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Posts posted by Ecclecticmum

  1. What do you think they might sneak in there?




    Ethylene Glycol




    The virus strains/types actually in the vaccine itself

    the overall risk factor makes it negligible. (best chance is it has a 70% effectiveness rate, worst 0%)

  2. The philosophy, on the other hand, is nuts. We left the preschool when I was getting lectures about breastfeeding my toddler interfering with her spiritual growth. OK then. Another friend was kicked out of a Steiner baby playgroup because her child was an early walker and wouldn't lie on the mat while she crafted :) Although I did feel a Steiner education was attractive - gentle and arts/narrative based - I was very uncomfortable with the dogma around that education.


    Wow! That's pretty far out. Most waldorf schools actually go as independant, meaning its the individual school that decides things like that. A few of the ones I look at out here actually go into waiting for the child to self wean. The schools have come quite far from the original schools, it would be interesting to see a comparison chart.


    I don't have any links. A quick google search for steiner antisemetic will turn up quite few.


    I did look up that, but I was trying to find non-biased links. Like the links I have included are research papers, journalists, and community upkeep pages. Most of the things when googling that and similar are mostly biased as seen by the website titles (waldorfanswers, waldorfcritics etc)


    My thoughts on Rudolf Steiner are pretty simple - he was a crazy wack-a-doodle with no proven science behind his theories. It's easy to spot if you read any of his full writings.


    LOL! Straight to the point, I love it! I was thinking about reading one of his original books on anthroposophy, but I'm afraid none of it will makes sense *blush* since its writing from the very early 1900's, I was hoping to find something non biased in a more laymans terms :p Probably doesn't exist though.

  3. We flow from one to the next. I don't really plan anything much anymore either.


    We stop for holidays & festivities, and really hot weather. On holidays, we just do crafts & such. Christmas & hot weather usually go hand in hand here, so dead middle of summer (xmas) is our main break. Its very easy where we are to get heat exhaustion/dehydration etc, so we just take it easy.


    Should we be feeling a bit of burnout, we remove "extras" for a bit and jiggle the schedule around (sometimes just the fact of knowing mondays is this, tuesdays is that, is enough to cause boredom). Or we'll stop and do a random fun mini unit study (we currently use Earth*School for that, but Amanda Bennets stuff like Popcorn, Cookies, Pizza, would work well for older children), so anytime we need a little pick me up we'll do that.


    If we weren't "us" i.e. wasn't as hot during christmas, we didn't have all the random sick days, and were more of a tightly oiled schduling machine who just school year round cause we can (thats a lot of if's lol) then I might do something like your other option, stop grade 4 (or whatever) then do a unit study for the hols, then grade 5. Instead we just random add them throughout the year.


    HTH x

  4. Maybe she felt she was helping?


    It is her job, and she would get the commission I presume if she sold the place. Many realtor places are getting more heavy handed with realtors on the amount of houses sold, you don't sell enough you get fired.


    So it could be taken as either she was offering helpful solutions to your problems, or she was desperate to make a sell, need the money and/or her job.


    I do completely understand we're your coming from though, I prefer realtors to be like proper butlers, never seen nor heard unless you want help and suddenly they magically appear :laugh: I don't like when they hover round me, for our place I was close to turning around and telling him he was weird. I can't explain it, except to say he was literally "nosing" into everything. Not so much speaking but when we came to a doorway his head would peek between ours and look into the room, like a curious puppy "heeeeyyy, its a bathroom *looks up at us* *peers around room and slowly pulls head back out of doorway* :w00t: rofl

  5. If I were you (which I'm not :p ) I would look at doing the following:


    Combining EVERYONE for the extras, and in a way that wouldn't put too much work on you.


    First of all for the littlies getting something like Carols afforable preschool or the "in a bag" series (carols if you don't have the time to make up the bags (there are group swaps that happen for those things though). Or looking at getting Montessori at Home Ebook ($8.95 and has heaps of ideas).


    For History/Science:


    -Discovery (on Homeschool Buyers Co-op) if you can afford it and can deal with the quality.

