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Posts posted by Oakblossoms

  1. I'm not there and I don't have so many children. But, personally I would just pick the ones I was really interested in and read those. Your children just have so much more time than you do. I think books on CD would be great though. Perhaps if you don't have one already you can ask for a iPod or MP3 player as a gift for Mother's Day. I know our library know has audio books available for download (ours doesn't work for MAC/ipod though) and that would help for getting them on without having to add another thing to the library list. But, you should be able to finish some just while washing up and doing laundry.

  2. I originally wanted to homeschool because I wanted my children to have freedom to learn and have leisurely days. I wanted them to be able to savor the books they read and have a say in how they learned.


    Where we used to live it seemed a lot of people homeschooled because of Faith (Christian overwhelmingly), but now we live right in the midst of a big city. We belong to a public program and there are all sorts of people with all sorts of reasons.


    Some of those reasons include special need children like Aspie, ADD who suddenly don't have many if any problems anymore, children who generally dislike school, dissatisfaction in the school system and it seems a lot of us have the first reason I mentioned. Letting children have some freedom and time to ponder. A chance to grow without everyone butting in.




    I answered that faith does have some say because my oldest does have some rather strong convictions and when he tried public school last year he felt hampered in his faith.

  3. I'm interested, too. My 8 year old is finally reading without being awful to himself. He is reading Danny and the Dinosaur right now. It's a book with three in one. I figure I would just go through the Cat and Hat, Easy readers at the library.


    My oldest went from learning to short novels like Magic Treehouse, so I need some more ideas.

  4. We really like the German ones. The colors are smoothness are amazing.

    We buy ours locally but here is an example of what to look for. http://www.artistcraftsman.com/lyraPencils/index.html


    I used to use Prismacolor, but I think these are even better. My kids use the triangular shaped ones which are nice because they don't roll AND the lead is really thick all the way through.


    My younger guy uses their crayons and we have markers, too.

  5. I have a ticked Border Collie. This means he has lucious long white hair that lives under everything.


    I try to brush often. But, that's easier with long hair. We have wood floors so I use the same type of stick mop. I try to sweep and mop daily. I have an old spray bottle that I put in some watered down Trader Joes spray cleaner in. I just spray a bit and mop the high traffic areas. It doesn't take too long and if I do it every other day then it's pretty tidy.

  6. Before I plan anything I figure out what we can do together. We do History and Science together. While we do those I keep something handy for notes. That is usually a pad of sticky notes. I can then jot down those annoying bright ideas I have and not run off to the computer or various other corner somewhere.


    I only do 2 weeks at a time. Otherwise I feel so disappointed in myself if we stray. I just look ahead an order some library stuff for History/Science and fill in what we accomplish in Math. Language Arts is just do the next thing. One page goals are plenty for my guys.


    We are out of the house 5 days a week and we all need room to breath. I've accepted our limitations in this area. There are some academics that have taken us more time. (History is going to take more than one year.) But, we can make those up this summer when there aren't so many fun classes to be apart of!

  7. We usually do it once or twice a week for 2-4 hours. We don't do much else that day. It seems to be working better for us. We take classes outside the home 5 days a week. I find if we try to do a little bit everyday it just doesn't work well with us. Since, we have started this we are progressing much faster. It's hard to wrangle 3 boys down all week. It's much easier to give them chocolate and hold them still while I can.


    I guess it depends on what curriculum you are using and what your expectations are for your children. My oldest is just starting to write more. He is an Aspie and it's been difficult for him. So, we are not doing outlining yet. We do SOTW/MOH together, read books, watch DVDs, SOTW student pages, activities (more since doing History in a big lump)...

  8. I didn't answer the poll. But, I'm 31 and most people think I'm about 10 years younger. I guess I don't act like a grown up:tongue_smilie: My female acquaintances and friends are of a wide age range. I just prefer married with children. I have some single friends and it's often hard to hang out with them.


    So many people are having children when they are older that I'm often the one with the older children. I would prefer our children are a compatible age and that the mother is similar to me. I don't care about her age.

  9. If she is prone to constipation than it is probably dairy. PB on 3 seed bread is excellent.


    Could she be getting in some molars?


    One of my boys is a little guy and had weight gain problems. He has always loved smoothies. I've gotten good at adding things into those. Oatmeal, avocado, flaxseed, fish or flax oil, coconut oil are all things that can be added to ump the nutrition.


    Dad's Sneaky pudding which can be found by scrolling down is a great snack http://www.vegfamily.com/babies-and-toddlers/weight-gain-veg-toddlers.htm

  10. One of the things that makes up for our move (we moved from out in the country to right in the middle of a large city) is the cost of gas. We pay a few hundred more per month for this house but we make up for it in that fact that we don't need much gas. We bike, walk, or occasionally take the bus for going most places.


    That must really hurt!

  11. We are using SOTW/MOH at the same time using the outline from Paula's Archives. The MOH gives my 5th grader a little extra plus he is really interested in Christian viewpoints/church history. I really like that it's pretty low cost, I can use the library, and there are plenty of projects to choose from and worksheets from SOTW. I'm really, really happy at this point and things are going well. But, I'm curious what would TOG offer me that might change my mind.


    (I'm trying to plan for next year)

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