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Posts posted by trailofsparks

  1. You said for your part you were always open to a relationship with them. You also said re the Christmas cards that your mil probably kept them from fil. So, yes, you should feel free to go and grieve with those who grieve. Drama can only really happen if both parties engage - purpose in your mind not to engage. God bless.

  2. Chiros are not created equally.... Some specialize. I know of a chiro who referred his client to another chiro who specialized in scoliosis. Yes, expensive, but if the alternative is surgery and pins, I would put out the money. Btw, the chiro said wearing a brace only makes the curvature worse, which makes sense since the muscles weaken and can't hold the spine as well. HTH. Best wishes.

  3. :grouphug:


    Strider, I agree with you completely.


    So many of you have posted really beautiful stories of love and care at the end of life. What great souls you have. :)


    :iagree: This bears repeating. Generous souls!


    Further, I find the discussion here a bit enlightening. I have been carrying some pain due to the way relatives treated my dying one. I would accept no excuse... But people are people and we are at different points in the journey. God bless you, Strider.

  4. I second Katie regarding being vigilant about not only oneself but also those around you.


    Back in the Old Days, when I was young, if we did something stupid, only the witnesses who were physically present and looking the right way saw it. Unfortunately now, all it takes is one person with a camera and the entire world can be privy to your one moment of indiscretion.


    I might also mention to have fun and not let unrealistic expectations that "this is supposed to be one of the most memorable nights of your life" steal your enjoyment of the event. There will be many fun and exciting events in the future, probably many of them will outshine the prom. So relax and have a good time.


    :iagree: gosh, so much to think about. We'll be there someday soon enough, but everyone's input is good for daily business, too.

  5. Check out a paleo or primal cookbook from the library and see if you could eat this way, increasing toward a goal. Maybe start 50% daily paleo eating and move toward 90-100%. Cut out sugar, grains (yes, even "whole" grains), and all/most processed foods, combined with some form of exercise (walking, swimming, biking, rebounder, whatever!) WILL do it for you.


    Just start at a reasonable, but noticeable point. Do 50% paleo for a couple weeks, increase every few weeks. Same with some cardio and then add in some strength exercises.


    Search the forums...lots of talk about paleo lately and exercise programs. Best to you!

  6. Cook frozen beef separately (lazy started in the morning when I forgot to take it out of the freezer). When almost cooked, throw in some Organic All-Purpose Seasoning (from Costco).


    Cook Quinoa (2:1 water)


    While these are cooking, wash and chop bell peppers and zucchini and place atop Quinoa when it's nearly done. A couple minutes later throw grape tomatoes on top of other vegs. Turn off and let sit until meat is done.


    Toss all together in quinoa pot, mix in feta cheese crumbles. Prep is 15 min.:auto:


    Ok, on super lazy/busy nights, eggs and toast, brats and salad.


    OP, I like your ckn roast and veggies plan!

  7. Because people don't value things that are free. They have nothing to loose by not showing up.


    It's the same reason why I charge a fee for all field trips I organize even if the venue doesn't charge a fee. You let the venue know that you have 50 people committed so they schedule extra volunteers. Then, because they have nothing to loose, 30 people decide to skip it. You are left embarrassed and apologizing for the group; and they have a bad impression of homeschoolers. So, I charge to give people some sense of commitment. Then I donate the money I collected. Now the venue has a better opinion of the homeschool group; they showed up and donated to the cause.



    Super great idea!

  8. On various levels already mentioned, I would definitely have a problem with someone teaching in a public classroom wearing a niqab. I agree with Germany's view, basically. I get so tired of how we bend over backwards to accommodate other cultures!


    Let people of various cultures and religions practice in ways that do not affect others, whether privately or publicly. In America, communication is understood through body language in large part. So, I would not tolerate my dc to be without that for an entire year of their learning.


    If wearing a niqab is that important (where she would not remove it to teach - or she would throw it back over her face ONLY when men walked into her classroom.... This would certainly demand an explanation to observant, curious children, after all) I could not support this.

  9. In my kids' experience, asking the offending kids questions has always worked best. it stops the offender, giving them pause to think about their behavior and *why* they did that rude thing. if they say, "to provoke you" (never heard tis one before!) teach your kid to shrug and say, "ok" and move on to the next thing. My oldest is good at asking questions or confronting extremely rude behaviors, and they have always stopped. But telling a kid to ignore without any other interaction hasn't been effective here.


    Do some role playing to empower your ds.

  10. If my dc don't rinse and stack their dishes, for example, the consequence is I call them to do it when they are in the middle of doing something, which of course no one likes :D. I have purposed to be more vigilant and call them into account for their (selfish) actions. I don't berate them or nag them....I have them do the thing they didn't do when they should have and I remind them of 2 things at that moment: It would have been more convenient if they'd done it immediately and it is what dh and I expect of them. That's it. It is training that's needed - consistency over a long period of time.

  11. Well, the second baby screams non stop, doesn't sleep 6 hours a night like her first and spits up only on her good clothes. The baby is now 1.5 months and still does not sleep.


    My 2nd was like this (after having a perfect first;)). I wish I had taken my db to a chiropractor. Db was born sooo fast.... I've wondered for yrs if an adjustment would have helped since nothing else did.

  12. Yes, go and be that support this young mother needs. Think of her as just any girl who chose life instead of an abortion and her baby as you would tenderly treat any newborn. A gift of clothes, blanket, or whatever little thing will help her care for him would be perfect. I would not allow emotions to creep in at this point, just be the caring and wise mature woman she obviously doesn't have in her life. Your situation is very hard and it sounds like your good at turning a bad situation into something tolerable for your family.


    :iagree: with this, exactly.

  13. Yes, and some of us have given up church attendance because it's just too painful...




    Thank you for this! It is so true. I dislike:


    - everyone walk around and shake hands and greet each other

    - get in a circle and talk about ... With people I do not know very well

    - get in a circle and everyone take a turn praying aloud


    In fact, I do not like forced group interaction. I get the relationship aspect but relationships should form naturally. I have plenty of relationships but none that were ever forced on me.


    I didn't even have a receiving line at my wedding because I couldn't bear the thought of it!


    And the fact that I don't like praying aloud in front of a group doesn't make me LESS Christian than someone else!!!


    Because of all this forced interaction, I end up coming to church late, or leaving early, or going to the bathroom a lot to escape these activities.




    :iagree: and, to add to your list.....I have had people comment on my and other's prayers! No one asked for your commentary :glare: very much dislike everything on your list, too.

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