    - Netflix and use the SOTW & WTM Science lists on the Yahoo groups (or getting the SOTW Audio & the activity guide which has book lists)


    I would basically use videos & books. Have a family video night, everyone has to watch (make popcorn, littles can play with their curriculum) and base the comprehension of the age of the child (you watch it with them, so you know whats going on on the doco) essays/reports of various levels for older kids, orally ask younger kids comprehension questions about random parts of the video to make sure it sunk in. Then older kids have individual reading assignment to be complete by so and so, yougner kids get a story/reference read to them at bed time. One night a week for history. Have the Science video/books done on thursday, and have the kids do individual projects (simple diorama, oral or written retelling, lapbook or whatever due by monday.


    Or just watch docos if you really have no time. Once a week one hour (30 mins science, 30 minutes history).


    I can recommend Happy Scientist for lower elementary. My daughter watches him, and automatically asks for the stuff so she can do what he just did :p


    Perhaps theres a local homeschool group that would want to do either a history or science class/get together?


    or use the one room schoolhouse effect. Watch a video. Get the each of the elder kids to pair off with one of the younger kids, they have to read a book to the younger one on the subject, then do a project together. When theres that many children, any who are old enough can "teach" the younger ones, thus lightening your load.

  6. Thanks kewb, do you have any links regarding his ties/views on that? (off to do some googling) :) Seems a bit at odds with his thoughts on Christianity considering the basis of it, but maybe thats why the slant towards saying its spiritual rather than factual? (off to google)


    ETA: I found these which tend to suggest the opposite (would love links from your end!):


    After the First World War, Steiner was denounced as a traitor to Germany for suggesting Upper Silesia should be granted independence - and the political theorist of the new National Socialist movement (Nazi party) claimed, mistakenly, that he was a Jew. He was the victim of a personal attack by Adolf Hitler, who called on other nationalist extremists to declare a "war against Steiner". His health began to suffer and he died soon afterwards.



    Steiner died just over a year later, in 1925. The Second World War temporarily hindered the anthroposophical movement in most of Continental Europe, as the Anthroposophical Society and most of its daughter movements (e.g. Steiner/Waldorf education) were banned by the National Socialists (Nazis);[11] virtually no anthroposophists ever joined the National Socialist Party.[12]




    During the years when Steiner was best known as a literary critic, he published a series of articles attacking various manifestations of antisemitism[95] and criticizing some of the most prominent anti-Semites of the time as "barbaric" and "enemies of culture".[96] On a number of occasions, Steiner suggested that Jewish cultural and social life had lost all contemporary relevance[97] and promoted full assimilation of the Jewish people into the nations in which they lived. This stance has come under severe criticism in recent years.[90]



    Hmm, that last bit "full assimilation of the Jewish people into the nations in which they lived. This stance has come under severe criticism in recent years." might need more researching on that.


    EATA: I found this: http://www.academia.edu/2306281/Rudolf_Steiner_and_the_Jewish_Question which seems to go into it, looks like he jumped backwards and forwards in his view a lot, a bit late here, I'll probably read over all this again in the morning, my head can't handle any more reading :p

  7. Whilst it does scare me a little (or a lot lol), this is the bit I don't like:



    advises people at risk to get their vaccinations as early as March.


    With the other thing that went around (already forgotten what it was) when we went into the doctors they were orally forcing us to get the shots (you don't get the shot and you could die!). We were refusing (I only allow my kids & myself to get shots are I research the vacc in question) and they were acting like any second they would come out from behind the counter, grab my arm and plunge it in, even super-not-notice-surroundings-DH was mystified and got paranoid (completely unlike him so shows how bad it was, I actually started pushing the kids behind me in mama bear mode) I don't like the scare tactics they use nor do I fully trust the flu shots. (And I am not anti-vacc, my kids are fully vacc'ed) There just seem to be a lot of killer virus' on the loose lately and each comes with its own live (or dead but chemical and major side effects and not tested much) mutating virus with it.


    OH MY .......UGH. Nuff rambling from me I have to go find the nook that people killing spider! went. It jumped. huge. spider. *shivers* I think ...ugh.




    Sorry about that, one of my two phobias lol. Having a mini panic attack here.


    I honestly didn't even here about it and considering DH works at a major Aus company, they usually hit first with the "get the shots" and warnings.

