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Posts posted by sewingmama

  1. My kids are 4&3 - they LOVE lapbooks. We do one every month or so. We do one component every other day or so.


    I do all the cutting (x2 - my kids make one each) and I don't really mind it -I do it while watching tv. My kids do all the glueing -they love that part :D


    My kids are so proud of the finished products and they look at them over and over - so I consider them worth the work. I know they are learning because later when they go through them they repeat everything I told them as they pretend read it.


    Mine are quick and easy though because my kids aren't reading or writing so it's mostly Pre-K stuff.


    I would never do one in a day :eek:

  2. Yes I did/do extended bottle feeding. All my kids were on formula from 3 months -I just could not keep my breastmilk past then. All three were cow's milk intolerant until 2 yrs (baby is still currently intolerant). All three of mine refused to drink formula from a cup even though they used a cup fine for everything else.


    So I just continued with the bottle because that is all they would accept the formula in and they couldn't drink cow's milk so they needed to stay on the formula (soy) because you can't give regular soy till past 2 yrs.


    My first two gave up the bottle at 18 months - my third is now 18 months and still having a bottle about twice a day.


    I don't really care what people think and none of my children have any teeth problems from it.


    All my kids were not really eating food well till around 18months-2yrs -so they needed to have the milk.

  3. Because


    My kids would have to wear Uniforms and the ones at the local schools are ugly


    I love to sew my kids clothes and if they are wearing uniforms 5 days a week then they don't need me to sew for them as much


    I would look pretty stupid playing in the sandpit and using playdough by myself


    I don't want to find out for sure that I really don't actually have any friends when nobody calls me for lunch dates when the kids are at school


    I hate counting down the minutes to when they come home again and wondering what they did all day only to ask them when they come home - so what did you learn today and they answer "nothing"


    I wouldn't have an excuse as to why I am so forgetful and scatterbrained if I don't have a million interruptions to blame it on


    I get freaked out if my house is too clean or someone doesn't mess it up 5 minutes after I've just cleaned it - it's just not natural :D

  4. My boys got a ton of matchbox cars they still carry everywhere.


    DD got some dolls she plays with pretty regularly.


    The Zhu Zhu pets are still pretty popular although I think I need to check the batteries on them.


    They would probably use their playdough toys a lot more if I made them some more playdough - they had the shop stuff and it went gross after a few uses. I hate playdough toys as much as my kids love them -all the cleaning they require after use otherwise the playdough hardens and they won't work.:glare:

  5. I have 3 kids under 5 so I understand your situation :lol:


    Honestly I went out and bought a cabinet with a lock specifically for all the art stuff. My kids are art crazy and no matter where I put it/hid it they would find it and decorate the house with it. The lockable cabinet worked great for a week till they broke the door on it trying to get in :glare:.


    I have to lock up everything and manage everything - by doleing it out and relocking the cabinet in between or it becomes a free for all with everyone helping themselves to extras for their art project that just keeps getting bigger and bigger :001_huh: Punishment at our house is denial of access to the art cupboard - this always gets behaviour fixed quickly :D


    All puzzles, games, toys with peices are all locked away too.


    Library books are stored in two containers atop a high cupboard they can't access -otherwise the older kids scatter then on the floor while reading them and the baby comes along and chews them and rips them up.


    I have seen many blogs with their art/HS/library supplies all left out on low shelves for free access by their preschoolers -in my dream life I can do this - but in reality that does not work for my kids - they are the impulsive,sensory type who forget they are supposed to ask first and love to make big messes ;)


    Locks are your friends with littles :D

  6. We have a library suitcase. It is a regular rolling suitcase. We often fill it up


    Total enabling post LOL


    I hadn't thought of doing this. I usually limit myself to what I can carry out of the library in two grocery bags because I also have to juggle three kids under 5 and a stroller. I could totally handle a suitcase but then we really would cross over into the realm of wierdo's :D - we are already considered weird because I check out about 30 books at a time - from what I hear when in the kids section parents are constantly limiting their kids to DVD's only or 2 books only. I don't know how they manage that because my kids keep shoving books in the bag left and right and begging me to get just one more :D


    My card limit is 30 but kids are allowed cards from birth so all my kids have one too - with a limit of 20 - so that's about 90 books I can borrow if I want. Since I am the only one who can read in our house (well Dh can read too ) 30-40 books a week is adequate LOL -I envision we'll borrow more when the kids can read to themselves. I've just started reading chapter books too so they take even longer to read -so I need less of them or they go back unread.

