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Everything posted by BlueTaelon

  1. Along that line of thought would hosting someone from another country be a good way for them to learn?
  2. I just did it and disagreed with all but 1 recc it gave me, it seems geared to Christian hs'ers and only offered stuff that I won't use like Saxon and spectrum for secular options. It didn't give me a single online option even though I selected online options.
  3. Anymore feedback yet? Does anyone feel this can replace the actual HoE? They just released level 2 about a week ago.
  4. That works but it's missing something, I color each sylible a different contrasting color. The idea was in Reeds book:)
  5. Could be worse, the border for the district is an hour past us. The teacher already checked, there is only 1 family in my area and they picked a different test site and already tested. There are I believe 5 test sites total, all within an hour of each other in a cluster. I have heard 1st hand what happens when you don't return the materials within 10 days (there are some weird rules on ripping out pages and such before returning too or they don't give return credit) Anyway, the family I know of from last year received a full bill for the total amount of materials received. The snarky part of me wants to just keep the Ipad (we LOVE that thing!) and pay the bill but they sent last years family to collections pretty quick when they didn't jump though all the hoops. It got REALLY ugly.
  6. We tried PS, it was a DISASTER:( IME having an ADHD kid, if they are giving you grief over school its often because the material is not a good fit or how its being taught. These kids are actually being understimulated, yeah, that was hard to wrap my brain around but presenting them with highly visual material that doesn't rely on text or listening skills does wonders for them and getting them to cooperate:) Letting them sit on an exercise/birth ball while working does wonders too lol, yes it drives you nuts but it lets them get the wigglies out while working and after a few days of goofing off they figure out the balancing while working.
  7. The school is 6 hours away (they cover half the state), can I fax it and make sure to get that confirmation print out that it went though?
  8. This is the schools policy on the issue, the bolding is theirs, the coloring is mine. We already got 1 "truancy" like the 1 or 2nd month of school because we all got the flu and had to reschedule the monthly ES meeting for 3 days later. Truancy Definition The definition of "truancy" for this charter School is defined in the policy below as a missed appointment/attendance period. This is not the same definition of "truancy" as defined by California Education Code, nor are the practices and procedure below defined by California Education Code, but by this charter school. Truancy Policy Charter School students who are truant for two school attendance periods (length of time between meetings with an ES, but no more than 20 days maximum) or have 2 missed appointments within the same school year, or a combination of the above, will be dropped from the school and will not be permitted to re-enroll in the school at a later date. Please note that the truant attendance periods within one school year do not have to be consecutive. Truancy is documented on the Attendance Roll Sheet as 50% or less attendance during any consecutive school days on the student's calendar track (example: 10 truant school days over a 20 day period). A missed appointment is a mandatory assessment date missed or any other school required meeting missed. Mandatory assessments include, but are not limited to, Scantron testing and state testing. Also, please note that there are no “excused†absences or “excused†missed appointments. Full attendance is based on work in 5 growth areas for a K – 8 student or a high school student attempting a minimum of 25 credits A parental note to get out of testing would be an excused absence at regular B&M schools I would think. Anyway, were hoping to move out of state this summer but want to finish out the year here and wanted the option to return next year since its the best charter option around, just has sucky testing policies.
  9. Its not a virtual school:) This is from the email I got from the teacher today: If you are sick you should find someone else to drive S to testing, Tuesday and Wednesday. If S is unable to attend due to illness she will need a doctor’s note dated she went to the doctor on the day of testing (both days) showing she is unable to attend. So basically I would have to take her to the Dr both Tues and Wed and get notes both days saying she's sick (she's over it now, were not), and make ups are Thurs/Fri and would be even longer driving since its in LA, we have never made it home from LA in less then 5 hours due to traffic and oh joy its on the other side of LA.
  10. I had planned to go to state testing which is 3 hours away, we would stay with family who lives only an hour and a half from the test site for the 2 days of testing. We have a problem, both I and my 5 yr old are sick and were supposed to leave tomorrow, my cousin has a 6 mo old baby and a 3 yr old with a heart condition and very understandably does not want sick people at her house (I'm the same way). So we have no place to stay. I can't afford a hotel room period. Were now facing driving 3 hours there daily (testing starts at 9am) then back home. Assuming we won't hit horrid traffic passing by LA. So 2 days of testing = 12 hours of driving, thats with no traffic. Gas cost is about $100. (which is a hardship for us) We don't go and they drop her as truant and notify the local school dist she's no longer enrolled. I've heard from a couple of families that used our charter last year and it got pretty ugly. Hence my debating dropping her tomorrow (testing starts Tuesday) so we avoid the truancy issue. The school does not honor that little state law that says we can opt out, well, actually they do but they are clear you will be dropped and not welcomed back ever. We like this school, nice budget and they pay for all our goodies from K12 to Ipad to TT to Brainpop. The teacher told us if I can't take her I need to find someone who can (I have no one that can do 6 hours of driving in 1 day plus 4 hours of testing 2 days in a row) I'm miffed, we have worked really hard this year to catch her up and she's been getting all A's and B's. Were 19 days short of a report card she has worked hard for. We would have to return ALL materials the school paid for within 10 days of her leaving the school or we have to pay for them so no holding on to the materials to finish out the year. My front breaks are also really low which worries me driving roughly 600 miles in 2 days on busy roads. So while not a driving factor its a thought in my mind. (Rear were replaced 2 mo ago, won't have enough $ to do the front until June) WWYD? ETA: How do I make them let us opt out of testing as the law allows without dropping her as truant? I know we won't be allowed to go back next year but it would allow us to finish out the year.
