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Everything posted by shanvan

  1. She hasn't made any suggestions about how to resolve the problem. She did state that I should have bought insurance. My husband told me not to, because the Credit card would protect us. He had a problem in the past with the USPS paying up even though he did have insurance on an item he shipped. I did not file anything with paypal directly yet. I have been dealing directly with the seller. Should I continue to do it that way, or file a claim at paypal? I'm sure she is an honest seller. I don't want to make trouble for her, but still...I don't have what I paid for and I'm going to end up with a lot of aggravation. Any suggestions to resolve? TIA
  2. Background: After agonizing about what to do for curriculum, I finally decided on TOG. I found and won it on ebay. It was not a fantastic deal, but I saved some money. I was also able to buy with a no interest for several months deal on my credit card, which helps us spread out the payments. Three days ago a package from the seller was delivered with only unit 4. The taping on the package seemed odd, but often people reuse boxes, so I didn't really think anything of it. My 11 yr old son was able to take the box apart with just his hands and no scissors. Still I didn't think anything of it because he is sometimes a little rough. I double checked and auction was for all 4 units and loom. I have e mailed the seller (who has 100% positive feedback) about 4 times to ask if perhaps she sent the rest in another package.....no response. Maybe she is on vacation? I don't know, but I was planning to start with unit 2 after my spring break. I was using spring break for planning and getting started. DH tells me not to worry because we are protected by our credit card in this case (he checked paperwork, but we haven't called the credit card company). I want to get confirmation from the seller that there was indeed only one package before contacting the company. DH and I looked at the box and we think the rest of the units fell out and the PO just taped up what was left. I clicked on the paypal link to track the package and ther is only one package listed and it shows it as being delivered. I want to go ahead and just order it all from TOG so I can get started! We can deal with the rest of the mess, contacting credit card company, etc later. What would you do? I know I'm really hyper about all this and I need to give the seller time to respond, but I'm eager to get started. Anyone ever have something like this happen? Please don't post any horror stories about never getting money back...I'm upset enough as it is! Shannon
  3. I am pretty sure We are going with Chalkdust. This year we are finishing up Teaching Textbooks 7 with Life of Fred supplements and ALEKS online math. We are leaving TT for several reasons. For one, there is just not enough teaching and explanation for my ds. There is plenty of review, but not enough practice (for my ds--I know other kids may not need it) of new learning for each lesson. TT7 did several very good things for him this year and I don't regret using it, but we will be moving on. Like you, I thought Chalkdust was expensive. After viewing both Saxon with Dive and Chalkdust samples I decided we will be getting more for our money with Chalkdust. We love the idea that the student can contact the author for help. Also, Chalkdust seemed to work through more examples, which I think will help cement the concepts for my ds. I had ds look at the samples. He watched Dana Mosely and said "Wow, he really explains how to do it! I think I can learn from him!" I did like the Saxon Dive instruction, and if I truly couldn't afford Chalkdust, I would seriously consider it. Math is not my son's strongest area and I am done with considering cost as the most important factor. I am able to cut costs in many other subject areas because I can very easily teach them. Since it's not going to bankrupt us, we are going with Chalkdust. It makes me feel better to think that I can use it with my dd in a few years. That's my illogical reasoning for thinking it's not really as expensive as I first thought. HTH Shannon
  4. teaches how to apply algebra to everyday situations? Also how to come up with your own algebraic formula to solve a real life problem? I am evaluating options for JR/Sr high math. A close family friend just brought up these issues and I have often wondered. Anyone know? Shannon
  5. Did you think it was a justified expense? Were refills expensive? My local thrift shop has one. Just wondering if I will use it. Shannon
  6. together. So, for the rest of this year I ditched all but Reading, Math & spelling. We are using the library and keeping a record of what we learn by doing notebook pages. That took off the pressure and we are enjoying our learning more. We will be returning to a more structured way of learning at some point this spring or summer, but for now we are taking a welcome break. Shannon
  7. I think my public school training makes me feel I'm 'not following the rules' when I do these things! I need to get over it! We don't have a name for our school. I'll have to think about that! Seriously, I wanted to make sure I was completeing the correct sign up. Which trial did you check off? Do you remember? Shannon
  8. What is NEM? If I decide to go back to BJU, which should I choose 7th or 8th? TIA Shannon
  9. I realize they build, but we have been using Teaching Textbooks 7 (with heavy supplementing) and I don't want to continue with it through high school. Prior to TT we used BJU exclusively. We switched to TT this year for DS because I needed more one on one time with my DD to help with reading. It did free up my time for a while until I realized I had to do some remediating with Ds math. TT was not helping him retain, and there isn't enough actual teaching (IMO). I'm sure it works well for some kids. It doesn't seem to be doing the job here. I'm not sure I want to go back to BJU, and this seems like an ideal time to decide and then stick with something new - -or I may go back to BJU. Shannon