  8. I read through 40 pages of search on Oak Meadow, and kept coming up with people giving odd comments about OM thinking, of course, that it included the sprituality of Anthroposophy (OM as far as I am aware, have pretty much removed all of the Anth. stuff, thus causing the ripples with Waldorf purists since Waldorfs "centre" is based around Anth. and removing it is akin to ripping the heart from the program.


    Personally I would prefer to do what I'm going to do (I got OM and a locally based waldorf curriculum, I can include as much as I would like, or not, depending upon my research).


    The comments were stuff like "anything "weird" in Highschool OM?" and "he's creepy and weird" etc.


    Note - As above OM is really separate from Waldorf curriculum.


    I just wanted further clarification on the hows/whys you (if you have that view, that is) think the way you do, was it something you read somewhere? Link? If you don't mind me asking, for those of you who think that of him are you strict christian/catholics? Just wondering if it was because of his slant upon the bible?


    I think its better to find what he was like when he was in his early 20's, look at his accomplishments and personal views, and then look at the stuff before he passed (a few people have known to turn around a go in a completely opposite direction near the end, whilst others fondly point back to what "they" count as their greatest accomplishments and thoughts, which gives more of an overview of the whole person.)


    I read the Wiki on Steiner, and it seems he dipped his hand into a lot of fields, and seemed to do a whole lot of good, many things we seem to take for granted today originated back from him, and he never went too far IMO (he was a philospher, philosophers are mostly known to have a few quirks or screws loose, it seems to be what makes them more fascinating, or more able to look at the world with a critical eye).


    I tend to go off on my own interest-led rabbit trails, so this is my new obsession..


    I think many people who were counted as nuts/loons during their time (and quite a while after) turned out to be misrepresented genius'.


    To be absolutely honest I don't understand his spiritual teachings fully (I haven't really looked at more than th basics, preferring to look more at his bios and views.


    The world would be boring if we were all the same, I know I'm a loon :p. I honestly don't know what I believe in regards to religious/spiritual. The bible could all be complete fact, it could be a mixture of older religions, or it could be a meant as a more meterophorical point of view. I have seen many passages that don't quite translate properly into english, therefore could lose something in the translation. I read somewhere that their are several levels of rabbi's, your everyday guidance rabbi who takes a more philosophical view to give you guidance, then three (or more...it was a while ago I read this) levels of "research" rabbi's who are split into groups pouring over the meanings of the torah (literal, meterophorical etc) and they spend their lives pouring over these passages, debating. Others take a more logical approach with translations (whether its a camel or a rope, neithers going to fit through the eye of the needle) (lol!) I think they have a good idea of things. I believe in something bigger than me, and I think religion is a life's quest, I pour over and soak up all sorts of texts (from OBE's to Alien Pyramids to Lost Jesus Papers, Bible Code and Ron Wyatts collection to more spiritual based books (Wiccan, pagan, Buddhist, reincarnation, karma etc) to of course, the bible which I own a few different versions & reproductions of older & ones in other languages)


    Before anyone brings too much heated battle into the midst GAWM that each person to their own, free will allows us to individually express ourselves and our faiths, and please be respectful & understanding for other religions :)


    So back to the original Q. ROFL!


    I'm not ready to approach purchasing a biographical book on Steiner (no money lol!) nor do I want to read through a book thats heavily biased or is too wordy (I spent the better part of the last week staring at steiner philosophy and an old medical journal, so my brains gone broke :( hehe.


    Thoughts on Mr Steiner himself, his deeds, what you think of the man, and seperately your thoughts on Anthroposophy, and of course any of his other works. (and if the people who made those comments are reading this, or people who have those thoughts, I would love to know what made you think that way).


