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Posts posted by TrixieB

  1. Because of the layout of our house, dh has a room that he uses for his office.  But...it is on the lower level of the house, and the kids have to keep the noise down.  When the kids were younger, they couldn't have friends over during the day because of the noise issue. 


    Because dh is home, I was able to go back to work part time.  And he has some flexibility in his schedule, so he can occasionally take the kids to appointments on days I work.  On the other hand, it seems like he works A LOT, because the "office" is right here, instead of him having to commute somewhere.  So yeah, 2 AM meetings with people on the other side of the world...


    Also, it was hard at first because it seemed like every time one of the kids was concentrating hard on a test, or busy writing something, dh would wander through the room on the way to the fridge and he'd stop to chat.  Now the kids tend to get a burst of school energy late at night after dh has gone to bed, so they can work without distraction.

  2. My dc are both in high school and I haven't put the picture books away.  They are still on the shelves in our living room and the dc's bedroom.  And yes, the dc do get out a picture book from time to time.  Some just never lose their appeal.  I'm thinking of Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm, A Bargain for Frances, and the Yoko & Friends books with the Franks ("Good!" said the Franks.  "Good good good!"). 


    I wish there were little neighborhood kids to babysit.  My dc could take along a library and read to the kids for hours.

    • Like 4
  3. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am teaching 9th grade English to my ds this year rather than outsourcing it. 


    I need some books for him to read and write about this term. 


    Can y'all suggest four books? 


    Online study guides or links to online writing prompts would be a HUGE bonus.  He doesn't do well with study guides that are mostly "pretend you are character X" or "tell how you feel about..." type questions. 


    He's a great reader and he loves to read, but he doesn't like to write.

  4. The big change I see is that there are far fewer kids now.  There was a noticeable movement of families with kids to the suburbs in the late 70's/early 80's.  The neighborhood I grew up in had a lot of kids and a lot of old people.  Now there are some old people,  a few families with young kids, but mostly no-kids couples.  It's expensive here, and you can get more house/land in the surrounding cities, so that's where many families with kids are now.  Plus the schools are perceived to be better than the city schools.  I know there are a lot more kids' activities & services in the surrounding cities. 



  5. When my dd went on a 10 day international trip, we got some foreign currency beforehand so dd didn't have to hunt for an ATM first thing.  A friend who travels internationally told me that it is best to take a minimum of TWO debit or credit cards for different accounts.  If one gets cancelled by your bank, you'll have a second card to use.  Also, be SURE that your son's bank knows that he will be using the cards in another country.  Although we notified the bank where we have a joint credit card with dd, they didn't update the international use part correctly, and dd ended up having a credit card that didn't work.  Fortunately, the bank where she has a checking account did their job, and her ATM card worked just fine.  I wonder if it's because we went into the checking account bank IN PERSON and watched them put in the notification, as opposed to the credit card bank, where we filled out the form online.


    I put some Lara bars in her checked bag and some in her carry-on.  She ended up eating most of them.  She's not a picky eater, but there were times that she got hungry when it wasn't meal service time on the plane, while she was on the bus, at the hotel in the evening, etc.


    She took an adapter to plug in her iPod to charge, plus a separate charger for extra battery life while flying.  All the hotels had free wifi so it was easy to stay in touch with her.


    She used a couple of small/mini locking carabiners to clip her water bottle loop to her backpack so it wouldn't fall out of its pocket, plus she clipped the zipper pulls together for security.  This was advised due to where she was traveling, so it may not apply to Japan (not sure how much theft/pickpocketing where your ds will be).


    The kids on dd's tour were required to have crossbody passport pouches to wear under their clothes, again due to pickpocket issues. We got an RFID blocker sleeve for dd's passport too.


    Also, she packed light (overweight fees are $$$$) so she was easily able to bring home souvenirs and still stay under the luggage weight limit.



    • Like 1
  6. Hmmm... okay, now I have a new plan.


    Dh gets up super early, so I'll ask him to run the dishwasher then.  That should get rid of the condensation issue.  The inside of the dishwasher gets pretty yucky, so maybe that will go away if the condensation goes away. 

    • Like 1
  7. We run the dishwasher every night just before bedtime - settings: high temp wash, heated dry.


    Every morning the dishes are clean, but wet. 


    I figured something is wrong with the dishwasher.


    But... this morning dd went to empty the dishwasher, and realized we'd forgotten to run it last night.  So she turned it on, same settings as we always use.  It finished the cycle about 10 minutes ago.  I opened the door and...  the dishes are clean and dry.




    Is this a normal thing for dishwashers, if you let them sit overnight after the cycle has run, that the dishes are wet in the morning due to... condensation?  Or ???

  8. When I emigrated from the USA to Colombia in 1995, I couldn't bring my car. Used cars could not be imported. Also, I had never seen that model Toyota here. In 21 years, I still have never seen that model here.  It was a Toyota Station Wagon. I left it with my best friend. He ended up selling it to a High School Girl. She was very smart. It had  4WD and all of the Repair/Maintenance records. It was not perfect, but probably a much more practical purchase for her than a car that would have been much sexier.  GL on your purchase!


    Just for you, Lanny:


    Tercel Snow Climb


    Looks like fun!

    • Like 2
  9. I think you may be having issues with the metal. I never had to do much, but insist on sterling silver for the first six months.


    I wore sterling while a piercing was healing.  It ended up never healing, and now I have a black mark where the piercing was.  I tend to think the mark is due to the sterling, because another failed piercing (different spot) didn't leave a black mark and that earring never got switched out from the piercing earring, which was whatever they used at Piercing Pagoda -- I'll never go there again.  I think they didn't disinfect their equipment properly.  The piercing got infected within a couple of days.  If I ever decide to get another piercing, I'll go to a tattoo/piercing place.

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