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Posts posted by amo_mea_filiis.

  1. That looks like a good program but there is not anything like that anywhere near me. I found an article from 2010 about a 6 week program in the city ( an hour a way) but that appears to no longer exist. They also used one participants real name and I looked her up in FB and it appears she is still struggling.


    I think our best best is going to be a visit to a nutritionist and encouraging him to join the gym. Oh and figuring out his sleep issue. Is that chicken or egg?

    Chicken or egg doesn’t matter too much. Get all the herding going as it comes along. Call his gp and ask for the sleep and nutrition referral (dietician may be better than nutritionist. You can also reach out online to behavior analysts who have gone into the nutrition field). Encourage him to make a single diet change to start. Maybe eating a good breakfast, or just adding 16oz of water (1 bottle) a day. If he drinks water and soda or something, maybe encourage stopping the non water liquid.


    Start going to the gym with him and find out about a trainer. The YMCA usually offers great discounts for minors who use a trainer. The Y might also have some nutrition classes or some other related stuff.

    • Like 1
  2. Yep. And I truly do appreciate the voices of reason.


    I talked to dh a long time this morning and he is definitely on board to get him to a specialist. And a counselor. And the gym. And a sleep study maybe.


    Dss will be going to his mom's in a few days and it is the holidays so we will have to wait until the first of the year to get moving. In the meantime I spend my free time gathering information, sorting through the various layers of opinion vs facts vs. somewhere in the middle.

    Ask dh to put the sleep study higher. It should be done based on his bedwetting alone, even though you said he’s coming off the meds. And at his weight, sleep apnea is almost a guarantee, which will make it harder to lose without treatment.

    • Like 4
  3. I have a 2 week low cost, easy prep keto meal plan. I’ll pm you if I can find it.


    If he’s otherwise truly typical, it’s very odd he still has nocturnal enuresis. With his weight, it’s very likely he has sleep apnea (and he could have had it before any serious weight issues). This can cause bedwetting. It can also contribute to high blood pressure, and makes it hard to lose weight. It can also make you extremely sluggish which would limit his activity level even at a normal weight.


    My 13yo wets the bed, but he’s not otherwise typical, so whatever. Mine also refuses to cooperate with the alarm. So it limits things like sleepovers.


    Because my son’s anatomy, scans, and labs are normal, he saw the urologist twice, and now his PCP prescribes the meds. If and when we get serious with the alarm, we do it for a month and if he’s still wetting, he goes to a bedwetting clinic. First though, he’ll probably have another sleep study.

    • Like 2
  4. Sorry to hear that. What did your son think of it all? Does this leave any neighborhood friends?

    We currently have 6 extra kids, and had 1 more in 2015-2016, all with CYS involvement. He was a little concerned about the kids, but overall was fine. When they handed mom the cup, he knew what was about to happen. He said the younger boys looked concerned, but the 12yo kind of rolled her eyes and gave a btdt look.


    There’s still the big group, but with 12yo and 10yo out of the picture for now, it leaves less drama from what I can tell. Or at least less serious drama. The core group is pretty decent, but I know a handful of them have CYS involvement.

  5. Can you move to a better neighborhood?



    We have housing assistance so we’re limited. We have a very nice house on a usually quiet block (my drunk neighbor has been quiet for a couple years now, and the 10yo won’t be here too long). My drummer son has autism, low IQ, and a bunch of other issues; drumming is his thing and he’s been with his instructor for 5 years. And then my extra kids. I can’t just leave them.


    But, I guess we’re not officially stuck here. I can take my housing anywhere. As long as we stay in PA, the kids’ school doesn’t change.


    How would I know it’s a better area? Cys doesn’t publish stereotypical areas that they go in a lot. Heroin and pills is everywhere. Crime here is pretty low. On the surface it looks like a decent neighborhood.

  6. The only kids involved at the moment are the 12yo girl with her 8 and 11yo brothers. The 10yo punk hasn’t been around much.


    Mine was going over to the 12yo’s house for short bits. I would pick him up at random times or even just stop over and check in. We hung out with the 3 kids one night while mom was out “doing laundry.â€


    This afternoon mine went over to grab the kids to go to the Y. He wasn’t there 10 minutes before the police and CYS walked in, pee tested mom, kicked out the extra kids (my son and another boy), arrested mom, and took the kids. :(


    I’m crawling back in my hermit shell. No one in, no one out, and we’re good.