    :lurk5: :seeya:

  9. Hi,


    First of all I want to apologize for what is going to be a huge blurt :glare: But,...it happens. I was going to just privately PM Nance again, but I figured there are quite a few other OMers out there, and I don't want to bother her too much with my incessant rambling :laugh:


    Let me explain my kids first -


    Atlas (newly 7) - Phonics - We went through hiccups trying to find the right reading curriculum for her, (first Sonlight & ETC - too much connected with writing, then OPGTR (she glazed over, and promptly forgot everything th next second), then AAR (problems with pronunciation (on my part, I do accents, and easily pick up other accents, so was starting to get confused as to whether I was pronouncing in American or Australian), then I bit the dust and purchased Fitzroy (Australia Phonics program that leads to other stuff (a little bit of handwriting, typing, spelling, grammar I think, basically covers most of LA). Maths - We're working our way through the Singapore Maths Earlybird 2yr program (pre-K/K) (2B), I was told roughly for Aus that it was a grade behind, so she should be finished that and moving onto 1st grade in a bit (but both she & I are naturals at math, so she could possibly skip the rest of earlybird). I am unsure about OM Math, I do have AGLF Math (I tend to end up collected ebooks somehow, I haven't read it, I also have other AGLF stuff). I believe I also have Miquon Math in PDF format as well.


    She is a very art/craft orientated person (to the point thats all she does in her free time). I had to do up Meal plans and work out budget yesterday, and she was upset so I gave her some scrap paper and some coloured construction paper. She found Xmas card gold pegs and string, and I came back to a washing line hung across the dining room with "lightsabers" she'd made pegged all across it lol. Shes also been making tape dresses for all the barbies this morning and made a mummified barbie before we began learning about egypt. Shes quite a good little artist and loves to draw.


    I would want to keep with Fitzroy Phonics for all of the kids but it can tend to be rather light on stuff other than phonics. I am unsure about OM math, as to whether to make that my main, I would love to her opinions on that. We would also keep her creative foldeChaos (5 1/5)r going (I buy stuff like anti-colouring books, lollipop logic, sparklers & tin man press stuff for her that she does in her free time.


    Chaos (5 1/5) - We are awaiting an assessment (could be upto 6 months) for Autism/SPD. He does not like colouring at all, and drawing depends on the directions (its pretty much a 50/50 chance). He's below Eve in concentration & attention, and can have some whoppers of tantrums/outbursts. Books bore him, he has certain "obsessions" (like Disney Cars, Chuggington), and would want a pain sketchbook just because it has McQueen on the cover. I could see him easily getting excited about parts of OM (making shapes from stick, seasonal table, etc) he's more the "doing" type boy. When doing workbooks he'll tend to try to go ahead of you, rambling scribbling stuff without waiting for instructions.


    We were doing HWOT Pre-K stuff the other day (find crayon, point to crayon, colour crayon) and he duly coloured the small crayon. When it turned out he had to colour the rest of the items on the page, he looked at me, then the book, dropped the crayon, and walked out. All without saying a word. LOL. Whether he thought that it was a waste of time or didn't want to do it, I have no idea. He also tends to nap during the day, especially when we are about to begin school. Because of still waiting for an assessment, I am unsure how to go on this. If you push, he will push right back. So I'm not sure how to approach things exactly with him. He's good with logic/puzzles, and will happily sit there playing the ipad/iphone, he watches too much TV, which needs to be fixed, him and Atlas tend to butt heads a lot.



    Eve (newly 4) - She is a very bright? child. I can't think of the word I want right now. She always wants to do school, is the teachers pet, will help me out with chores, do anything I ask of her, a perfect little obediant princess :laugh: She's very curious and interested, loves the outdoors, she's still working on her pencil grip so not the best at colouring/drawing right now. Shes basically a little girl who loves to play, no matter what it is :).


    Eve & Chaos also use Core Knowledge Preschool & Activity Books, I would probably keep up with this (since I spent a fair sum getting them out here) and just do them as a "little kids" time on the weekend (so every saturday just do the weeks worth together, theres never much)




    I would also keep HWOT if it was neccessary (not sure how OM goes about handwriting?), and the Aussie Social Studies books we have (these are nothing, I do 2 pages a week with Atlas, me reading a bit, then her doing something related (a drawing/fill in the blank etc) I only want to keep these as they are a niche australian Social Studies and end up working upto Aus Government & Politics at around Grade 7/8, its very basic, so is just a "native supplementary"). I want to keep Fitzroy Phonics, and am frankly unsure about OM Maths (would love to hear about it, or comparisons with SM, or what you do).