  10. My issue is not so much with them playing pirates as it is with the kids choosing to portray specific pirates from movies. I am surprised at how many people are not disturbed by their children re enacting exact scenes from trendy popular movies. This is not imagination, just repitition! We watch a few of these movies (after pre viewing) but I become concerned if they take over the kids' minds and begin to control their play to the extent that they are repeated just acting exact scenes from movies. I also have concerns about the extent of the mind control ...as evidenced in the buying of movie related toys, notebooks, clothing..etc. It seems many children are learning to follow the trend. This seems to me to be just turning children over to the whim of marketing. I want my children to be aware of when they are being manipulated. Not that they can never buy any of these things, but they need to be aware, so that they are not easily lead away from their own convictions later as adults. Imaginative pirate play that does not get carried away, I have no problem with. I have stopped my own children from play acting that got carried away recently at park day. The whole capturing, or jailing can be upsetting for some kids. I was witnessing some play acting that began to cross the line into bullying one child who did not want to play the game anymore. Other mothers didn't notice because to them it was all 'part of the game'. Meanwhile the child was becoming more and more traumatized by the "game". I want my children to be sensitive to others, so I told them what was happening and asked that they not play that type of thing anymore. Also told the other kids that "so-and-so does not want to play, please leave her out". I just think we do need to keep a watch on our children and notice when their play begins to cross a line, or when certain ideas are becoming obsession-like to the point that other, better interests are being pushed out. The mind can only be occupied with so many ideas...I want them to choose the better ones. I actually watched my own DS completely lose his interest in science, literature, and music when he became involved with a group that was highly into whatever trend (in movies & TV) came down the pike. Those trends began to replace all the wonderful interest that made him him! We cut those associations way down, and thankfully he is back to himself again. I suppose it really come down to a matter of deciding what you and your husband want your kids to value. If you think pirate play crosses the line, then don't allow them to do it. You have to follow your convictions...not the convictions of the posters here, not your neighbors...not anyone else's...... your convictions for your family. In a way, the book "Hold On To Your Kids" is related to this issue. It will help you to see that parents should be the primary relationship and guiding factor in a child's life. This book helped me to see that I had to follow my own convictions and not worry about what other kids and their parents are doing (or not doing). *Not wanting to ruffle feathers here, just sharing our particular point of view. There are many POV out there.* "To thine own self be true" ~ Shakespeare (hope I quoted correctly!) (In our family, God comes before self, but it is He that gives us the convictions we need to be true to Him -- which will be slightly different for every Christian) Shannon
  11. Ruth Beechick's book You Can Teach Your Child Successfully. Underlying problems with phonics or dyslexia can show up as comprehension problems. I truly believe lots of time spent reading aloud and having fun discussing and enjoying quality books together (possibly with some narration added)will solve lots (not all) of reading comprehension problems. Many times I am asked about issues with comprehension only to discover that the family spends zero time enjoying literature together and the child does not live in a reading household--meaning that the parents don't enjoy reading for pleasure and don't value reading as a continued part of their lives beyond schooling. Sometimes a family can also get caught up in moving a child along to reading mainly for info in subject areas and forget to leave time for discussing and reading together. I will never forget years ago my SIL asking me why nephew just doesn't want to read. Her home is devoid of books - - an absolute desert when it comes to reading material. She & her husband don't do much beyond glance at the newspaper and an occasional magazine. You've gotten some good suggestions, but IMO there is no substitute for parents and family that truly values reading as an ongoing life skill and enjoys discussing literature and ideas together. Take a close look at the family in question before giving advice. If they seem like they will never become a reading family, then some of the incentive programs you mentioned are probably the best options. I wouldn't rule out checking into phonics difficulties and learning disabilities. HTH Shannon
  12. Which middle school math curriculum is best preparation for high school? (In your opinion, of course) I'm looking for pre algebra & algebra for next 2 years. TIA Shannon
  13. I'm looking at choosing pre-algebra & algebra for next 2 years. TIA Shannon
  14. When you sign up you are asked to list your school's name. What did you put there? Also you are asked which free trial to check from a list of trials - should I just check the plus version? Shannon
  15. :iagree:We did not run away from the same situation fast enough. So much time and effort wasted -- which I could have spent on my own homeschooling! Without appropriate behavior in place not much is going to be learned - - except more inappropriate behavior!!!
