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Melissa in NC

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Posts posted by Melissa in NC

  1. I have not read all the replies so forgive any repeats.


    I have lost 12 lbs and I am aiming for 10 more. Part of my motive is my doctor talked to me about my cholestorol and family history of heart disease. I really want to hold my grandkids. So motivations helps.


    I added walking on the treadmill 3 times a week. My DH got me a heart rate monitor which estimates calories burned. I walk until I burn 150 calories while watching Netflix on my laptop. (Yoga flip works nicely.)


    I use the app My Fitness Pal to monitor my calories and I do not restrict what I eat by group. I restrict my diet by asking myself if it is worth it to eat this item. My doctor put me on 1400 cal per day based on my size and gender. I still eat chocolate but I find a small piece satisfies me without blowing my calorie count out the window. I do not eat donuts because for the calories I do not find them satisifing enough.


    It has become about finding a new normal. I do splurge without beating myself up. I feel better and I am looking forward to my next blood test.

  2. I like the old adage, don't have them if you do not want to raise them. Michelle is not raising the younger kids, the older girls are. To raise their younger siblings, they are not able to start their own lives. None of the girls are married or courting. They do not have full time jobs or go to school. The older girls seem to be marking time until their father finds them a husband. If the girls wanted to get married and follow the quiverful ideal, that would be one thing. I do not see where they are given a choice.


    I believe parents need to trust their kids when they become adults and let them leave the nest. Josh did go to Florida for a while when he married but he got sucked back to Arkansas. He is suppose to move to DC for a job with Family Research Council but I predict it will be too much of a culture shock and he will return to the nest. (To be fair, I am not sure I could have handled the culture shock either.) His poor wife will be raising 3 kids age 3 and younger alone in a strange city. How much will he be able to be home to help out?


    As you can tell, I do not see them as a role model. Their kids are not standing on their own feet. Maybe once the show is canceled, the kids will have a chance to try their wings.

  3. I am looking at buying a car in the next year. Recently I read an artice by a car review writer who recommended getting a car that was 4-5 years old and had less than 50,000 miles on it. I do not remember all the reasons for this but it did include the improvement of the lifetime of more recent cars and depreciation. I wished I bookmarked the page but I did not.



  4. :grouphug:



    Some people use excuses for their bad behavior. It is easy to assign motives to religion or other factors when you want to behave in a manner you know is wrong. I do not blame Islam for their actions, they made a choice to hurt innocent people. It was their choice and only they are responsible for their actions.



  5. I am in Maryland so I am not familiar with NY law. My DH works with a nice lady whose sister wishes to homeschool in NY. The school is telling the sister she can only homeschool for religious reasons.


    So, can you tell me a quick overview of the law? What state organization can help her? (No HSLDA). Does someone wish to mentor her?







    Thanks. I suspected the house would take a while to sell but was optimistic. She sucked all that out in a quick conversation. We have a friend who had his house on the market for 6 months she said he didn't have any showings at all. No matter what I'm moving this summer but we had hoped to get some money out of the house to help with the move. And I really don't want to foreclose but I refuse to be stuck here for another year.


    I have moved a lot in my adult life and I have found that it is a matter of the right person viewing your house. In 2010, the worst time to be selling a house in Charlotte, we sold our house in 41 days. She even closed 10 days early. Several house in the neighborhood had been on the market for over 1 year and were still on the market when we closed.


    A realtor is just giving you an average. Showing a house is like going on a blind date, it is the luck of the draw.



  7. Unless you know her, it's hard to explain.


    When ds was dairy allergic, she frequently tried to give him foods with dairy.


    When i figured out that ds couldn't have food coloring, she increased the amount of candy she sent.


    When i officially changed what we celebrated, she started giving more during her celebrated holidays.


    I let ds have the stupid candy and am regretting every moment of it.



    I have been there. I used it as a teaching moment for my kids to help them understand how they are feeling is directly related to the candy. Now they read labels on everything and make informed choices about what they will eat.

  8. My dentist gave us two orthodontist to get opinions from. The first one wanted to put an expander in that would remain in place and put braces on at the same time.


    The second, which my dentist said was the best for crowding and cross bite problems, wanted to do an expander first then braces. This expander looks like a retainer that she removes from her mouth and turns with a key twice a week. I like that option since she can remove the retainer to scrub it.


    I am glad she is keeping all her teeth and I like the her face.

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