    I want to be in OM for the long haul.


    My Plan


    I want to remove everything (except summary parts above) and transfer over to Oak Meadow. I would like to combine them all and start with OMK, WWYD?


    Preferably I would like to do OMK for everyone and maybe get OM1 for Atlas just for LA & Maths. Would this work?


    I also am looking at getting (one time purchases, as idea supplementals) New Child Montessoris Guides (Seasonal Guides & Supplements, unsure about Art Guide) (these follow a yearly spiral and I love they have yoga and practical life stuff in there, I would just use it for inspiration for each year), and Little Acorn Learning (Handwork, Childcare & Enrichment Guides) (For extra art/craft ideas, my kids are art/craft mad lol, so another guide just to pull an item from now and again). I also get stuff from Earth*School (K&F Shops) For Holidays & Ocassions (I like to stop school on days like valentines day, mothers day etc and just do lots of fun crafts).


    I have CFS/ME plus other lil problems, so I have DVD/Game school for sick days (I cheat with DVD/CD-Rom/Internet schooling, they each have their own computer just for my sick days (and if needed for school of course). I have Fitzroy Phonics, Singapore Math, Happy Scientist, Sky Learning, Magic School Bus, Miss Marnies Tv Teacher stuff and other such stuff on their comps. Its my one cheating thing I need for my bad days, that plus LOTS of scrap paper (who knew I would be so happy oto make mistakes when printing stuff? lol) & craft supplies


    I would love to hear what other OM Users (or ex users) think, and opinions. Right now, we are seperating so much stuff between the kids causing me to have to jump back and forth/interruptions etc, and its all still too workbooky, we live on farming land and I'd much rather work "with" that, than against it (and maybe turn our verandah into an outdoor school/garden)


    The Questions


    Should I just get OMK?

    Should I get OM1 for LA & Maths for Atlas?

    Is it worth it to also get the Preschool Process & Heart Books (I think one of them is the same as the K one, I mean whichever the different one is)?

    Do you feel the need to add to OM Maths? What sort of child does OM Maths work for?

    How good is the LA for stuff other than phonics?


    If I had to seperate it would end up something like OM1 for Atlas and Preschool for Chaos & Eve, I don't really want to miss out on OMK for A though. Do you think Chaos would be ready for OM1 in 8 months (or so) though?


    Another option is doing OMK for Atlas (with OM1 for Maths & LA), and having Chaos & Eve do OM Pre-K, and follow along with what they want, then starting OMK again with them next year. Then I would end up doing 2 different grades (OMK and OM1/2, and they do prefer to all be doing the same thing, and get upset when they are left out, Atlas already gets upset about not doing Core Knowledge activity books ROFL..


    Help! lol


    Thanks :laugh:

  10. Thats the main reason why we are moving to Winter Promise. I love literature based curriculums, and rigorous studies, but being out of dream-world, I realize this type of thing doesn't work for my kids (for the moment anyway). Winter Promise is basically what I was trying to do, myself, on top of a classical curriculum. WP is probably the closes you would get to a project based boxed curriculum.


    The only con I have found so far, is for us its so perfect, that I get twitches every now and again, I'm one of those people who must tweak, and I have to slap myself every now and again not to "tweak" or add stuff, because its perfect how it is :tongue_smilie:


    Disclaimer: All the above is JMO, for our family, and what works for us.

  11. Winter Promise


    Hoot Chirp, Buzz & Bite

    Animal Habitats


    Elemental Science


    - New Sassafrass Living Books Curriculum

    - Grammar Stage Life Science


    WTM Recommendations


    - As per WTM


    Real Science Odyssey


    - Life Science


    Outdoor Hour Challenge


    - Made by same person who does the Harmony Fine Arts Curriculum. She has ebooks for Nature Studies


    Science Fusion''


    - Not sure how much of that sort of thing is uncluded, but it is on special at the Homeschool Buyers Co-op.


