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Posts posted by caedmyn

  1. Circumcision is not "brutal." Performed properly (with a topical anesthetic followed by a local) it is a pain-free procedure that brings a life-time of benefits.



    Umm...have you seen it done? I was in the room with both of my boys when they were circ'd and it wasn't pleasant. Topical anesthetic followed by lidocaine injection. The doctor waited plenty of time for the anesthetic to take effect (seemed like forever). It was NOT pain-free for them, and it was traumatic judging by their behavior for the following 12 hours. They were both 8 days old at the time (and no we are not Jewish) and I'd had enough time to get an idea of what normal behavior for them was, and it was very different the rest of the day after they were circ'd.

  2. In my view and how I was raised, these are the decisions that ought to be agreed upon before they become a pressing issue. Preferably about the same time when prospective marriage matters in general are discussed. Just like with property arrangements and prenupts, if this issue is of a great importance to the couple, it is preferable to put the decision in writing and to specify, in a case of a disagreement, whose wishes will be followed.


    We put it in writing as a result of the disagreement, but thankfully, three daughters later and unlikely to have further children, it never turned out relevant to be applied.


    Who thinks of discussing circumcision of a future son before marriage? Certainly not something that I ever though of. Not circ'ing never would have occurred to me then anyway.


    Even if you did discuss it before marriage, viewpoints could very well change years down the road. DH and I discussed all sorts of things before we married and we agreed on things. Eight years later I've changed a great deal and lean a lot more toward the "natural" side of things and now there is a whole lot we don't agree on anymore.

  3. I was/am adamently against it but DH would and will not hear a word on the subject and he said YES. I felt like I didn't have a choice but to agree--he made it pretty clear he would have taken the boys in to get it done without my consent (and apparently the doctor's office told him they'd do it with just one parent's consent). I stayed in the room with my babies and it sucked. Especially the second time when DH & the doctor sat there and cracked jokes. I'm sure it'll happen the same way if we were to have another boy, but I will take them in alone this time and not have to deal with DH making it worse.

  4. I think it could be for either, though I'd probably think boy if I saw it because usually people use girly colors for girls. Honestly though, a lot of people will randomly call your DC a boy or a girl without paying any attention to what they are wearing/wrapped in, so it really doesn't matter! I've had my boys called girls several times when they are clearly wearing BLUE.

  5. The Student Journal has map work, timeline projects, reviews, word searches, Bible copywork, etc., as well as notebooking. I like the book a lot; however, the journal is best for 3rd grade and up. There is quite a bit of writing involved.


    Is there enough stuff in there that a 6 YO could do to make it worth getting? I was thinking that the reviews might be necessary to the program, and the timeline and maps... I probably wouldn't have her do any writing though.

  6. We live in Montana. Our doors are usually locked, but that's just because they don't get unlocked most days (we go in and out through the garage and not the front door most of the time). I don't have a problem leaving the doors unlocked all day, though I do try to remember to lock them if we go to town (though not if we go for a walk). And I do lock them at night. DH leaves his keys in his truck overnight quite often (I wish he wouldn't though).

  7. It really bugs me when folks will skimp on nutrition in the name of saving a buck. They've had a TV show for several years, they reportedly have no debt. Can't they afford to at least buy more healthful foods? I mean, you know, replace the iceberg lettuce with romaine, etc, etc, etc.? And that tater tot casserole...blech is right!


    Really, doesn't a fair percent of the population eat like this? Where do you think all those heads of iceberg lettuce in the store go? I'm continually amazed at the things people eat, and feed their children (candy and fast food every day? seriously?) I grew up eating iceberg lettuce and tator tot casserole. I'm not saying I think it's healthy (and my crappy diet for most of my life might explain why my children have so many food intolerances, but that's a different story). I'm just saying I don't think it's at all out-of-the-ordinary.

  8. Pat in MI---


    Do you feel the text is "talking down" to the student like I've read in some reviews? What is the age of dd or ds you are using it with?




    I'm not Pat, but I do have the first book. I don't think it talks down, but IMO this one is geared more toward kids on the younger end of the 5-12 YO age range (so maybe 5-9 or 10). They're supposed to get more advanced as they go along from what I've heard.


    ETA: It does say stuff like, "Have you ever wondered...", "my friend" (addressed to the reader), and things like that. Maybe that's what people consider talking down?

  9. Not me saying it! It may change as they get older but DD was very mellow & easygoing and still is for the most part. Sometimes I think I have PTSD from DS1's babyhood...all my memories of him as a baby are of him screaming at the top of his lungs and puking like a fountain. He's very strong-willed, very intense, and climbs like a monkey to boot. I really cannot imagine having a more difficult child. DS2 is sort of in-between the other two. I would not consider him to be a mellow child, but he's not as intense as his brother. He's a climber too, unfortunately. If we have another I want another GIRL!

  10. We're trying to stick to a budget of $450/mo for food and $50/mo for household stuff (ie cleaning stuff, toilet paper, etc). So that'd be in the $100-$150/week range. We eat a mostly whole foods diet (except for DH who eats a lot of processed foods). We do eat a lot of cheap stuff like potatoes and beans, but we also eat a lot of meat, expensive gluten-free grains, and lots and lots of butter so those drive the costs up. Oh and my family eats a TON. The kids and I all have really high metabolisms and I think each of us eats half again what the average person of our age would eat. And DH is a big guy so he eats a lot too.

  11. I haven't used it either, but I got the impression after looking at samples & the TOC for the student journals for volumes I & II that one of them was almost all narration/copywork stuff, and one had a fair amount of other stuff in it. I honestly don't remember which was which though. If you don't get any useful responses, you could take a look at the samples on her website and on Queen's website (they have different samples) and that might give you a better idea. You could also try posting your question on the yahoo group.

  12. I'm thinking about buying the 1999 edition of Kathy Troxel's Geography Songs. I know there are some changes that have been made, but I'm wondering if it'd be much of an issue just using an older version versus the latest one. I found a list of world map changes on Wikipedia and it looks like there only been a couple of more major changes (like Yugoslavia into Serbia & some other countries), with a few country capital changes and a few minor name changes that don't really matter to me (like Republic of Hungary changed to Hungary).

  13. I have a chin-length bob with no fringe (bangs). It stays out of my face unless it's windy. It's roughly like this. I just roughly blow dry it with my head upside down, then brush the ends underneath.




    I like this look...but maybe with bangs, because it would take a long time to grow my bangs out to chin length. I wonder if that would work for me though--my hair has a lot of body to it and it just poofs out near the bottom. It was even worse when I blow dried it! Actually my last cut was a chin length bob, but I got way too much poof with it.

  14. I have a 6 YO, and I wouldn't let her (now or ever) sleepover anywhere we didn't know the parents well. Even if we knew them well I would want to know what activities they'd be doing and what the level of supervision will be (and if we knew the family well I'd probably already have a good idea of what the supervision level would be). She has had one friend sleepover at our house twice though.


    I will never, even allow my boys to do a sleepover. Not after hearing the experiences of a (male) childhood friend at sleepovers with a bunch of other boys raised in good families.

  15. ...that's low maintenance (quick to style) and keeps hair out of your face without clips or scrunchies or headbands? I have never had a hair style I actually liked and I am tired of braiding my hair or using clips, but I cannot stand hair flopping in my face either. I have shoulder length hair with bangs. I'd be willing to cut it to chin length, but no shorter (no pixie cuts!).

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