. Hits:

    Being Home. 


    OM Beginning Recorder





    Anything school related. 



    We are currently using MM which she is fine with not overjoyed.

    WWE 2-MEH,

    SOTW 1- Completely not interested so I am going to use Adventures In America.

    We havent started science yet.... I am thinking Sassafras.... 


    I am thinking about just going with SWSV and GWG since we are currently using Spectrum workbooks until we figure things out a bit more. 

    She also said she wanted to go back to AAR..... 


    Maybe by Jan we will have a definite plan. ;)

  9. Let's see:


    Finished up the clock section in MM2... Thank god b/c I was about to skip the rest. LOL. 

    Spelling - we are working through SWS 1 before we goto 2

    She learned how to burst into tears while doing week 2 dictation in WWE 2

    She just finished up Blueberries for Sal

    Did some cursive work

    Did some writing and ETC

    played a sight word game. 

    and played on Time4Learning.


    In the middle of all that we went over to another HS mom's house to hang out then took my oldest to the orthodontist. 




    It was a very productive day. We were done by 10am. Woot!



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