  7. I had three healthy pregnancies and then 2 miscarriages. In fact I'm in the middle of my 2nd one right now. I have missed miscarriages - which means the baby dies and my body doesn't expel it right away. The first time it took 6 weeks from when it died before the baby was expelled and right now I am still in limbo land waiting. I lost the baby earlier this time - at 6/7 weeks so I'm hoping I won't have to wait another 6 weeks to complete. I wish my miscarriages would be immediate so they are faster to get over.


    With my first I was a little shocked but figured many women have at least one miscarriage and I'll just get pregnant again. Well now that I'm on my second I'm very depressed. The first time I put down to a fluke - now I think there is something terribly wrong with me. I don't feel guilt but I do hate my body for failing the babies. I am also convinced I will not have another baby so as well as grieving the miscarriage I am grieving the reality of only having three children when I wanted many more.


    I have auto-immune disorders as well as RH- blood type -so I can't help thinking that my body is killing off my babies even though I had all my RH shots and I shouldn't have antibodies anyway because all my previous children have negative blood groups.


    Miscarriage sucks - plain and simple -but you should never feel guilt -it isn't your fault.

  8. Honestly I would just straight out tell her. How bad would you feel if somethng happened to the baby because you didn't want to offend the mom - it's worth offending her for.


    I know how you feel - when my younger sister had her first baby she was posting pics of him in the crib with all sorts of scary stuff in it. I posted a comment underneath the photo something along the lines of - your baby is so adorable but please be careful about the things you have in the crib because they are a suffocation risk and I'd hate him to have an accident.


    I was a little hesitant to post it because I didn't want to come across as the know-all big sister LOL.


    My sister posted back not to worry she didn't put him to sleep with all that stuff in there it's just for photos and such and she was careful about that sort of stuff - which was good enough for me LOL. My sister is 19 so I was a little concerned about her being a young mum and not actually knowing about that stuff.


    Don't worry about offending - just mention you are concerned and would hate the baby to have an accident.

  9. I don't have to ask - I have to beg, plead, nag and then yell.:glare:


    My DH sees things but he won't do anything about it but complain. For eg. the other day the kids covered his bathroom sink and taps in peanut butter while trying to wash their hands. He complained about it but when I went in there 4 days later he hadn't washed it off -now it's dried on solid as a rock and he still uses the sink :ack2:


    He'll also complain if he doesn't have clean clothes but he won't do the laundry -he just wears dirty underwear and clothes till I do the wash - one time he wore the same top for a week because I just wanted to see how long he would go.


    He does not help me when I am sick - NEVER. When I was hospitalised with pneumonia for a week the kids were 18 months and 3 months old. He brought the baby in at 10 am (when visiting hours started) dropped him off and picked him up again at 8pm - (when visiting hours finished). Nevermind that I was in isolation and was so sick I could barely move. He wanted to leave the 18 month old as well but I refused on that one - she was a screamer and there isn't anything to do in a tiny, isolated room for that many hours. I was only released from the hospital (because it was 2 days before christmas) under strict instructions to lie on the couch and do nothing for a few weeks. Well the house was so disgusting and unlivable when I got home I feared for my kids safety so I HAD to spend several hours cleaning - DH headed for the bedroom soon as we got home and took a three hour nap -leaving me with the babies to care for as well as the cleaning. He didn't even help me clean the mess HE had made.


    That says it all really:glare:

  10. I had my 7yo ears pierced when she was 4 months old. We will let 2yodd choose to pierce her ears if she wants when she is old enough to take care of them...maybe like 10-12??? I had my ears done when I was 3-4. I remember asking...begging...my mom forever before she did it. Ice cube and sewing needle!


    Oh harsh LOL.


    My DD is 4 and she does not have pierced ears. I don't do anything permanent to my children unless medically necessary. It isn't that I'm against it at all - my DD can get it done if she wants to later on -but I want her to make the decision herself. My DH is totally opposed though - he wants her to wait till she is 16. I will probably have a "discussion" with him if she wants it done sooner LOL.