  7. Beyond the surgery and healing from surgery.


    How’s the sound quality, especially lower frequencies? Do they ever do bilateral?


    I don’t know enough to even ask more questions. Lol


    I have mild low frequency conductive hearing loss, but the audiologist mentioned BAHA because my hearing has gotten worse in the last 2 years.


    PE tube help, but I develop hyperacusis, and very varied hearing, so I hesitate “treating†the loss with tubes.

  8. Ok. One of you gave my extra kid apples, right? He’s intolerant and had a poo accident.


    Since one of you gave him apples causing the symptoms, we haven’t been exposed a stomach bug and will be just fine.

  9. Thanks!


    I went to the gym before getting my extra kid for today, which helped (rounds of burpees 50/40/30/20, hang cleans, and rowing!).


    Then I had extra kid tell ds about young marines. They’re equally stubborn, so ds was angrily saying no while extra dude was growling and telling him to get ready, and tossed his pants at him. Lol (extra kiddo knows my son will get angry, but not crazy. So he likes arguing and isn’t scared of the interaction)


    I just need to start taking the extra kids more and that will cut down on the adults’ “need†for me to run places.

    • Like 2
  10. Every single day this week I’ve been needed by others. This flows into the weekend and next week. Their lack of planning capabilities become my emergencies because it involves kids. I can’t let the kids go without (things like running out of baby formula at 8pm). Other People are cutting into my gym time, home routine, planning, etc. I know I can say no. I guess I just want to complain.


    My dd is sliding down again. She’s waking me at night with anxiety stuff, being loud at night, not helping out, and not doing daily school. She can’t do meds for the anxiety. I think her boyfriend’s depression is affecting her.


    My son missed curfew and I still haven’t decided on a consequence (yes, after all the drama, he was late on his single evening out). I can’t just throw out “no going out,†because then I get crap about young marines, school, and chores. I CAN make him stay in, I just have to be careful how and when I say it.


    My options are (1) a complete freak out, which puts my kids in line for a few days (2) just ride out the next few weeks because I’m taking off xmas to New Years (3) curl up in bed and turn off my phone (4) move and change my numbers. (5) complain about it and appear to make excuses, but actually take little steps to fix it again.

  11. Does your state offer a compliant ID? Mine does which dd will be getting soon, and I will at my next renewal (if we don’t go fully compliant before).


    ETA: I take this back. Lol. Last I looked our DMV info was weird. Just now it looked more straightforward.


    ETAa: Our extension lasts until October 2018. Real IDs will be available spring 2019. Where’s the logic there? There’s also an FAQ about what happens October 1, 2020. How does a state’s law prevent it from complying? That’s why my state is waiting so long apparently.

    • Like 1
  12. Keeping in the line of what you already mentioned (bottles and sippy), you could get each of the older kids a good plastic (unbreakable) mug of their own, the same style but in different colors. Growing up, our kids had some, and they took them with them when they left home, they were so attached to them. Another practical option would be a fleece throw each (Walmart usually has some inexpensive ones) or a colorful towel each. That might not sound like as much fun as toys, but kids often enjoy having their "own" things like that.

    I do usually get them a little blanket from Walmart because they’re only $2. This becomes a problem when things are dirty. If the 3yo’s blanket gets dirty, one of the older 2 will have to let her use it. Or if a blanket is within reach when changing the baby, it might be used for that as well.


    They would love their own cups, but if a cup were on the floor, the 7 or 3 would use it as a stepping stone and crack it. For the most part, dishes are used a handful of time before being thrown out.


    They usually get a pair of pajamas and love them, but they’re gone by January.


    I was also thinking of a toothbrush holder that goes on the wall. I found one for $3 that holds 5 toothbrushes.


    Maybe I’ll just wait and see what they get from the parents and Christmas program.

  13. What's your price range? Low-ish

    Do they go outside to play? Very, very rarely, unless someone is with me.

    Do they have any needs to fill? Most needs need to be filled, but nothing I can give. I do provide when I have someone.


    I would probably go toward this direction:

    -Indestructibles books for the 10mo.

    -Crayola wonder or aquadoodle for the 3yo, or bathtub toy set.

    -single use craft sets for the 7, 9, and 12yos.  Something like Kiwicrate or something from Michaels, where it doesn't matter if its destroyed after they craft it.