    AHA! Science


    - I believe there is a Life science thread of it


    Acorn Naturalists


    - Check out their site they have practically everything lol


    Queen Homeschool


    - Has a discovering nature curriculum


    4H Clubs


    - Have a study of insects program (and probably some others) http://www.4-h.org/resource-library/curriculum/4-h-teaming-with-insects/level-3/




    Handbook of Nature Study

    Burgess Books

    Other books mentioned by others above

    Take a walk series

    Animal Defences, Animal Senses etc (Animal Behaviour series)

    Squidoo Life Science Page: http://www.squidoo.com/life-science-unit-study

    Ambleside Nature Study Schedule http://www.amblesideonline.org/NatureSch.shtml

  12. Thank you, I have those links.

    I think I've figured out what do do (for the "planner" anyway)


    I'll come back and update, and probably blog when I've done it. Its a bit hard to explain, and since I haven't done it yet, I have to figure out problems as I go :D I'm so excited, I don't know why I haven't seen anybody do this (although someone somewhere in the world probably has)


    Off to make it :auto:

  13. I would put all three lots in my cart. But its a US only store. We had a store locally, that was like a Charity Megashop. Most books were 0.99 - 2.99, I used that place to start building up my lit collection. But then they unceremoniously shut down. Out here, no matter what, your looking at 5-10 a pop for any sort of book (and thats the lower end, most kids picture books or chapter books are usually about $20). So I would jump on it with all my might, considering the rate my kids get books read to them (and story collections are no good, we read in bed a LOT, and those big books are too hard to read in bed).


    BUT in the US, everything is easier to get for cheaper prices, so it depends on your current shelf, what sort of books you like to bring into your house, and what your kids like.

  14. I purchased it off an Aussie place that was having a sale. I planned to purchase it anyway.


    Flashcards in this house (as well as playing cards or anything else that is lots of pieces for a "set) is just asking for trouble.


    Singapore Maths asks for Flashcards & game for addition and subtraction upto 20.


    What I did was purchased:


    Snap it up Card Game (as suggested)

    Hot Dots Pen & Add & Subtract + More Add & More Sub (this can be done independantly)

    FlashMaster (this can also be done independantly)


    The flashmaster works because its only once piece, can be done indepedantly, and gives my kids the "electronics" they crave, thus eliminating it feeling like schoolwork. I find anythng that holds their attention, and doesn't feel like "school" a plus, as they will often sit there and play those things (feeling priviledged that mommy allows it) in their spare time, as its counted as games to them.


    Its good that there isn't lots of little cards that can be lost, destroyed by DS, or ripped up by Eve when she's having one of her "I'm tired" tantrums. Its nice a bag, feels sturdy, and looks like a game. I honestly have no doubt when I bring it out, Chaos(DS) will want to "play" with it too :D


    So, IMO, yes, I think its worth it.

  15. I would like to get Home Art Studio (I already have atelier coming) but I found out theres only one place to buy it, and they want to charge me $50-70 for shipping for K (I'm in Australia). So just Atelier it is.


    What it came across to me was that Atelier felt more serious, and HAS felt more like the fun Kindy Teacher type thing.


    We're going to have to deal with mummy's pieced together crafts curriculum, Drawing with Children, and Draw Write Now. It woud've been nice to have a little "Fun" arts/crafts dvd.

  16. Ones we're using for this year (3-7 age range for our 3 kiddos)


    Science Play: Beginning Discoveries for 2-6 year olds

    Sandbox Scientist: Real Science Activities for Little Kids

    Usborne Science Activities Vol 1

    Usborne Science Activities Vol 2


    Other enrichments:


    Bill Nye

    The Happy Scientist

    Pinterest Board

    AHA! Science (mostly for my 1st grader)

    Commercial Science Kits & Gadget pieces (Biology Madness, lots of little toys etc)

    Discover & Do DVDs (Sonlight science DVDs that go along with the Usborne books)


    Our Main things are Science Play & Sandbox Scientist with Happy Scientist for non-messy/sick days, and AHA! Science to beef things up a little for my oldest.