    I had mine done when I was 4. I'm allergic to most metals - though as a kid I didn't have problems. My baby sister bought me a pair of cheap earrings for Christmas when I was about 25 and I thought I'd wear them for a day to "be nice". They got horribly infected and closed up. So now I will wait till my DD gets hers done and I will get mine repierced at the same time (although I don't really mind not having them done).


    For what it's worth I think baby earrings are cute -but I wouldn't do that to my own baby.

  11. If you are homeschooling then why do church classes matter? If he doesn't actually go to kindy then there is no need to say he is in kindy - you can call it whatever you want. You don't need to tell anyone he is in a certain "grade" just tell anybody who asks that you are homeschooling him and don't do grades.

  12. When I was a kid we rarely had snacks - three meals a day and not one kids was fussy - we ate everything.


    I planned to do this with my kids (its just what I was used to and so never got into a habit of snacking myself) but I married a DH who gets himself a snack every 15 minutes - he cannot watch t.v. or work on the computer or drive a car or read a book without a snack - I've never in 8 years seen him do it. He is constantly in the kitchen and thus the kids hang around asking for stuff whenever he gets it out and as a consequence they hardly ever eat their meals - despite many "discussions" DH will often give the kids a snack even if he can see I'm right there in the kitchen in the middle of making dinner.:glare:


    Funnily enough - nobody in my family my mum/siblings/myself -have ever had weight issues - we are all on the thin side. My DH is grossly overweight and so is all his family who are ALWAYS snacking.


    When DH is at work my kids eat three meals a day with a snack in between (because they are used to it now) but when DH is home - they are ALWAYS eating non-stop. Drives me insane.

  13. Was there a heartbeat at the 10 week U/S?


    I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. We don't get early U/S in Australia so you usually start miscarrying before you know there is no heartbeat.


    Anyway I started bleeding so I went in and had an U/S. There was no heartbeat and the baby measured at 8 weeks - I could see it was not viable - the baby was just lying there not moving. I've had an U/S before at 10 weeks - I knew it was supposed to be a lot more developed and moving around. I chose to miscarry naturally as I couldn't get anyone to watch my kids to go into hospital. It still took 2.5 weeks after the bleeding started to finally miscarry. So all up - it took about 6 weeks since the baby died till when it passed out.


    It sounds very likely that she has lost the pregnancy - but there is no harm in waiting if she wants to. It might take a couple weeks before she starts bleeding though - if she still has morning sickness then her hormones haven't come down enough to start releasing the pregnancy.

  14. Here is my story:)


    I had trouble in my 20's getting pregnant - we tried for almost 5 years before I got pregnant and had my first child at 31. 6 months later I got pregnant with No.2 on the first try. When I was 34 I got pregnant with No.3 - which took about 3-4 months of trying.


    At 36 I got pregnant with No.4 on the second try - this pregnancy ended at 12 weeks with my first miscarriage. We decided to wait a year before trying again because I had a feeling I lost it because my body was worn out and nutritionally depleted after having 3 babys in 3.5 years. That was March last year


    I'm 37 in May - We tried for the first time this month - I'm now 5 weeks pregnant (but not officially announcing for a while yet due to last miscarriage);)


    I've had no complications (besides the miscarriage) - all textbook pregnancies and deliveries. Not even morning sickness. I delivered all natural for the No.2 and No.3 and it was all great.


    If this baby stays put I'll be 37 when it arrives and we still want another after that - so I'll probably be around 39 for No.5 if all goes as planned.


    I say you aren't too old and you should go for it. I wouldn't worry too much about complications if you haven't had any with previous pregnancies. The only thing I find is that I get tireder with each pregnancy and have less stamina - but that could also be because I now have 3 kids under 5 :D


    In my case at least I had trouble getting pregnant when I was younger and then it was a piece of cake once I passed 30 - the switch turned on and won't turn off (hopefully).:D

  15. We flopped out after 6 lessons :( DD hates the lessons - she hates the repetitiveness of it . I have to admit I was dreading each lesson as well - 30 minutes of boredom for me too. We are going to switch to something else and continue with Funnix just a few times a week instead of every day. I still want to use it- DD is not so keen. I have to bribe her with rewards.

