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Everything posted by meggie

  1. *sigh* I will do it if it's helpful for her, but I'm already crying on the inside. :lol: I just imagine myself eating a lot of chicken and cooked carrots and spinach (those are the vegetables we have on hand). And eggs for breakfast. That won't be so bad.....I hope. I can do it. Would flannel be a good cloth to use? I've got lots of flannel I can cut up and use. Thank you for your help
  2. I think it would be ok. I wouldn't expect a 2.5 year old to understand the verbal message. I think tomorrow you might have more luck with getting him to come and if he doesn't, remind him. And if he still doesn't, then I would put him to bed and not go back in. I don't think it would hurt anything this one time. Plus, I know how baby hungry you've been, so I would just say, "Go in and baby him a little."
  3. Update: DH just left to go pick up the prescription. He dropped it off on his way home from work, they said it would be 1 1/2 hours and that they would text him when it was ready. Two hours later he called in, it wasn't ready yet, so he's going in to see if it's done yet. It's been almost three hours and she was asleep when he came home. I'm hoping she'll wake up again (with as much pain as she's been in, I'm sure she will) so I can slather it on ASAP. She is almost exclusively breastfed. Only rarely does she have baby food. I can hold off on that until she gets better. I just called DH and told him to pick me up a pack of chicken while he's out bc apparently I'll be eating a lot of it for the next week or so. Thank you for your help
  4. How can you tell the difference between a yeast infection and a regular diaper rash? Or should I just use the Lortrimin at the first sign of any diaper rash? That's a wonderful idea, thank you! Thank you for the ideas. If I had thrush on me, would it be apparent? I've heard that it is very painful, but I don't have any pain. Would it be possible for me to have it and not know? I was wondering about UTI, bladder and kidney infections too. How would I know if she had any of that? Would she get a fever? She felt warm when I got her up from her nap, but it was kind of warm upstairs, so I brought her downstairs and after a few minutes of playing took her temp. It was 98.4, so totally normal. Is all I need to watch for a fever? Also, I noticed when she was nakey on the blanket that she was playing fine, but then started crying out of nowhere. I brought her next to me and noticed she had peed on the blanket. Isn't pain during urination one of the signs of a UTI? How would I be able to tell the difference between that and pain because it burned her skin? Thank you everyone. I feel so dense as I ask these questions. Sick babies make me feel like a blathering idiot. Neither of the boys had these problems.
  5. I'm trying to think back a week and I have no idea what I ate. I'm pretty sure it's all been stuff I eat on a regular basis, nothing new or exotic. Heck, I even switched from store bought peanut butter to homemade made from roasted unsalted peanuts. But I made that switch a month ago. So I'm very puzzled as to where it came from.
  6. What luck! DH called and apparently I had left my diaper bag in the car. It has the prescription in it so he's going to stop by and get it filled!
  7. I can try switching. She's in Pampers and has always been in Pampers without much issue before. Maybe something else would work better. OOooo, I do have some I could slather on her.
  8. She doesn't have any diarrhea, but in the thread last week, someone suggested a mix of Maalox, Desitin, and Monistat. Walmart didn't have any Maalox, they only had the generic brand in cherry flavor. I wasn't sure if the cherry flavor would irritate it more (she has eczema and sensitive skin anyways) so I bought some generic Mylanta. It had the same active ingredients as the Maalox, only about half as strong. I haven't been scrubbing, just dunking her in the sink to get the pooh off. She still screams :crying:
  9. no, not yet. I'll have to have DH get it after he gets home. Thank you. I'll try this. Thank you. I'll talk to DH about cloth diapers. He's not sure it would help at all. Dang, I just took all my cloth diaper burp cloths to the DI. I bet those would have come in handy right now. Thank you. I'll cake it on as much as I can. The doctor saw her last week and thought it was a yeast infection. He gave me a prescription. I will have DH fill it. Thank you for your help.
  10. I'm sorry, I know it's not the biggest deal in the world. But baby girl is absolutely miserable right now. The diaper rash is back with a vengeance. I tried the miracle butt cream and it started going away, but apparently it came back. She was inconsolable most of the night (as in, I might have gotten two hours of sleep) and the first half of the morning was spent screaming her head off as well. I had to start giving her mini baths in the bathroom sink because the wipes made her scream bloody murder. I switched back to using coconut oil as it was the only thing that made her not scream. I stuck her in the sun around noon for about five minutes before she took a nap. The direct sunlight is now gone, so she's just airing out on a blanket. As I look over now, it appears she peed on the blanket :glare: Her bottom is still bright red and looks very painful. I just don't know what to do anymore, if you wouldn't mind sending positive thoughts our way, I would sure appreciate it. It breaks my heart to see her hurting so badly.
  11. Well I am jealous that she is so patient all the time. DH swears it's fake, that they must get angry at some point and just edit it out. However, I've seen episodes where they say, "We need to edit that out." But obviously the producers had different ideas. I think if they ever yelled it would have made it to the show by now. Anyway, that's the only thing I'm jealous of. I would love to have a big family (5-8 kids, not 20). But with as cranky as I get with PPD, I don't think it would be a good idea.
