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serendipitous journey

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Everything posted by serendipitous journey

  1. Morning! Today's main work is infrastructure of various sorts. I'm grokking what needs doing as I move through the day ... Housecleaning: round 1; round 2; FLY routines a bonus Homeschool: boys have their work (reading, music); I'm going through this year's "Accountability" threads to bring up my notes & goals: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY RPG: precis of Monday's micro-adventure to players; 15+" drafting next encounter; 15+" on system/rules/meta; 15+ minutes organizing a bonus.
  2. A.'s RPG game: level up character, organize notes. My RPG game: spend 15" on notes, 15" reading core book, 15" drafting some sort of plan of action/engaging what to do next Fitness boys: run/strength me: strength/yoga/aerobic House: 2 rounds cleaning; FLY routines; laundry away Garden: work in School: !!!! music & art day + spend 15-30" engaging what to do next. This week will be pretty laid back. Not quite so much as last week, but still. I'd like to emerge with a neat house, my RPG game under control (I start running one this week), everybody having had plenty of exercise and outdoor time and art, and various infrastructure things in play: dentist/ortho appts, flowers in process, working on finances/budget, &c.
  3. Morning! and Happy Friday. Today's daily adventures include ... housecleaning!!! errands: game store; nursery; take-out for lunch did I say housecleaning? RPG work: e-mail group RE Monday's game, prepare to pick up as GM by sketching next encounter, reading about rules/campaign design and working on general campaign (notes, etc.) 5PM: younger's piano instructor is holding a live event on Zoom, from China, and we're planning to set things up to watch on our TV dinner: the feta-chickpea-salad thing I failed to make earlier this week 😉 fitness. !!!
  4. Evening! Lost a couple of days to post-vaccine ickiness. Don't think I've ever been so happy to be so achy. Since this week is a Total Break from Things Academic, it's been pretty easy going. Good amount of housework today, stuff outdoors, hanging with littles, reading up on my RPG stuff & listening to RPG podcasts & other stuff. This evening: make dinner (souffles, veggies, maybe salad too); we're all watching the second half of "Cars" and having popcorn; settle littles in. Maybe run a round of laundry, think about tomorrow, some exercise or yoga for me. PS -- wishing the seedlings luck!! PPS -- @Critterfixer -- how did the dinner "experiment" go???
  5. Evening! Today saw the essentials done. And, inspired by my most recent round of listening to SWB's "Burnout" lecture, we're taking a week off of all academics. Whew! Tomorrow: kick it off with my 2nd vaccine shot: I'm so glad to be able to get it. Then, other stuff to tackle as I can: Fitness with boys Clean up my RPG character sheet Work on my own campaign for next week's opener; plan this flexibly, and to open with something cohesive, group-building, snappy and dramatic; some sort of decision point with interesting, salient results. Housecleaning. Garden stuff. Bagels for lunch, errand in town (elder wants to get some supplies to make younger's next birthday present) Fitness for me. Dinner: ????? crispy chickpeas/salad/feta bowls, I think.
  6. Morning! You know, our lavender might want clay pots depending on where they go ... the soil here tends toward clay and when we get rain it comes in the winter (used to be very wet winters indeed, lately is more dry). That's the main delay on getting them in the ground: I'd like to "amend" with some sandy stuff, and we don't have any on hand. Hmmm. Today, the goal is to engage as much as can be gracefully managed of: Migraine management (aerobic/math intervals): 1 2 3 4 House cleaning, 2+ rounds: abc abc House some of stuff I didn't get to this week: 15" Piano practice for me: 25" 25" Fitness for me: strength1 strength2 aero yoga Quick-and-dirty draft of next week: 15" Work on RPG. time: .
  7. Yeah, that April was brutal to you is clear even from the view here. Hoping May's smoother & sweeter, for sure. Today is pretty basic, bare minimum: migraine treatment/prevention protocol fitness for me a la the above; fitness for boys (so far, so good on that this week!!!) younger -- catching up in piano composition, work on music elder -- Latin final house cleaning, 2 rounds garden work, some + brainstorm how to amend for the lavender plants dinner will be delivery from a local Puerto Rican restaurant (desperation here, and DH earned some extra $$ this week) online composition lesson this PM since said lesson is messing up the planned date night, try to get out to a cafe with DH for dessert.
  8. 🙂 I agree with Not a Number: just a marketing thing ... You know, just over a year ago (as in March 2020) I set aside all my big, "get-us-back-on-track after a year of a very, very ill child + heartbreaking church problems" goals in exchange for getting my whole household through the next year alive while also trying to help folks outside the house as we were able. Not something I had total control over, but that was where my energy went. Here we are. Not nearly so academic as I'd wished, for sure. But everyone is still here, including my mother-in-law who lives upstairs & has now survived both the Holocaust and the pandemic. And the boys are well little organisms: we've navigated several real challenges (hasn't everyone this year?) and mental health troubles, esp. anxiety in my younger, and yet the boys are enjoying their lives and are, on average, great people. Of course it's taken absolutely everything I've got, and tons of support from DH and others, and I started to crack a few weeks ago & had to dial things back while I recovered. So there's definitely a cost. !!!
