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Posts posted by trailofsparks

  1. Recently, when an acquaintance discovered I homeschool my dc he remarked, "Wow... that's ambitious." Because I am a plodder - plan ahead and work slowly to reach very reasonable goals - I was stunned by his comment. However, the more I've reflected on it, the more I have had to agree. It is a rather ambitious undertaking :w00t: Sometimes that thought scares me b/c I am not a "go-getter" at all, in my mind.


    Eta My siggy is there to remind me of what it takes to get the job done: a steady trail of sparks.

  2. I know a teenaged girl who has had MULTIPLE health issues after having this vaccine. Her family and various doctors are pretty sure this is what caused it. She was perfectly healthy and into sports before this. It's been a long, hard road for her.


    Yes. Do a search on YouTube to see other testimonies like this. So, so sad. I agree with you, Tina. Big Pharma = Big Money:mad:

  3. I enjoy schooling in our basement, but I'm sure I would not if we didn't have a fairly large window. When my dc were younger, I also liked that I could see my younger playing in the backyard while schooling the other.


    I absolutely love shutting myself off to the rest of the world while focusing on school. Otherwise, I am easily sidetracked. In the basement, I am "free" from phone (or even hearing the answering machine), dishes, and seeing "all the things that need to be done". Free to focus on my number one priority. The only time this changes up is when we want to be near the fireplace on a cold winter day!


    Anyway, maybe some food for thought :)

  4. I read something years ago that resonated with me and is something I have revisited over the years (wish I could recall the source), which has proved effective in our family, though I will admit that so far we have not had a lot of defiance to deal with. I will also say, when I shared this tidbit with a frustrated mom of a foster child (read: she couldn't discipline with her regular form of spanking as she did with her own children per the legal foster parent contract), she said it worked with her fc.


    It is this: Rules without a Relationship equals Rebellion. I've remembered it by the 3 Rs, thus the caps. So, of course we, as the parents of our dc, have relationships with our dc - BUT sometimes we get busy w/life and don't give them the attn they need, thus they act out rebelliously especially when we implement punishment for it. Instead if we seek them out and spend more time with them, and get into their world, they automatically soften toward us and respond respectfully toward us.

  5. ...do things differently from me? Do you think they just don't understand that my way is easy and superior, or is it more that their values are corrupt?


    I see people all the time when I'm out and about. Some of them make choices very similar to mine, and you can tell that those people have a special radiance that everyone is drawn to. It really makes me wonder about the ones who don't do the same things I do. Should I pity them or feel contemptuous?


    Just looking for some input here... I genuinely want to understand.


    My dh just said he thinks I should print this post and hang it on our wall. And, yes, I am seriously considering doing so :D

  6. Warm colors, plants w/ lush foliage: Painting the exterior of your front door a warm color is inviting; hanging a personal touch on or near your front door; potted plants or flowering plants... splashes of color to greet your arrival.


    Same thing throughout the house. Plants are healthful in many ways. They are easy to propagate, and therefore an inexpensive way to enliven all spaces.


    I have my favorite (warm) color in every room of my home - splashes of it - in cushions, throws, potted plants, pictures, rugs, etc. Painted walls also does wonders.


    None of these touches are as pleasing when distracted by clutter, though, as other pp have said. I have spent a lot of time this summer getting rid of things that clutter. It's been freeing to get rid of the "sentimental" items I've kept for so long! I would agree that a peaceful home is a sacred home.


    For our home, peace must first be displayed in our relationships, interacting with one another respectfully. Then decluttering, organizing, and arranging items that are pleasing to my eye, as described.

  7. Glad you posted this! I've been having my kids do more meals on their own.... And I've been getting quite a lot of push back. They still must do it, even though I've secretly wondered if I've been asking "too much" of them! I know with my oldest entering middle school, and the subjects I need to cover with all my dc, I need help. It's a matter of keeping my sanity.


    For now, in preparation for the new school year, I am still making some breakfasts, while training them to take over by Sept. Lunches, I get out choices and they come up with what they want from there. I cook dinner M-F, dh cooks/grills on weekends. Since I hate cooking, this arrangement suits me fine. Of course, I'll like it best in Sept! :D

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