  12. That's not really an option right now nor is it really necessary as there's nothing wrong with me. I was just wanting to research the topic. Thank you though :001_smile: Thank you, I'll look into it. It's ok, I understood what you meant. I'll look into the book, thank you.
  13. Does anyone have any good resources for learning about Type 2 diabetes or even pre-diabetes? Any books, websites, cookbooks on what happens, meal plans, how to manage it, etc? I'm worried about me and DH. We're overweight, but making some changes, better food choices, exercising (this is the latest change and is slow going). But giving up sweets will probably be the last and most difficult. It's not uncommon for us to get a craving for ice cream or cookies or something and wait til the kids are in bed and eat them. I'm just looking for a lot of information. I've got to get ready for church, so I won't be able to check on this for a few hours. Thank you in advance
  14. Believe me, I would absolutely want to. I probably wouldn't though, because that would mean getting thrown in jail. If my child had gone through that, I couldn't abandon them just so I could feel better, kwim?
  15. Well if I were you, I'd do my best to teach my children how to have a thankful heart. That way when they grow up, they will realize that it's not about what they didn't get, but what they did get. And hopefully they will realize that you did your best. Because there will always be something for them to criticize; let's face it none of us are perfect, but hopefully our kids realize that we always did our best. And no, my kids aren't involved in any extracurriculars. We just can't afford any. That probably won't change any time soon, so I'm working on teaching them to be grateful for what they do get.
  16. We're in Utah. The law says that once they are six, we must send in an affadavit saying we will homeschool X number of hours. I can't remember exactly what it is, I think something like 810 for first grade, 990 for second grade up. They have a list of subjects we have to cover, but its open to our interpretation on how much in each subject we do. That's about it. Once the school district sends back a confirmation letter, we're done. They can't come see our school room, records, force us to keep attendance, see standardized testing results, nothing. Pigby is enrolled at a charter school one day a week. It's through a homeschooling program. They order up to $300 of curriculum for us to keep. In exchange, we have to keep track of how many minutes we're teaching him on the other days. If he stays in this program, he'll have to do a standardized test. I'm fine with all this as I was going to test him anyway. I'm not sure what year they'll be started the testing; he's in kindergarten, I'm not worried about it now.
  17. I prefer crocheting myself. I learned it first, back in second grade-ish. My mom taught me basic knitting when I was in college, but I disliked it. The hook makes things so much easier, it was hard for me to try and loop the yarn around on straight needles. Total PITA.
  18. Oh, what are infant probiotics? I thought you were talking about yogurt or kefir. :lol:
  19. Pot roast in the crock pot, because I don't want to stress about dinner on Christmas, but it's nice to have something yummy.
  20. Can a baby younger than a year have dairy? When Pigby was a baby they said no dairy until a year old. They keep changing things up, I can't ever remember the new rules.
  21. I haven't been using anything for teething yet. Would that be found at a health food store?
  22. Thank you everyone. I'll go to the store tomorrow and get the stuff for the baby butt paste. I put some coconut oil on it tonight, as that's all I have and she's headed off to bed now. We'll see if that helps at all. I swear, you all are better than Google. You might be right on the teething; I've been watching her top front teeth making their way down. It always seems so painful. Poor baby girl.
  23. Baby girl has had a really nasty diaper rash for the past four or five days. I have been letting it air dry and washing it and it was getting better until she took a four hour nap today. Now it is really bad again. At her check up yesterday, the doctor gave me a prescription for a yeast infection cream. I know nothing about yeast infections; is there a way to treat them more naturally. I'm not opposed to using medications; I'm opposed to the overuse of them. Is there anything else I could try instead and leave the cream as a last resort? (I'm pretty sure it was not diet related as she hasn't eaten any solid foods in the last week plus and I haven't eaten anything new or unusual that might be affecting her.) Thank you
  24. Can I join in even though I'm a crocheter? :leaving: It's my new found addiction. I told DH if it weren't for him, I'd be one of those women with fifty cats and everything in my house crocheted. I don't even like cats; I'm allergic. :lol: But so far, I've made one and a half hats and started one of those little amigurumi lions. Ravelry is my addiction site, after this board of course. But I keep searching and printing and saving patterns. :drool5: Honestly it's the first thing I've ever done where I've thought, "Wow, I have some talent."
  25. Oh oops. Definitely not talking about these boards. :lol: I haven't noticed that much fighting going on since the Duggar thread and quite honestly, even that one was too long for me to read. I tend to avoid the fighting threads. :auto: I dislike arguments. But thank you all for being understanding. Sometimes I feel like I must be the only one being driven insane by the children. I think a good nights sleep will help. Maybe I'll sneak off to the library later tonight and get some alone time. Things got a little better. They separated for a little while, then ate lunch, and now Digby's napping. A calm has come over the house. I crocheted a little while supervising baby girl on the floor and that made me happy. It's my new addiction (the crocheting. Scooting around on the floor makes baby girl happy, me not so much. She was supposed to stay a baby). Now I'm off to do school with Pigby. Might keep it short and then let him paint or something.
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