  9. Morning! Afternoon. Oops! never got around to posting this AM. Making notes for wrapping up this week, starting next. Today: troubleshooting Various. Fitness for me (crazy important); boys (critical, too); housecleaning galore; troubleshoot Latin for younger, math for elder, and tool up for a week with plenty of music for younger, science for elder, and Latin, Math & English all around. This week: RPG: Send info RE what my character is up to to the current DM Finish background reading for my next game, have a round or two of organization of my notes Fitness: Me: migraine prevention protocol; strength each day; yoga AM + PM. Boys: DareBee strength + run, Sun - Fri OR do make-up the next morning. Elder school: Prepare for and take Latin final. Younger school: Daily music, math, Latin & English + history and science readings.
  10. Oy vey! kicking it off with a migraine, trying not to upchuck + stay somewhat functional. I ought, perhaps, to have seen it coming, btw. not getting to enough fitness earlier this week, changing everything around to orient on the grant, and also some stress RE younger's piano lesson. Maybe writing that out will help me be more assiduous about preventing future migraines. So, today: migraine protocol (brief bursts of aerobics + math on the hour, painkillers, anti-nauseals) House cleaning dinner. ???? either some sort of meat (thawed and cooked) or souffles. If I can kick the nausea, souffles + a treat for DH would be great, maybe molten lava cakes. Odds slim on the latter but it might be an inspiring goal. Fitness for boys, fitness for me in bursts. I can maybe add my strength stuff into the migraine protocol cycle. Minimal school, school planning for this term/week. A great bonus for me would be to do some poetry work with the boys. Blessings to all y'all out there 🙂
  11. I'm so, so sorry that the kitten didn't make it. Thank you for caring for her; and do be extra kind to yourself. (e-hug) We're trucking along. House is getting underway in terms of orderliness; today was fine with my goals, but got de-railed when I remembered that I was due to go over DH's grant materials. He's a scientist trying to renew his Howard Hughes Medical Institute funding. So we'll orient toward that over the day or two; there was an unexpected snafu. As a result, I'm behind on my fitness and the boys' fitness too. So some PTSD problems, some physical problems for me until I get things going again; and tomorrow, we'll kick things off with the boys' run and strength training and then do round 2 in the PM. Also for tomorrow: house cleaning; clear out ivy with boys; Latin for everyone, piano for younger and I, math for elder and I, geography for younger and writing for elder.
  12. Evening! Today saw: basic school; generous amount of house cleaning; run for boys; decent fitness for me; first vaccine for me, hurrah. For tomorrow: lather, rinse, repeat. Focus on house; basic school + lunch read-alouds; fitness all around, ideally for boys AM & PM; noticing what works; take time to work on game, to read, and to brainstorm school: schedule work for next few weeks, incl. history reading for elder, and plan to engage stepping the pace up.
  13. Evening. Still truckin' along. Hit Essential School today, house cleaning, some general recovery time. Dinner: pasta with bell pepper sauce & fresh veggies. Also to do: some straightening, a short run for me, general evening stuff.
  14. oh my goodness -- that's a lot of work! So glad the kitten is growing & hope the tiny one is even healthier tomorrow morning. Esp. hoping that NaNoWriMo goes well as possible. Today was daily stuff + RPG here: success, mostly, with a lack of "fitness". So: tomorrow kicks off with fitness, read-aloud for younger, and Various Things. I'm still focusing on staying sane & corralling disorder. So this week is: maintain Latin (elder), piano (younger), basic progress in subjects (everybody), keep improving the house, get lots of exercise, have a good amount of fun, eat well.
  15. @Critterfixer: hope the head is happier today! Up for today: Fitness for me, aerobic + strength + stretch Housecleaning: 2 rounds, maybe extra time in kitchen, look over next week's work. Garden: some time in garden, troubleshoot lavender planting Social: contact some friends: A, F, C Fun: have some! read some fun stuff, have a yummy snack School: refine our plans, look over week, engage art for boys this coming week + Bible/Homer/Shakespeare ETA: find daily geography, daily science for younger? look into science going forward: RSO Bio2? science through history moderns?
  16. Evening! We hit much of the work I'd hoped to do from last night's brainstormed list. Hurrah! Tomorrow: AM yoga for me Migraine prevention protocol 😕 Start with read-aloud Narnia for younger After that, hands-on science with elder Elder: art & Latin & math especially important; English -- esp. composition -- and reading up next. Younger: music, math, Latin & English esp important. Huge extra credit for some art. Maybe try a different tack? Fitness for me is critical Dinner: ???? Fitness for boys: run + strength.
