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Posts posted by caedmyn

  1. That is tough. I know she's young, but have you considering asking her if she thinks she'd be happier in a different class? I don't have any specific suggestions, but maybe there's something you could do with her on the weekends to help her "get" the writing a little more. Would it be any easier for her if each assignment was broken down a little more? Maybe she could do one or two sentences and then take a break for a while before doing one or two more sentences?

  2. Have you tried doing nature study instead of science? You can read about how Charlotte Mason homeschoolers do it, on Ambleside or Simply Charlotte Mason, because there's no experimenting, no cleanup, just go outside, walk around, sketch something, come home. Believe me, kids get a solid grounding in science. You can bring a bird watching manual, plant identification guide, whatever you want along with you.

    You can also read related nature books as their interests are piqued.

    So little work for so much learning, imo...


    I have thought about it, but it's extremely windy here for 7-8 months of the year and nobody wants to go outside when it's cold & windy (especially with small children). I do want to encourage nature study during the summer though.

  3. Could this be adapted to leave out some of the lessons or make them shorter/simpler? I'm considering using for afterschooling next year, but right now we're only afterschooling three days a week for about 30 minutes and I don't know if we'll have any more time than that next year. If I could leave out some lessons and shorten others we could do it three days a week more or less year round.


    I did download the free Oceanography sample but I can't really tell from that if the rest of it has parts that could be eliminated or simplified.

  4. It seems so...unstructured! I don't have trouble finding books or videos or whatnot on different topics, but I have no idea how to go about finding hands-on activities. I stink at hands-on activities in general...I skip right through all the ones in FIAR and even try to avoid getting play-doh and messy art supplies out for my kids because the clean-up drives me nuts (where's the bag-over-head smilie when you need it?).

  5. I think I was pretty much back to doing everything 10 days after my first was born. But that was a light load with only one kid, not much housework, and a mellow baby who didn't wake much at night!


    I tried to completely rest for a week after my 2nd & 3rd and take it really easy for at least another week afterward. I could definitely tell that I bled more on the days I tried to do more stuff. I think I would have been done bleeding at 2 week PP if I'd just rested the whole two weeks.


    But I also tend to feel awful and exhausted for quite a while after my births (well after my 2nd & 3rd) so I'd be less likely to rest if I felt fine, bleeding or not.

  6. I have some mom jeans. I try not to wear them because they're too high waisted. I have some sort of cute butt jeans, but they dip too low in front and give me a muffin top...plus my shirts never quite seem to be long enough to prevent the dreaded "wardrobe malfunction" when I sit down. and I have a size 6 waist and size 8 hips so it's darn near impossible to get a pair of non-elastic waist pants that actually fit. And I'm cheap and have very long legs so my pants are always too short (long lengths only come in the really expensive jeans). I'm hopeless at fashion.

  7. My kids are young so this won't be an issue for a long while...but I'd be inclined to say, "here is what we can give you for college. That will cover the two years you need to get your degree at a state school, or one year at the out-of-state school that will take you four years to graduate (or whatever it would actually cover)." Then sit down and show her all the different options. Make sure she understand how much she'll be repaying each month if she chooses to get student loans.


    As a PP said, it really makes financial sense to take a gap year, move to the new state, and work there for a year to gain residency so she can qualify for in-state tuition, if she's really set on attending a pricey out-of-state school.

  8. What difference does it make to the people who make false claims about speed advantages of cursive?


    It obviously IS faster for some people. If you don't want to teach it, don't teach it...that doesn't mean it cannot have value for others. You seem quite set on proving that learning cursive NEVER has value and CANNOT be faster than printing.


    IMHO, the process of learning cursive is valuable if for no other reason than because it introduces the concept of connecting letters together...I suspect it's generally faster for most people to connect letters together than to print each one individually, whether or not you actually use cursive to connect letter together.

  9. Would/do you just do a full program for science like Elemental Science, or ...?? The science at DD's school is very light and has virtually no hands-on. (This would be for next year.) I'd like to supplement, but not spend a lot of time on science. And I cannot piece something together...science (or anything else) will never get done if I have to put it together!