  17. Here's a few I have (or have coming):


    The Complete Guide to Aspergers - Tony Attwood

    No More Meltdowns - Jed Baker

    The Out of Sync Child - Carol Stock Kranowitz

    The Out of Sync Child has Fun - Carol Stock Kranowitz

    Raising a Sensory Smart Child - Lindsey Biel

    Growing an In Sync Child - Joye Newman

    Slow and Steady Get Me Ready - June Oberlander

    Autism Spectrum Disorders - Chantal Sicile-Kira

    Games for Learning - Peggy Kaye

    1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger's


    Another One I have looked at:


    How to get your child off the Refridgerator and onto Learning


    Some of these are reference books, some guides, some ideas, some activities and some are a big mix of some/all.

  18. Yeah. In a few days I might be able to explain better. I've probably had a total of 9 hours sleep in the past 5 days, so I'm running a bit on empty and probably not making much sense. I have a feeling Saturday is going to be a wash-out as I'll probably sleep all day :tongue_smilie:


    I'm thinking/having ideas about the following:


    *Main Subjects (maths, LA etc) have separate overviews/pages by week.

    * Electives/everything else on one page for the week

    * A running list of extra places (brainpop, movies, websites etc) if they want further info.

    arrrgghhh must go get the ju-ju :tongue_smilie: be right back....had to get lunch too

    *Something similar to a loop schedule (without the loop) to show me the rhythm of the day

    * Visual Schedule for the kids

    * Morning Circle Time (will be interspersed throughout the morning to make the contractions & expansions of rhythm) will include songs, dances, games, and morning board/calendar)

    * Morning time will also have DS's sensory therapy, movement, and Speech skills

    * Morning Basket (interspersed between circle time stuff) which will have most of the workbook/reading type stuff

    The late mornings/early afternoons are set aside for Winterpromise (Day1-Day4) and Science (Day 5). Winter Promise is Currently Hideaways in History, Science is just Experiments/Overviews/lots of messy goopy fun.

    * Afternoons will have items from "fifteen minutes outside" to show the closing of the day

    * 3 afternoons a week (before outside time) will be Family time Fitness.

    * 1 afternoons a week (before outside time) will be project time (for their own individual projects, not anything scheduled)

    * 1 afternoon a week (before outside time) will be Art-time (Atelier or Drawing with children stuff)

    * every afternoon, after the required fifteen minutes minimum outside, they have the choice of remaining outside (freeplay - non-structured) until DH arrives home or its dark (whichever comes first) or going back inside and going to the projects room, and playing/completing/starting their non-structured projects. They're allowed to work on their projects during any unstructured/no lessons times, and on weekends, holidays. Right now the project room is the sunroom, which is being used by the dogs. I'm hoping to get a dog run/cage with insulation and coverings (they bark at what they see rofl) for them to go in of a night instead, thus clearing out that room for projects, and meaning there is a supervised/contained area for it, otherwise Chaos(DS) will destroy/drag/explode all :p

    * I'm working on learning nooks/centres as well. I'm trying to figure out the way of making portable/contained "centres" as there can't be anything unlocked or Chaos will destroy it forever.


    So it sounds "scheduled" but thats the "perfect day" plans, and how often do those happen? :D lol. So I just want a basic checklist that shows everything for the entire week (Maths Lessons 1-4 check, WP 1-4 check, 1 science exp check, 5 x outdoor periods check, 3 x FTF lessons check) type thing. As with appointments, rabbit trails etc, we may end up on some days just doing bare minimum (phonics & maths), and otherdays we might do extra math/history/blah blah blah), so I don't want to assign days to everything, just amounts/lessons for the week.


    Oh and most of the stuff (which is all mainly bits and pieces apart from WinterPromise) was chosen by the kids, except the stuff for Chaos(DS) needs, and stuff they need to do (phonics, maths etc, but I added in supplements to make it more their style)

  19. I think a lot of PBL learners are pretty child directed when it comes to the projects themselves, so it might be hard to schedule those ahead of time?


    Pretty planning sheets for delight directed studies, but no check lists...



    My children have plenty of input when it comes to what we do, hence my complete break with what we had and a completely new way of doing things lol. They've all chosen what they like, what they want to do....its mum thats not keeping up. Mom unfortunately needs some sort of base plan, and the post-it notes aren't cutting it anymore, because they end up covering my entire journal :lol:


    I might have a wander around and look at the daily rhythm thing-a-ma-bobs from Montessori/Steiner/whomever :tongue_smilie: So technical, I is today. I seem to be functioning on too little sleep


    Thank you for the Walking by the Way link! I especially like the Idea map, I might be able to work with something like that...plus its pretty. :D I am so useless at making my own planners/lists/forms. They are all in Word or Excel, and any prettiness is from me highlighting and filling a box lol.