  16. This is us at the moment. We didn't start out that way though. Before we had kids it was me that wanted to homeschool and my DH was not on board at all (he is a high school teacher). Eventually I got him warmed up to the idea and now he is a fan :D


    However after I had children and reality hit about what it was really like to have children around 24/7 - well I started to waver on the idea :glare:

    Throw in that we have a "difficult" child" and three very close in age and now that my oldest is 4 I am really ready to wave her off to Kindergarden in a few months.


    When I first planned on homeschooling I thought I was going to have kids that never fought, always did what they were told and played quietly;) - then along came my DD and it's been the total opposite ever since. I'm an introvert -I need my peace and quiet to function and that so does not happen around here with a tantruming 4yo, a whining 3yo and a very loud, happy and adventerous 18 month old.


    Anyway - suffice it to say that now it is actually time to step up to the homeschooling plate and make it "official" - I've gone off the idea totally - but my DH is really pushing it. So I agreed to do it for one year - it's only Kindergarden right :confused:


    The thing that convinced me to follow through is that the private schools here are all Catholic or Lutheren and we are LDS and the state schools are truely awful because we live in a low socio-economic area and we are rural so there is no driving over to the next town to take my DD to school.


    The standards here are terribly low as well - they don't even begin to teach reading till 1st grade because they are so busy filling in the time getting the underpriveledged kids just to learn their colours. Because I've always enjoyed teaching my kids (wether we homeschool or not) my kids are way advanced for the standards here. My DD is already starting to read and write.


    Plus I want more from an education then what is on offer here. It was whilst I was looking over the school curriculum (Australia is introducing a National curriculum) trying to see if it was really that bad to send my kids to public school that I found myself saying things like" but when do they learn Latin and why are they teaching about families for history - where is ancient history" (which they don't start till grade 7) that I realised I would never be happy with what the kids were learning at school and I needed to at least try it.


    I guess if my DH was totally for it and I was totally opposed I would probably try it out for a bit if I was already a SAHM. I doubt I would give up a career that I found rewarding to try it though - but then my DH hates being a public school teacher (one of the main reasons he wants to homeschool is all the terrible stuff he sees going on at schools and the low standard of education he has to teach) so if I had a decent career DH would happily volunteer to stay home and homeschool himself. :D But since I don't then I guess I need to suck it up an move on with it :lol:

  17. My kids are all vaccinated on schedule. My son had his CP at 18 months (thats when they do it here in Aus) and I was pregnant at the time with my littlest. The DR told me there was no risk of catching it. I had it as a kid anyway so I'm immune.


    I'd never take my kids to a CP or measles party - I don't understand why people WANT their kids to catch these risky diseases. Complications can and do still happen. Both my brothers and I had a truly terrible case of measles as kids -one we were lucky to not have had any lasting complications from. We were all off school for 6 weeks and completely bedridden the whole time.


    I would never expose my kids to that knowingly.:confused:

  18. Breaks things, trashes the house, eats/chews anything he can find, draws on everything but paper, climbs everything, empties everything etc etc:glare:


    He does play with toys but they only hold his interest about 3 minutes before he is into something else.


    He loves his ride on car and his match box cars but his interest is not sustained by much.


    I gave up on planned sensory activites by kid no2. Mine are not happy to sit and play with rice/water/sand etc. After 2 minutes of nice play they eat it/ dump it and throw it everywhere - it's not worth the hour clean up when it takes me longer to set up the activity then it does for them to loose interest in it. We have a sandbox in the yard and they can turn on the hose - that's all mine are allowed. They provide enough of their own "sensory activites" - current favourite is smearing toothpaste/diaper cream/yoghurt on everything and especially windows. They don't need any of my suggestions :lol:


    Usually around 2.5 mine start playing for sustained periods and destroying less things - until then I just :) and bear it.

  19. I have two that are 15 months apart - honestly teaching them together doesn't work for us because they are too much in competition with each other and fight the whole time.


    I basically just teach the 4 yo and either give the 3yo his own work or let him follow along with us while paying most attention to the 4 yo.


    I guess it depends on your kids and how they get along.


    Also I find that even with only a 15 month age gap there is a wide gap in their abilities - especially developmentally. My 3yo can understand most of the lesson but he doesn't have the co-ordination or interest to write yet - whereas my 4yo can and does write etc and then 3yo gets frustrated and upset when he can't do what he sees 4yo doing.


    So my two questions would be - how competitive are they and is there a wide gap in their developmental/learning abilities.

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