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Posts posted by teamturner

  1. What you say is heresy, Bill! :tongue_smilie:


    I love all things royal. I remember being in junior high and getting up while the rest of my family was asleep and watching Charles and Diana's wedding. I actually had a crush on Prince Charles back in those days. (That's embarassing to admit, especially after the schmuck he has become.) And I will be getting up to watch this one too. I even have a picture of the queen's hat as she was entering Westminster Abbey for something when I was visiting London in 1990. My friend and I were jumping up and down for joy that we "saw" the queen. Royal stuff is fun and I guess I was bit too into fairy tales as a child and it has never completely gone away. I guess you have to be a girl to appreciate it all.


    Also, I was a huge fan of Princess Diana and I love how Prince William looks just like her!

  2. It's the lower back pain that concerns me the most. I had 2 early miscarriages and they both had really bad back pain. Not to say that it can't be completely normal or something else, I'm no doctor. But if it were me, I would want to at least be examined. An u/s would show potential problems wouldn't it? Perhaps you can take her up on the offer for the u/s and go from there. Is your m/w in Dallas? If so, pm who it is. I'm curious if I know of her.


    I thought the u/s did pick up heartbeats this early, but I could be remember incorrectly.


    Agreeing that you should rest and stay hydrated. Let your family pamper you today. Congratulations on the new baby!!



  3. My parents came when I had my twins (also my first dc) and helped out for 6 weeks. The big thing that made this bearable for me and my dh was that they went home on the weekends being that they lived 4 hours away. I think having the weekends alone with my dh and newborns was invaluable time for us to bond as a family. My mom can be a bit overbearing so the time away on the weekends was good for all of us. I would be careful to make sure you are not intruding at some point on your dd and her dh from bonding and having some time alone just the 3 of them. Perhaps each weekend you could go sightseeing and let them have their privacy. For me, I wouldn't want to be away from my dh for 8 weeks. Maybe your time could be shorter when the baby is newborn and you could go back out and help once her dh deploys, if that is in the future. Otherwise, I'm sure you family back home can manage without you.

  4. how do you know this?




    There's a fair amount of speculation that happens on this board. If we didn't, what ever would we discuss when some topics come up? It's just food for thought that benefits us all if we happen to encounter similar events in our own families or those we know.



  5. Our piano teacher is definitely at the top price range for piano teachers. I went with her because not only is she qualified musically she is so encouraging and my dc love her. My sons are in their 4th year and my dd her 3rd. I truly believe that had it been any other teacher they would have quit by now. She keeps them motivated and happy to be playing piano. She does all the motivation to practice and that is worth the extra money in my opinion.

  6. She was informed that the birth was too risky for home delivery, and frankly, anyone with an ounce of common sense would have known that. She then went digging around to find an (unlicensed) midwife willing to do the delivery.



    I thought she has a license to practice but just not in Virginia. If so, I don't think you can make the arguement that she was not trained and licensed in general. To me there is a difference.

  7. I agree with propping up and we've also had sucess w/Delsum but I only use it at night so they can sleep. Also a Mucinex product that doesn't also have a cough suppressant which will thin the mucus.


    When our dc had whooping cough and we got really desperate we gave them a tablespoon of honey mixed with lemon and a tiny splash of whiskey. Similar to what we call a hot toddy when combined with hot water. It was recommended by my friend's dad who was a retired pediatrician.

  8. Unless you spend all of your time at either home or church, then you are not in a bubble. My dc are in all kinds of activities and play with the neighbors. The influence of the world can be minimized with homeschooling but we live in the world and must help our dc learn to navigate it as Christians. As my dc get older I see that in most cases we have been able to delay certain things until we felt they were the appropriate age for them.

  9. :001_huh: there is a world of difference between enjoying A drink and wanting to be drunk.


    The first is no different than enjoying anything in life. Chocolate, coffee, whatever.


    The second, I'm with your son. I have never understood it either. I don't think I have ever felt the desire to drink like that.


    :iagree: Growing up, in my family alcohol was forbidden fruit. I had a friend in high school whose parents allowed her the occasional glass of wine w/dinner never got drunk in our college days, whereas I did. I hope to teach my dc to enjoy but not abuse wine/beer when they are adults. My dh and I drink wine and beer and do so in front of our dc so it is not taboo or anything. They already know about drugs and alcohol and how they are dangerous so hopefully we are teaching them to be take care of their bodies and be responsible.

  10. One of my twins (boy) was a devoted thumb sucker. We put an appliance in the roof of his mouth to help him stop when he was almost 7. He managed to suck his thumb w/it in anyway but the result was he bent the appliance and it was cutting the roof of his mouth. The dentist had to take it out to allow his mouth to heal and he begged me not to put it back in. He quit just like that.


    Well, then when I gave birth to my youngest 6 months later, he started sucking it again. We decided since he was motivated by money that we would pay him a dollar everyday and if he sucked his thumb that day he lost a quarter each time he did. (We went w/positive motivation ;)) I thought we'd just do it for a month so the habit would be broken but my husband decided to do it all the way to Christmas which was almost 4 months long. And my mother and father-in law decided to match half of what we paid. He had his Lego catalog out and had already picked out what he was going to buy with his load of cash and has highly motivated. It worked!


    Flash forward to last fall, and my youngest dd who was 4 yo at the time is happily sucking her thumb. Older brother lets her in on the wonderful idea of cash for not sucking her thumb. She comes into the kitchen and announces that she is not going to suck her thumb any more so she can get money. I quickly put the stuff on her thumb nails while she is begging me not to and says she has changed her mind. I talk her down each time she asks me to take it off. Before we know it, she's stopped asking and isn't sucking her thumb. We praise and go shopping for a few toys. It was that simple with her I could hardly believe it.


    Sorry this got so long.

  11. These are for my 12 year old. Last week I started paying out a minimal weekly allowance (up to 5.00) for the 'expectations'. We had not done this previously, but I found myself needing to come up with a way for the boys to pay for things that they damage through neglect or careless behavior. I don't pay out for extra chores if the expectations are not up to par. Earning money for extra chores is a privilege.


    This is a great idea! I haven't paid my dc their allowance in a very long time because they never complete the expected chores w/o me having to prod them along or remind. This may be the way to get them to see the light as my oldest want extra chores as they see this as a way to make some money. My dh pays my boys when they mow/edge/sweep and bag the lawn so maybe we should review that as well.



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