  10. The shoe pile is driving me nuts! We don't have a separate mudroom or entryway. There's a small area in front of the front door with linoleum, and that's it. Right now everybody tosses their shoes under the end table next to the front door. I'd like those shoes out of my sight but I don't know where else to put them. We have a very small coat closet, but it's an odd shape (it's over a set of stairs and the floor is raised), and I haven't come up with a good way to store shoes there.


    If you don't have a separate mudroom or coat closet large enough for the shoe pile, how do you store/organize everyone's shoes?

  11. I just found this thread searching because apologia is just not working as well as I hoped. Ds LOVES SOTW, not so much science (we're doing astronomy, which he loves as a topic, just not as much in that book).


    Which curriculums are either creation based or "neutral" in that they don't promote or even discuss either creation or evolution? I know real science 4 kids claims to be neutral, but am not sure on the others (other than the ones labeled "Christian" obviously).


    And I agree with the pp, there needs to be a good strong science spine... SWB needs to get her degree in science. ;)


    God's Design for Science is creation based...I believe it's YE creation since it's sold by Answers in Genesis but I'm not 100% sure of that. As far as I can tell, you can use the books as spines (alone if you're short on time, or add the suggested books if you have more time) and it looks like each lesson has an activity or experiment to go with it. I think it'd be more of a light science used alone.

  12. That's what I was initially planning on doing (well starting with Sonlight A spread over two years), but I've realized that I really want to pick and choose and not just use one program. Plus we're not doing every subject like we would if we were HS'ing instead of AS'ing, so a complete program would just be too much. And I also realized that doing Sonlight, even spread over two years, was going to take a lot more time than I have to spend on extra schooling ATM.

  13. Just to add some new suggestion...what about Truthquest either as a stand-alone or to supplement with? It's (from what I understand, haven't used it) a really detailed booklist with some commentary from a Christian perspective.


    Queen's A Living History is coming out with world history but I'm not sure if the first one will be out by next year.

  14. On the other hand, I think that some of the responding folks are just trying to understand why you're tolerating your dd having to entertain herself when it's a private school that you're paying for (vs. public). My dd went to K last year reading already and her public school teachers had to teach the other kids to read. They always had material prepared for her to work on, and I never felt like I had to send stuff with her to keep her busy. Perhaps you need to pressure her teacher more on this?


    I would never choose to put my child in public school...too many people & things I don't want her exposed to there.


    It's not that they don't have stuff for her to do, it's more that she wants different stuff to do, and I'd like to be able to think of stuff to send with her that goes along with our afterschooling.

  15. Does the school use ACE School of Tomorrow/Paces?


    I have no suggestions because I don't "get" this model for a school. It sounds boring by nature, so I'm not surprised your DD is bored. It sounds like the SRA reading comprehension cards we used to have to do in school; we moved individually through each colored box at our own pace. It was easy, but I hated it and would have rather spent the time reading books. Do they do any group work, discussions, or other activities? I can't see the advantages of such a set-up even though the students work at their own pace.


    Yes they use ACE. It's designed for kids of all abilities to be able to be essentially self-taught...so it's not going to be a heavy or hands-on curriculum. But I went through it K-12 and I didn't find it boring. Not the most comprehensive maybe, but not boring.

  16. So, you are paying for private school in which you dc sits and learns nothing and you are required to send in stuff to keep her 'occupied'. And ummmm....it's complicated? How complicated can it be to keep your dc home or send her to a better school? Sounds more like you are wasting your hard earned money!


    I never said she was learning nothing. She is required to do the learning-to-read program initially which takes about three months, and she does already know how to read. But she didn't learn using their program and she does enjoy learning the new song, animal, and story for each sound they introduce. Actually she LOVES the songs. And she likes doing the workbooks they use. She just doesn't have enough to keep her busy at this stage. Once she finishes the learning-to-read part she'll be able to move ahead at her own pace and not have so much down time.


    And this IS the Afterschooling board...I would assume those hanging out here have their reasons for sending their children to school instead of HS'ing.

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