  20. Lol, we do use lit, but can't use a "spine" as this means either chapter book or encyclopedia, which my kids would just walk away trifling on about fairies :tongue_smilie:


    We're using Winterpromise as a base (so for this year that'll be history, next year will cover science), but what I want is a weekly checklist to tick off as we go, one that has not been separated into days and "scheduled"


    I have all of these resources here, I know how to do it, I was just hoping for "pretty pictures" to inspire me :tongue_smilie: Me likes the pretty pictures :D


    Right now, we use the Natural Learning Journal from here: (second one down) http://learning-alongside.com/record-keeping-free-printable

    This is to record stuff after we have done it


    I'm just suprised I can't find some sort of loose weekly schedule, that just gives items to be done for the week. It seems people either have daily scheduling (some even planning down to the minute) or you just don't plan, there seems to be no in between :confused:


    I had a lovely schedule, but we were just deciding what to do on what day when we got to it, so near the end of the week, stuff from "monday/day1" would be not all be checked, and stuff for "Thursday/day4" would all be checked etc. We would sort of skip around the week at hand. I see no point in making up a daily schedule, when we aren't going to do it that way. I want more of a loose weekly overview.


    Thank you, I found these pages useful that you linked (for info)

    Lapaz Farm - My planning post

    3plus2 - Seventh Grade Plans

    3plus2 - Where have I been?


    It really seems you either have the choice of firm scheduling or just recording afterwards. Weird though, you would think relaxed schoolers or PBL would have sort some of overview checklists, rather than schedules, but they probably go into the "no planning" route.

  21. :iagree: When I went in to each doctors I have been to about Chaos(DS), each doctor brought up something else, basically ignored/ridiculed etc. This last time I was prepared, but in a way I still wasn't. I knew I had to be ready to defend myself (for my son), but wasn't prepared to what degree, its been a few days, and there was no way I could even speak about it till now.


    In the course of one doctors visit I had to defend:


    My rights to be there, and the doctor basically counting me as an overprotective mother

    Some things my son did when he "suggested" that maybe I had over/underracted.

    Not coming in sooner (um, hello, I have tried several doctors)

    Ignoring my sons "signs" till now (no, I have not been)

    Not "preschooling" him at a public school



    PLUS a whole lot more I seem to have blanked from my memory. The simple fact is, it's hard to find a non-judging doctor. For some odd reason, doctors seem to like to poke/dig & ridicule. :confused:


    I got home just in time to burst into tears. I felt like a failure, I cried out of self-pity, I walloed a bucket about DS, and for the next 2 days I was basically a zombie, anything set me off crying again. The only thing I am proud of is I managed to make it home before I broke down. DH was stressed, so when I asked him to do something, he yelled, which set-off the enormous dam of tears.


    Even the most diligent mother, so I have been told, will go through periods where they will be like "See, there is something wrong, look at how he's...." then jumping to "no, there's nothing wrong, I mean look at how he's...." and back and forth. I went through this the whole time. Because of doctors acting as if every mother has the "only child" syndrome, I would believe I was over-reacting, which was then followed by a period where I got the "mothers inutuition" again.


    Had more people come up to me and actually said "well I noticed this about DS" I would of felt like I was not going insane, and I wasn't the only one to see it, and I probably would of pushed more diligently in getting a doctor to understand.

  22. Can they still be printed? Aren't most of their books workbooks? And if they can be printed, have you tried printing as a pdf?


    Lol, yes it can be printed (I purchased Lollipop Logic) what I am saying is the "book" is attached to that program (which requires windows or mac) and the file is downloaded into that program. I have not tried printing as a pdf (I have Bull pdf print), I shall try this (*slaps head* why did I not think of that?) hopefully, it should work, then I will have a PDF I can put in my Logic Folder! Its just lucky I actually had a desktop running windows, or I wouldn't of been able to download it at all.


    Thanks :D

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