  17. Okay & good evening! Today went along, I'm beginning to figure out what I should be scheduling each day. We hit: math for both boys; Latin for everybody too, and some English + reading all around. Plus art for elder, piano for younger. 2 rounds house cleaning for me, light fitness for everybody, DH & I had "date night". For tomorrow, I'd like to ... Kick us off with strength work for boys Do hands-on science with elder Math, Latin, English + reading all around. Science reading for elder is esp. important. Plenty of piano practice for younger, plus online lesson in PM. Good, filling dinner early enough for younger to have a peaceful meal before lesson. Fitness for everybody. 2 rounds house cleaning.
  18. So glad they are getting the shot! I hope that their reactions are mild-to-null. Wish them luck for me 🙂
  19. Evening! Fairly successful day. House: 2 rounds of cleaning. Yay! Didn't get to my "zone" or my paper-cleaning-out. School: elder: science lab work (yay!), Latin class, math with me, literature. Younger: geography, Lego-building-project, math with me, science reading, handwriting, literature, English. So we did okay. Fitness: boys fitness done; I got a run in. Might try for some yoga/ballet stuff before bed, might collapse. Dinner was Vietnamese takeout, our RPG night usual; and then we RPGd. Yay! Tomorrow: Start with a round of fitness. Do math with everybody; hit history reading for elder and English for him, too, including writing. English, Latin, Greek, music and reading with younger -- as much of that as is reasonable.
  20. Evening! Morning was a surprise here, too 🙂 House cleaning today, outdoor/socially distanced guest for the afternoon which was a good thing. For this week: Fitness for me, follow my plan Fitness for boys, follow theirs School: math; English; Latin; Greek + piano for younger; science + art for elder; readings in literature, history and science all around House: daily cleaning, FLYLady stuff. Pick up with cycle of Homer, Bible, Shakespeare.
  21. Evening! The last two days flew by ... I'm recovering some from Anxiety Moment, hurrah. Extraordinarily light school this week, with a focus on the house and on fitness all around: progress on both fronts. A successful and mellow Friday; still have more to do this weekend than I'd like (Easter prep, organize meals for the weekend's special moments, clean) but all in all, we're doing okay.
  22. @Critterfixer: ooooh! what a gorgeous way to start the day. So glad you were there; thank you for sharing the photo! Have a cold today, not too bad but definitely taking the edge off. I feel foolish because I'd forgotten to wash my hands when we got back from the boys' optometrist appointments, and I bet that was it; it takes me aback to realize that I've gotten careless. We were masked & careful, and the optometrist is vaccinated, so at least it is unlikely to be anything worse than a cold. So, today will be slow. I'll be working on ... Fitness for me in AM: some yoga, aerobics I missed yesterday to prevent PTSD problems School: read some Homer with boys, probably I'll assign them Hinds' graphic novel Iliad and then we'll move on to the Odyssey as a group read. School 2: review language stuff, hit bit of math, do some reading. Arts: listen to some John Cage, read aloud from an article on him, he's a tricky one to engage with. House: work on cleaning, focus on fixing various furniture arrangement issues in the living room. The other family we are podded with is visiting on Saturday. Easter: figure out boys' baskets, breakfast, and lunch/afternoon snack. We've invited a friend over for an outdoor, distanced Easter afternoon something. But: what? Get batteries in radios for fire emergency volunteer work, begin to distribute: organize this, then start getting them out to folks along our road. Spend a "pomodoro" doing this, with elder's help. PM fitness. ETA: 9: engage online classes for next year (Latin).
  23. oh honey. Here's to Less Horrible, all around. ☕ RPG evening here; got essentials done; not enough fitness for me -- normal for RPG day -- but did boys' fitness -- NOT normal for RPG day. Am making good strides in dealing with stress, and with consistent effort the house is becoming decluttered. Well, I'm decluttering it. With fairly sweet help from the boys.
  24. U R a gud frind 😉 & you solved my Dinner Dilemma. Couldn't figure out what to serve tonight, but read your post & realized we have real stock + leftover roast chicken. And enough Soup Veggies to round it out. No noodles, though. I'll have to use rice or pick noodles up when I take younger for his eye exam: chicken noodle soup sounds divine. There's no way I'm getting to cinnamon rolls. Hope you do -- I'll live vicariously through y'all. Today's work? workin' on figuring that out ...
  25. 🤣 Here: catch up week. Month? Probably can't afford a whole year ... Today was Absolutely Fine. Boys are fundamentally well, hurrah! all the work is paying off. Tomorrow I need to kick things off with an AM run + fitness, and then do another round in the PM. Rest of the roses in; Latin for elder, music for younger, arts/Shakespeare all around, lots of house stuff + trying to un-stress for me.
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