    Your ideas are awesome!!!


    The 9yo is a craft lover. 3 and 7 would probably love color wonder.


    Do they make books meant to be mouthed? The tub books have fairly sharp edges. 

    • Like 2
  14. I'm trying to decide what to do for 5 kids for Christmas. They're 10mo, 3, 7, 9, and 12. 


    Toys, books, electronics, and clothes are out. They'd get destroyed very quickly. Clothes would only get one use. Same goes for bedding, pillows, stuffed animals. 


    The kids would greatly appreciate toiletries, but again it would all be destroyed. I may still put together a basket from Dollar Tree, but with very minimal stuff. 


    I could clean and organize their rooms to some level of functioning, but I know it would be time wasted. Still, I'm seriously considering it. However, I wouldn't do this until after New Year's so there's a slightly better chance of it lasting more than 10 seconds. 


    Any experience gifts would be on me to take the kids. I don't like taking any 2 (or more) of them together, and am not sure I want to do 4 or 5 different things (I know the baby wouldn't miss anything). 


    Carbs, candy, and soda is the daily diet, so I'm not giving a single treat gift.


    I will grab some bottles for the baby because even though they won't last long, they're really inexpensive. Maybe a sippy cup for the 3yo so she doesn't keep insisting on using bottles. 


    For each of the kids' birthdays, they just spend the night. We play, eat, have a small dessert, watch a movie, get a good shower, and a good night's sleep. 

  15. I found an error on their part! This starts the appeal to add my odd medical deductions with ease.


    You take gross income minus deductions x .3 and subtract that from the max benefit for family size and that’s the SNAP payment. Since ours is all unearned income, it’s not complicated.


    I was told I have a $500 standard household deduction. Well, using simple math, that should be $162 or $163 food.


    But they said I’m getting $61, which again using simple math can only be found using the $160 deduction.


    Do they not know math?

  16. Go for boys! They have a ton of characters, they fit nicer, and are easier to keep straight on the body.


    My dd had boys pirates of the Caribbean undies when she was 8 (?) or so because girls didn’t have them.


    ETA: I’m comparing general Hanes and fruit of the loom boy vs girl.

    • Like 1
  17. Our area has nothing, and gas is expensive, so we can’t do a whole lot. And mine are cyber schooled, so no access to the lunches they qualify for. I faithfully report and have been decreased each and every time.


    I was hoping with dd’s disability money, I could dump most of it (knowing rent would go up and food down) into her mental and physical health. I’m really hoping we can keep Crossfit. It’s been as good for her as I’d hoped!


    And then with ds’s disability going up because social security royally screwed up x 5 years, he was going to add martial arts. I can still do this, but I don’t want to run down that money. SS did a good job saving a massive chunk of money for him, but since it’s not counted as a resource, I want to have some of that for him. This money can’t be used for daily/regular expenses.


    And I was thrilled that I’d finally be able to afford food outside of food stamps! Veggies galore! But it doesn’t look like it’ll be that easy.


    It would have been a single year of living decent.


    I still haven’t plugged in our new numbers to see where I’m at. I’ll be doing that in the morning. There’s a grace period, but then it all comes tumbling down in January.


    It doesn’t bug me when people have assistance and a little on the side because I know it’s extremely hard to live on it. But I think what’s getting to me most is *knowing* for sure how many people around here have max benefits and are able to pull a decent full time job. The absolute worst is the married successful store owner with 1 disabled child. Max SSI, $300+ in food, and medicaid for all 3 because even though they both own and run the store, they don’t draw a paycheck, therefore have no income. They owe me $70 for babysitting and will not pay up. They just bought a house for shits and giggles. Of course the store owns it.


    In January I had a safety plan kiddo here. He was able to be added to our food stamps. Except he wasn’t. I reported the change 2 weeks before January/February food stamps, but didn’t get an increase until the March/April cycle and only for 1 month. So I didnt get the increase while he was here. That was some creative meal times, but thankfully he was little and didn’t eat much. Our area is small enough that if I go to the assistance office, I’ll wait a maximum of 10 minutes to sit with my caseworker or his supervisor, and that extra 8 minutes of waiting was because they were in a meeting! So there’s no way he was too busy to change the household in a timely manner. My previous worker would have done it right then.

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