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Posts posted by amo_mea_filiis.

  1. You are having trouble bending your knees to your chest? Can you stand up and bring your knee toward your chest? Or jump and bring both knees to the chest at the same time? If so, then you don't have a hip flexor issue. Hip flexors include the quadraceps and they are typically very strong muscles.

    Mentioned up thread; I might be using my hips for sit ups more than my core. Makes sense with regards to the tuck crunch issue.


    PT is physical therapist. My primary treatment is whatever caused quad pain in squats. My hips are tight and weak. My ankles are a bit tight. My back is extremely tight.


    Therapy right now is preventative. The pain I was having is from weakness and tightness that will lead to injury, with or without Crossfit.

  2. Cross fit instructors can sometimes be high on motivation and low on knowledge of these sorts of things. Please make sure yours is properly trained before accepting their advice about how to improve. Sometimes "do more" is really bad advice.

    They modified me a lot more early on, but now we defer to the PT. So when I see him later, I’ll ask what to instead, and also what to work on at home.


    At Crossfit we just had a week of form before a week of maxes. I was in a group of a few who were not going for max. We went moderate and whatever we could keep form in 3 reps.


    They’re not the most knowledgeable compared to a PT, but they never push if your form is off. So my tuck crunch attempts were just praised.

  3. What do your Crossfit instructors suggest you do? They see exactly how you are struggling and can probably give you some tips and progressive movements while you build up strength. It's hard to give specific advice when we can't see what you are actually doing.

    Pretty much do what I’m doing. Little attempts, keep moving, etc.


    I was just wondering which muscle(s) I’m likely over or under using so I can target that. I think hip flexors was the answer. So I added planks to my home plan, and may do them in place of something at the gym.

    • Like 1
  4. I avoid the tailbone by using a thick mat (the kind that goes under a climbing rope). I think that also decreases the balance demands.


    I’m doing Crossfit, so the workouts are planned. This is how I’m finding the insane weaknesses! Lol


    I thought I had decent core strength. 🤣

    • Like 1
  5. I can do sit ups (much preferred with weight on my legs or feet).


    I can do leg raises (hands under my lower back or my back lifts up). I can also lift my legs (straight, or doing knee tucks) while hanging, but do a lot more if I’m using the thing that supports forearms.


    I absolutely cannot do tuck crunches.


    I can do a little more than a crunch then pull in my knees. Can’t lift upper body if lower is up first. When I manage to get up at the same time at all, it’s using all the muscles in the back, in an almost painful way.


    I’m thinking this might be the big piece missing in my ab-back lack of communication. It’s probably the most complex core muscle.


    So what is weakest using this example?


    On the up side, I moved down to a 20†box and got 3 rounds of 8 push ups before having to flip it back to 30†for the rest. :)

  6. Bringing back fond memories -- Not quite! Remembering one particular year I sent our two oldest out to play.

    First, the 5 year old took awhile to dress. Sent him out.

    I took a long time to get the 3 year old bundled and sent out. As I sent him out the door I gave a quick overview of how to sled to eldest. I hadn't sledded much in my life, but I kinda gave a boogie board style demonstration.

    Ah, I thought as the door closed, I will have 10 minutes of peace to tidy the house before they need me again.

    We had a tiny fenced yard with a small hill.

    No sooner had I turned from the closed door than eldest came in crying with blood running out of his mouth! Yup - I had sent the dear one out with instructions that led him sledding straight down that small hill into our BRICK house head first. Not a proud parenting moment.

    (only damage a cut tongue, fortunately, but not a pleasant few days of healing!)

    Our property is steep. The back door on the second floor is below ground level (for the back yard, but even for the side), then you walk up 4 steps to the back yard, or step down to go to the side yard.


    My kids make a sled path when the snow gets good. Sometimes just twisting in the back yard, sometimes coming down the side if there’s enough snow to not crash off the wall.


    Anyway, several years ago mine were outside with 2 neighbor boys and I thought nothing of it because my son was the youngest and he usually plans the track.


    I hear a loud crash and go outside to look. The younger of the other boys leaned off the track intentionally and instead of bailing, thought it would be fun to land on the back porch! It’s a 3? 4? foot drop! He crashed right into the back of the house.