  11. http://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/yourteacher-freebie/
  12. The 1 lady talked to me about her beliefs, the school lady I took a wild guess since she's in an area with a very very high LDS population and while I'm guessing it won't make sense but I've found most LDS women have a "tone" to their speech. Not saying its neg or pos, its like an accent but with tone. Ridiculous I know but its something I have noticed. I'm down to 1 kid and school just got out so hopefully her little playmate will be out soon, I'm going to go read a book now and enjoy some silence, oh yes, and EAT SOMETHING while I relax:)
  13. I am very burned out and upset with my children today. My only positive thought is in 15 minutes the behavior councilor lady (totally ineffective but gives me a break from them for an hour) will be here and deal with them for an hour then take the older one away for group counseling for an hour. With luck the younger will go play with the neighbor kid for an hour and I can get a break and some peace and quiet. My stress level is though the roof this week with everything going on and 90% of its being caused by misbehaving kids.
  14. Its a great idea until your children realize it doesn't mean your going to stop your call immediately and give them your full attention. Its the whole waiting for you that's the problem. They want you NOW and to heck with your needs.
  15. I wasn't focused on the iPad, I was just holding it because I had been using it when the phone rang 30 seconds before. I have locked myself in the bathroom, that leads to children yelling though the door and knocking non stop. Its like waving a flag saying "come harass me!":glare::( Yes, I know, my children have no manners and every attempt to teach them as failed:(
  16. Suggestions on how to do this? I have tried everything from time outs to spanking for interrupting and nothing works. They. just. don't. get. it!
  17. I thought it might be an LDS thing because the LDS I have been around are almost a different breed of people. They are rather different then the rest of the people around here. Were talking the difference between the English and the Amish kinda different. Just radically different world views and social rules it seems. I wish there was a book out there that tells you how to interact with them without offending and understanding where their coming from you know? I mean simple little things you wouldn't think could offend do. I wouldn't think saying the word "butt" is offensive but apparently to the LDS it is. I need a handbook on how to avoid those land mines lol:)
  18. I'm afraid I didn't ask to be excused for a moment, it literally hit all at the same second and I reacted out of habit dealing with the kids. The evil eye doesn't work with my kids, NOTHING works with my kids:( Its been a REALLY BAD week:( She was from the school district where were moving to and I need help locating a charter that will meet our needs. I was a bit embarrassed by taking 30 seconds to place the woman, the entire call lasted 38 seconds:(
  19. This has happened once before and was it shocking then too. Anyway a lady called returning my call from Monday and I had totally forgotten about her and I was trying to place her and it finally dawned on me who she was. At that moment the kids came in, were having a bad week, my 11 yr old was rudely trying to take the iPad out of my hands that was I using, my 5 yr old was whining about something and I had to deal with the situation immediately before it got really ugly. All this happened in the span of about 5 seconds, she hung up on me rather then wait the 10 seconds I needed to deal with it. Yes I know I was rude by needing to deal with my children and it took me 30 seconds to realize who the woman was but to hang up on someone? That's just rude. Is this normal? I can see asking if they need me to call back in a bit but just to hang up? I don't even have a number to call her, I was transferred to her voice mail after talking to a lot of people on Monday. Both these women were LDS/Mormon, I know social stuff is a bit different with them, did I over step some social boundary by dealing with my rude children for a moment?
  20. It doesn't look that difficult but I'm getting a lot of tears over it but I think its more to do with the fact it involves reading, a much hated thing rather then being to difficult. Its when I hand her the worksheet and tell her to read 3 pages that she breaks down into a tantrum.
  21. She tested yesterday and tested grade level which is 5th. They felt that was really good since its a year advanced and the majority of kids come in 1-2 years behind. Were looking at next year for a VA since were moving and won't have the same charter options and with me working full time I need some level of independence for her. She's just starting TT7 so hopefully it will cover the remaining 30% of what she missed on the placement test that landed her in 5th so she would be ready for 6th. They advised retesting her right before the new year to see where she's at but they felt she would be fine but I also know the reps will say what ever to get you to enroll.
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