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Posts posted by warriormom

  1. [As far as your first situation, the fever you ran was likely a result of foreign bacteria you picked up in the hospital. Once the water breaks, midwives I know don't do internal checks at all so to avoid infection. If signs of infection were picked up, you would probably have been transported. If you had a CNM, she may have been ok to give you antibiotics herself. It's an urgent situation, but not an emergency. The heart rate decels are common in hospital labors. When you lie down during labor for the fetal monitor you press on the main artery leading to the baby. So the monitor use often causes the decrease in heart rate.


    You may be right. Due to the fact that I had an infected placenta, it may have been that I had stronger bacteria present in my tract or an immune response due to my genetic makeup..Regardless, I was in a place where a doctor could handle any type of emergency with no transfers needed .....and had medicine, surgeon and a pediatrician/NICU team readily available if I had a need in a moments notice. BTW, The decels were due to my baby being sunny side up during birth coupled probably with being attached to an infected placenta...and I had an internal heart monitor with DD. No decels. Luckily I had a perfect delivery with DD.


    I'm always curious when people tell me about situations like yours and your SIL's. I'd love to hear more!


    ETA--I see you edited and added more info. A mom with a fever would most likely be transported to the hospital for IV antibiotics or the midwife would give IV antibiotics at home. I know my midwife can give IV antibiotics at home in cases of Group B Strep.


    Well, I went into labor after my water broke at 2 am. I was not group B strep positive. After about 16 hours of labor, I started running a high fever. I was progressing, but I started running a fever. I was placed on antibiotics and oxygen due to the baby's heart beat decelerating. Of course, I was really scared and feeling terrible due to the fever. I could not imagine being at home in that situation (no matter how wonderful the midwife). They did an ultrasound to find out if the baby was sunny side up. He was. I got into position to hope he would turn. When it came time to push, I had to push every 2nd contraction because the baby's heart rate was decelerating...not recovering well after the contraction. My doctor notified me that she did not like how the baby was recovering from the contractions...that I needed to trust her if she needed to take me in for an emergency c-section. She would try to avoid it, but she did not want to gamble with his life. Right before he was about to crown, his heart decelerated dramatically. She told me that she needed to use a vacuum assisted delivery if it continued. It did. Under the circumstances, that was the right choice. He was sunny-side up. He was in distress until after he was delivered. She helped me AVOID a c-section. When the placenta was delivered, it was infected. I only had a 2nd degree tear which under the circumstances is very impressive. When Captain America was born, he had a weak cry but he was healthy and safe thanks to my competent doctors and nurses who saved the day!:001_smile: No I have no health issues. I was 28 when I delivered him. I had a perfect pregnancy with no alarms at all.


    SIL had a very traumatic childbirth at 30 years old. She progressed fairly quickly. Her baby went into distress. They called in her doctor. DS heart was decelerating when she was pushing. He was born at 4 lbs and some change with a VB(although her midwife thought he would be 9lbs like his brother). Although she had ultrasounds every once in a while through out the pregnancy they did not know that there was an umbilical cord issue with an inadequate placenta. It was a complete surprise to everyone (she was 30). If he had been born even an hour later the doctor did not think he would not survive. He went straight to NICU....and he was on oxygen. He was in the hospital for 1.5 weeks. He was is brachycardia (sp?) and found to have VSD (not known until after delivery). Again, she would have put her baby in great risk if she had had a home birth.


    Maybe the midwife's protocol at some point is to transfer people when they have a situation like ours. All this to say, an at-home birth is not necessarily the best choice. Give me any statistic you want...but common sense and experience tells me otherwise. I am thankful my sil and I made the decision to have a hospital delivery. I love my birth experience despite the drama because my son and I came home. That is what is important. The "wedding" was not perfect but the "marriage" has been awesome.


    This is of course a personal decision. Based on my own experience and knowing what it feels like to lose a baby, I do not think that being able to say "I gave birth to you at home with no intervention" is worth it. In my opinion, go to a birth center or a hospital with a birth plan if you want minimal intervention. I think that is fair. I will NEVER give birth to a child at home on purpose. I would discourage my daughter and any close friend from having a home birth. Unfortunately the worst case scenario happens to someone. I would rather have a bad memory with a good outcome than a dreadfully sad, preventable regret.


    Sorry if this offends you. Just my opinion. Now I will climb off of my soap box.:tongue_smilie:

  3. I believe that having a home birth is unwise. Both I and my sil had situations where we could have lost our babies (my 1st, her 2nd). We had a VB but both of our doctors did save the day (gave me antibiotics since I ran a maternal fever...my water broke and that is how I went into labor... my baby's heart rate went down during labor also).


    I lost a baby to a non-life giving birth defect (my 2nd). That was beyond my control. If you have some control, I believe better be safe than sorry. My OBGYN (who came in during her vacation time and her days of not being on call in all 3 births- 1 baby was already deceased) is a good friend of mine. She has told me that unfortunately worst case scenarios happen more often than people really believe. I always thought nothing bad would never happen to me.....but it did. Birthing centers or hospitals can be great places to have a natural birth experience.


    I am sorry if I come across a bit opinionated. Unfortunately I am apart of a club I would rather not be apart of (the mom of a dead baby club). I did not sign up for it. I would really rather not have any other members.