  7. Nope.


    I have my 2 (dd is currently having an upper endoscopy). I’m mostly responsible for the medical maintenance of my 5 extra kids, as well as watching them often. Then I watch my 6th extra kiddo, which is often with winter weather and school delays/closings.


    At the gym my phone is on do not disturb, but I glance when I break for water. Same at PT. Same at night.


    Mine are 16 and 13 and I long for another cruise. The first cruise we went on many years ago the kids were mostly independent, and I’d imagine now would be even nicer. My dd’s anxiety may prevent her from coming on another cruise though, and not having her with us would decrease my ability to fully relax.

  8. That YouTube link wouldn’t load, so I searched and watched a bunch. :)


    I’ll have to get my PT doing some of them because I couldn’t do most things. I can do the bridges, but that’s about it.


    I used a 45lb plate for squats this morning and it wasn’t bad. My legs are tired, but no crazy quad pain or anything. The coaches also gave me alternate shoulder exercises for the shoulder blade stabilization.


    When I see my PT on Monday, I’m going to ask him to create a home plan with me so I’m not constantly adding stuff like I am now. Tue, Thur one plan for no PT. Then another for days I can’t make the gym and don’t have PT.

  9. I have this problem too. I'm guessing your overall core is a bit weak. Your transverse and oblique abs help stabilize your SI joint. Your deep glutes are also part of the process. Since I'm not strong enough overall to keep a good form on certain exercises, I'm working on building my core, and then also utilizing thera-bands and TRX straps.

    Separately, and in theory, my core is strong. PT describes it as the parts not communicating. But when evaluating, each can do more than they can together. He spends half the session laughing/confused because I can’t do A without pain in the wrong spot, but C is too easy and he ups the weight or band.


    I know my arse is weak! It has to be. That compensation is part of why my squats are so off. Too quad heavy, knees over toes, etc.


    I just added a no squat no lunge butt workout to my push up challenge. We’ll see how that goes.


    (I realize this all sounds like a ton, but it’s not. PT plus CrossFit is tiring, but it’s all modified, like the box burpees, or bar only on the snatches. I’ll sleep hard!)

  10. The gym might be hard to do this, but easily you could ask your PT to take a cell video with your phone of before and after correction.

    Sometimes it just helps to see it.

    Maybe you could post it here! Ha!!!

    That’s a good idea! Not the posting part though! Lol!


    Though I fully admit to not minding my PT’s hands-on corrections!


    After being tortured by him today with banded 15 second hold clam and reverse clam, 5-10 second hold squats, and some assisted with his hands and a strap leg raises ( he used the strap to pull out my femur a bit to reduce the back pain while leg raising), I go to the gym to see power snatches and 7 minutes burpees. 😱


    (I did 40 burpees on a 26†box, then 40 on a 30†box. 80 in 7 minutes! The coach said I was allowed to check off my push up challenge for the day! Lol)


    Now I’m off to soak in the remainder of my lavender epsom salt in a steamy bath.

    • Like 1
  11. Yep, twerking is the answer. LOL Maybe Mylie Cyrus has a work out video. LOL EWWWWW!


    Honestly, you just need to practice and change your posture. One thing to concentrate on is that when you are sitting, you are sitting on your sitz bones and working on your hamstrings. Here is a bit of info on it. This is just a random blog that I skimmed, I can't say this information is absolutely correct but aligns well with my PTs recommendations. You also may want to look in to pelvic floor exercises, it is all very connected in the musculatures in the area.

    Sitting is a HUGE problem. 1- that’s when I feel the most pain in (what we’re pretty sure is) the SI joint. 2- I’m short, 5’1â€. In order to sit properly, I’d need a stool. So sitting on chairs, toilets, whatever, and my legs are hanging. I will work on sitting on a ball at home more, but that still hurts the SI joint (PT adjusts this almost every visit).


    I’m either standing, sitting/reclining on the couch with feet up, or walking around. I try not to sit sit for too long or my back is dead.

  12. In the gym, for just about every exercise, my butt needs to go back more. Seriously, every single time a coach looks my way it’s “good job, get that butt back more.â€


    In PT, he’s constantly telling me to stick my butt back more (gym is heavy squats or variations. PT is hip focused).


