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Everything posted by Sharon37127

  1. I have the 1st ed SOTW2 book, and the 1st ed SOTW2 Activity Pages. I do NOT have any Student Pages and need to purchase the PDFs for tomorrow. Can someone tell me if I would be better off with purchasing the 2nd ed Student Pages? I read some details about the maps and such being better, but does the content line up with everything else? Thanks so much.
  2. We have homeschooled for 1.5 yrs DS10 (3,4 grade) & DS7 (K,1 grade). Now we are starting a Kindergartener. We have never tested (never got that far in PS) and think we will do it voluntarily. Someone with more knowledge on testing advised us to use the ITBS (and get it from BJUPress). I have registered as a tester and can order them now. This person also advised to do the testing now, well as soon as they can send them. Not to wait til end of year or summer. We have alot of freedom with this since it is not legally required. I had done some research last year and had decided on the CAT/5 or 6, although I can't remember exactly how I came to that conclusion. Any thoughts out there? thanks
  3. My 2 cents- My husband had them out at 30yo. The surgery was fine. Recovery as you know was awful. One thing that sticks out i my mind that he said helped him- keep your throat moist at ALL times. Constantly sipping on water. Constantly. He said that made it bearable. Also, the doc originally rxed him pills to swallow, but he specifically had to ask for liquid pain meds. Don't know why they do that. Also, about the anesthesia- I had to have my appendix out (emergency) a few months ago. I was most terrified about the anesthesia. They do give you something to relax. When I was in the OR, they put that mask on me, my head fell over on my pillow, then I picked it up again- the surgery was over! I was afraid I would be aware of what was going on (I am a light sleeper). Nothing like that. It's like time speeds up. You close your eyes, then open them and it's done. It's funny to see your post today. I am currently recovering from getting my top 2 wisdom teeth out on Thursday. It was a piece of cake. Now, mine were hyper- erupted and crumbling. But I put it off for 10 years for fear of the pain. Recovery pain doesn't scare me (3 c sections)- that's what pain meds are for! But being aware of the procedure/ surgery during it- that terrifies me. And my dentist said he could get them out without putting my under (saving a few hundred $$, of course). He gave me valium (1 night before and 1 hour before procedure)- BIG HELP. Just the usual pricks from a needle for numbing, then puuullllll to one side, then puuuulllllll to the other, then it came out. Just do it. And if they are impacted, you will be put to sleep by an oral surgeon and wount remember a thing. Hope that helps. PM me if there are any questions (for either procedure) that I didn't answer. Sharon
  4. New here. I have listened to the elem & middle "Plan for Writing" audios, but not the "Writing without Fear." From the sample, it sounds very similar. Am I missing anything if I don't listen to "Writing without Fear?" thanks so much. Sharon
  5. I intentionally bought the Blue series last year. If I remember correctly, somewhere is a form or webpage that lists all the grades and what should be covered in each. So, to answer your question, if it is a problem to switch- I'm sure that form would be the answer to your problem. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Sharon
  6. I've been lurking for some time now. We used Math Mammoth last year and I had purchased it "by the subjects, not grades" (don't remember the color reference). I, too, loved the program, but wished there was a way to keep up what we had previously gone over. I started creating a "weekly packet" of worksheets that covered these topics. I would give them this packet at the beginning of the week and they were to work on it a few minutes a day and turn it in at the end of the week. It was a way to work on responsibility, working independently, and planning ahead. I used The Math Worksheet Site.com to create them. It is really easy. This was all separate from what we were currently working on. Just my 2 cents.
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