  4. I know edutainment is looked down upon by many. I would think the same thing if it had not been for a Talking frog teaching my son basic phonics at 3 years old! Yes, I am a HUGE fan of Leapfrog's Letter Factory, Word Factory etc.


    So what is your favorite learning DVD? Is it as good as "the frog":)? Any other edutainment (apps, computer games, CDs etc.) that taught your child well/support to what you are already teaching them? Do YOU love it? Feel free to elaborate.


    I love reading to my child. I love teaching him. I just know he enjoys edutainment :tongue_smilie:

  5. I know edutainment is looked down upon by many. I would think the same thing if it had not been for a Talking frog teaching my son basic phonics at 3 years old! Yes, I am a HUGE fan of Leapfrog's Letter Factory, Word Factory etc.


    So what is your favorite learning DVD? Is it as good as "the frog":)? Any other edutainment (apps, computer games, CDs etc.) that taught your child well/support to what you are already teaching them? Do YOU love it? Feel free to elaborate.


    I love reading to my child. I love teaching him. I just know he enjoys edutainment :tongue_smilie:

  6. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I lost a daughter, Faith, to a non-life giving defect at 26 months. I know only a measure of the loss and grief you are feeling. For me, knowing my daughter will never know sin, fear, death, suffering like we do is a huge comfort. I try to explain this to my children as I still try to explain this to myself....some babies are meant for earth and some are meant for heaven. We will be reunited with them. What a glorious day that will be!

  7. Wow, I am super excited about this! My son (and later my daughter) could really benefit from this. I am a HUGE fan of TYCR100 EZ lessons! Only thing that seems discouraging is that the lessons are 35 minutes. I wish there was a book version of the program that I could teach him. Funnix's reader was a little slow for our taste....and I like control ;)

  8. I just bought a Nook Color a few days ago. I am enjoying it so far. I wanted the color and to be able to check e-mail and facebook on it. I also wanted to be able to download from our library. I asked the lady at the store how long I could try it in case it didn't do what I wanted and she said 2 weeks. We only have dial up at home so the wi fi does not work at home.


    I have had some very frustrating moments since acquiring my new toy. I took it to the library and tried to look at the different apps. I also wanted to look at some of the free books and try downloading them. Well I would get about 10 minutes into looking and then it just quit on me. I didn't know if it was the internet service or the Nook. But today I went back to the library and figured out that I could do everything else ( surf the net, get e-mail, read facebook,) except for downloading too many free books. One or two and it gets stuck but I just leave that area and go somewhere else. I also had trouble shopping at Barnes and Noble which I think is hilarious since that is their goal. Anyway I think I am going to ask about it at the store next week.


    As far as the apps. I have only downloaded free ones. There are not that many that are appealing. They have a few games and I don't really care about those. I would like to get Epicurious for recipes but I don't want to buy any until I know I am keeping the nook. So I have the Calendar which is basic and will NOT sync with your Outlook calendar unless you buy some software for your computer which costs $40. Ouch! I also got Pulse -- this is a news feed type thing. But what I like about it is I can refresh all the news at the library and still read the articles when I am offline at home. I was able to add my google reader and choose some of the blogs I follow and I can read those at home too. I am tickled about doing that. Of course the pictures don't show up at home but the words do. I can also get my facebook updates and read those at home too. Another app that looks interesting is the office one. It costs $8 but then you can edit and create excel,word, and powerpoint on it.


    My other tormenter was trying to download library books. You need to have Adobe Digital Editions and we could not get that to download on dial up or on my desk top. I was finally able to get it on our laptop. Then when I tried it, I had to set up an account(free) with Adobe. For some reason that would not work either until we set it up with photoshop. Go figure on why these links were not working for us. Anyways we have had success downloading library books today. Yay!


    I really enjoy reading on my nook. I don't read long hours so I don't feel the eye strain others talk about. I also change the brightness according to the lighting around me. I did read outside in the sunlight but I had to have it on the highest brightness and it still wasn't that clear. But otherwise it is nice. I liked the Read to me feature for kids books on the sample book they give you. I think young children would like it.


    I have a bit of music on my nook too. I like having soft music when I read. The funny thing is the speaker is in the back of the nook and it seems like it would be better if it was in the front. I have not tried it with headphones yet.


    I watched the sample video in the cookbook they give you too and that is fun and very clear. Enjoyable.


    I cannot compare to other readers since this is my first. I do think I am going to keep it though. My son wants to "root" it but I am afraid to do that. I guess if you do that then you can have all the amazon apps and such. If it is done though your warranty is invalid. I have read a little about just rooting the SD Memory card and I am not sure if that is the same or not on the warranty.


    Sorry for the long post. I hope my experience will help you decide.







    Great info! Thanks!


    Any other experiences with the nook or nook color?

  9. I am getting an e-reader for my birthday next month. I have a few questions:


    1. I am leaning toward buying the Nook (although the Nook Color is really cool). Any disadvantages to buying the Nook? Speak now or forever hold your peace :tongue_smilie:

    2. Any favorite vintage/classic books that you use for homeschooling?

    3. Do you have your child use your e-reader?

    4. Do you download books like OPGTR on your e-reader? Why or why not?

    5. Will I regret not getting a Nook Color? If you have one, what do you think of the apps? They do not seem as impressive as Apple :(

    6. Any other advice?

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