    My knees apparently go way over my toes. Correcting it burns, but not a bad burn (verified form by PT). Even squatting with a ball on the wall, PT has me walk my feet out quite a bit so I’m sitting instead of whatever I’m doing.


    I can’t correct without being told to do so, so it feels like I’m sticking my butt out.


    So other than learning to twerk, how can I work on hips/butt back?

  13. As for keeping the dust down... hire someone to dust weekly!


    I’m currently looking for someone, and may end up asking my neighbor who cleans. Since she’s very local, only an hour isn’t a waste of her time and keeps it reasonable for me.

  14. They know. I'm at max dose on one and close to max dose on the other. I've suffered this long so I don't want to give up, but man...I'm just...grrrrrr


    I'm on five medications for allergies and they don't work enough.


    I need to keep the dust levels down, but I just don't know how.

    My dd is on Allegra, arnuity, an allergy eye drop, hydroxyzine, often Pepcid/Zantac, Benadryl and albuterol as needed, and still ends up on steroids a few times a year.

  15. I’m currently sitting in the allergist’s office for my dd’s first dust allergy shot. Last few times she reacted required steroids and massive amounts of mixed meds. If I don’t dust every single day, I have to wait for her to be away for at least 72 hours before I can clean. It sucks, and I can’t imagine being the sufferer.



  16. A couple of weeks? But if every time I do it I'm in so much pain after I can't do it again for a week, it's pointless. When I was younger I could recover a lot faster. That's just not really the case anymore. I think this can be a huge turn off to people and they'll give up.

    You do something a bit different while recovering. Prior to PT and figuring out how to squat without intense pain (still modified), I would just do what didn’t hurt. For whatever odd reason, box step ups were always ok. So that was my go-to when my legs were dead. When my shoulders and chest are sore and the workout calls for pushups, I do them on the wall. If ring rows are included, I just don’t go so low.


    It really did get better.

  17. I've proven this to myself. It really does not have to be crazy intense at all. Sure some people are into that, but I am not and I won't stick to anything backbreaking and I refuse to run.


    I hate those crazy workout videos. I had a couple and after using them once I was in dire pain for several days. And during that time I could barely function let alone continue with any sort of exercise. That stuff is not meant to get a person in shape IMO. To me it's meant to be a challenge to someone already in shape. It only left me feeling like crud.

    That pain goes away in a couple of weeks.


    When I started Crossfit, I could hardly walk for a good week. Everything hurt for 2 more weeks. I lived in epsom salt baths and cuddled the foam roller.


    2.5 months later and I’m fine even after my PT has me doing 10 second squat holds to failure + 1. I’ll have a bit of soreness if I increase weight (which I’m not allowed to do right now), but nothing that limits my day.


    I’m hardly breaking a sweat but have seen increases in my strength and endurance. Still can’t airsquat, but I can use a 25-30lb vest and squat against the wall.

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  18. My 13yo is on meds. If we miss, he wets. If he’d ever use the alarm like he’s supposed to for at least a month without success, his doc would send him to the bedwetting clinic.


    You can look up bedwetting clinics and try all their behavioral treatments. Mine’s been on meds for 2.5 years. He asked to see the urologist on his 10th birthday. But a seizure soon after had us postpone meds for a bit.

  19. I’m starting Whole30 ingredients when I go food shopping today or tomorrow. But not an actual round until after dd’s scope. When W30 confirms, for the billionth time, my problem foods, I plan to keep those out and stay lower carb.


    I’m adding back in higher dose vitamin D and will watch for reasons to check levels. I’ve done 100,000 a week for 6 weeks and still didn’t go over acceptable limits (under medical supervision).


    I started Crossfit in October and physical therapy last week (I’m making odd progress in Crossfit so I need those weak and tight parts fixed before it becomes a big problem). I’m attempting to add going to the gym at the Y on the days I can’t make a Crossfit class.


    Dd and I may attempt yoga at the Y, but the schedule usually doesn’t fit.


    I want to lose about 40-50lbs, but am looking more at how clothes fit. Weighing and measuring just for motivation.

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