  16. with ideas or experiences. We are taking steps to make life easier around the house. DH & I talked with both children about needing them to help out more. They see that homeschooling takes a lot of my time and have been pitching in with their new assignments gladly (for now). I have been thinking about having DS unload dishes and DD load all daytime dishes for quite sometime--but thought maybe I was expecting too much. I don't remember who posted that their children do this chore, but that post gave me the nudge I needed. After a couple of days watching it in action I can see that it interferes with their time very little and takes a big burden off me (I hate dishes- especially unloading them). More changes are ahead for us, and I think I am going to be a happier mom and kids will be learning to take on more responsibility. Thanks again!
  17. It's good to hear there are other families that are more relaxed about chores. I have taught my kids many chores and do ask them to complete them when I think things are getting out of hand. They do morning & lunch dishes and vacuum, but it still seems I do the bulk of the work. Hubby does the after dinner dishes--which I sometimes feel bad about. Occasionally I do them. I'm wondering if maybe kids should take these over??? We have some big time intensive cleaning sessions every now and then and the kids and DH do plenty during these. I'd really like to reduce the need to have those intensive sessions. I think our family needs to develop more of a routine, if not a full-fledged chore schedule. Anything too complicated and I know I won't stick with it. Thanks again. Anyone else want to chime in?? Shannon
  18. Not sure if this should be on the other board, but here goes.... We are on the first day of our spring break and I am completely overhauling our homeschooling, starting with chores and habits. Basically, I need more help with the house. I think I am contributing plenty just designing the schoolwork and keeping track of the books. I can't stand the state our house is in. I want it cleaned up, and I want it to stay that way. My children need to learn to be more responsible. So, I'm hoping to glean some ideas here. Anyone care to share ..... 1. how you divide the labor. Who does what? Do you take turns? 2. when and how often chores are done? 3. how you make everyone accountable? 4. what types of chores you assign? How do you assign them? 5. What and how much does your husband contribute? Thanks in advance. Shannon :blush: ...who is busy vacuuming up the doghair tumbleweeds that have been rolling across the kitchen floor!
  19. the first 2 chapters. It is definitely helpful! The author asks many questions to help you really map out your personal philosopy of education. She also leads you through a series of questions to assess your child's uniqueness and tailor your instruction to fit him/her. I think this book should be required reading! Well, not really, if you are a thoughtful person you have probably already thought about most of these things, but it does help to have the questions to get you thinking. It is helping me to get focused and back on track with our homeschooling. If you go through some of this book you should be able to get a good handle on what your family's unique approach to education is and what materials/activities/approaches will fit best for you. I used to belong to a large support group (which tuned into an activity driven energy drainer that offered very little support) and can't tell you how many families I met who never seemed to work through these things. As a result they were (and still are) blown around like seeds in the wind trying every new approach and constantly thinking that if they just used so-and-so's curriculum their kids would turn out like so-and-so's kids. They just constantly follow someone else's idea of what works "always searching and never coming to the truth". These days, with so much available for curriculum and activities it is easy to get blown off course. We did. A book like this helps, even if you don't design your own curriculum. It still helps you know which curricula and activities will best suit your family. Hope this helps! Shannon
  20. :iagree: With everything in 'striders' post. We read the Bible and discuss: Why did God make sure this was included in the Bible? Do you see any way this applies to our lives? What else is said about this subject elsewhere in the Bible? What character traits are being highlighted? And so on. Then we pray - -often including topics relevant to what we just read. Then we make a notebook page which includes several key verses from the Bible story we have read. This year I will transition my oldest into keeping his own journal type notebook and reading independently of the family Bible reading. I really like Explorer Bible Studies too, though we have not used them. We have also used Rod & Staff to add some mapwork and cultural studies. Most of the question and answers we do aloud. At first we tried to sit and fill in answers. That took forever and made Bible into a cumbersome chore - - not one of my goals for Bible study. Ultimately we want our children to want to read and study God's word because they understand it and see it's relevance to their lives. I would say if you think lifepac is on the light side you can still try to use it and add in discussion questions. My own preference is to just read and discuss, it has the added benefit of building relationships and teaching your children they can discuss their concerns with you. Shannon
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