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Posts posted by TrixieB

  1. Walking on the beach at low tide is a good one!

    Aquarium and whale watching are definitely on our list.

    Maybe we'll have to do a fishing trip... hadn't thought of that one.

    We have a hatchery nearby... so that one is easy, but what is a fish ladder?

    I'll have to do some research to find a spawning stream.  Any suggestions?




    A fish ladder is a man-made bypass for fish to get from one body of water to another (for example, if there was something like a dam put in the way, or if a stream was blocked off somehow).  That way the fish can get back upstream to spawn in the stream where they were born. 


    Maybe try googling spawning stream for your area?  Around here it's typically a stream that empties into a lake or a body of salt water.  Or maybe different in other parts of the country.  Or maybe not all fish do this?


    • Like 3
  2. Yeah you have a much bigger family.  Here it is only 4 of us and one won't touch celery.  My husband will eat it cooked or in a salad, but he isn't one to just snack on it.  The other kid eats small amounts of food.


    In our house, I am the only one who eats raw celery.  I buy a bag of 2 hearts every week, $1.99.  Sometimes the last couple stalks get thrown out, but not usually, especially if I can figure out something cooked that disguises them.


    • Like 1
  3. I have fallen asleep at the theater only once.  It was a Woody Allen movie.   Although my friend claims I did it twice, but the other movie I don't remember even going to the theater. 


    At home, yeah, often, especially when I used to stay over with friends and the movie watching would start around 11 PM.  I never made it through the second movie.  Just not enough of a night owl I guess.  Also I slept through most of "The Empire Strikes Back" several times.  When I finally stayed awake for the whole thing, I thought, wow!  It's a pretty good movie!  I don't know why it made me fall asleep before.

  4. Not the sweatshirt, but I remember the jeans very well. :) Add a Swatch watch, some slouchy socks, and Reebok high tops, and you'd be rocking OUT. 


    Fashion was so comfortable in the 80's. Sigh.


    My 1984 Swatch still works, and I wear it every day.


    My Guess jeans, on the other hand... I couldn't fit into them if I still had them. 

    • Like 3
  5. one of the most famous downgrades we drive  every few years or so (and I drove myself - as opposed to dh driving - last summer.) is
    eastern Oregon. because of how long the grade is, there are two runaway truck ramps.  the video is the view from a 13' truck going down.  it's 15 minutes. 


    eta: cabbage hill is also known as deadman's pass. there are a number of warnings before you start the downhill.



    Thanks for posting the video.  I have always enjoyed that stretch; it requires a bit more concentration than the rest of the long drive to visit family.

    • Like 1
  6. Like any automatic, with the brakes.


    That said, I never drive on mountains and very rarely large or long hilly roads. I live in a densely populated city.


    Try doing the quickie brake stomp thing when you're going down a hill, to see if it downshifts for you.  You should be able to hear engine pitch change.  One time I was listening to a song that has that same sound, while going down a hill, it was like in super stereo.


  7. Mine genuinely cannot downshift.  It has park, reverse, neutral, and drive...that's it.


    Ours is like that, but it also has some kind of manual simulator thing where you can "shift" but there is no clutch.  For those times when dh wants to pretend to drive a manual transmission, I guess.  I don't know if the manual simulator tells what "gear" the car is in.


    Normally, to downshift going down a steep hill, I hit the brakes once and the engine downshifts.  Which wouldn't work if the brakes failed. 


    • Like 2
  8. Only for band/youth symphony concerts.  The pants are from the junior dept at JCPenney, not sure of the brand, but JCP always seems to have basic black dress pants.  Dd needed a black long-sleeved dress shirt too; that is Worthington (I think) from the misses department.

    • Like 1
  9. I would not say anything. If it turns out the covenant is expired and/or unenforceable, then telling them about it would just worry them needlessly. If it's still in effect but no one ever reports them, then again they would have been worried for no reason — or  they could be frightened into moving their horses somewhere else, causing them extra expense (and possibly worse care for the horses), when no one would have complained anyway. And on the off chance that the covenant is still in effect, enforceable, and someone complains, they may assume it was you and ruin a friendly relationship. 




    • Like 1
  10. Or alternatively, buy into an index fund now, when the market is in a reflexive, computer-controlled crash.  It will likely be the cheapest day to buy in for the next five years.


    Yeah, this is what I told dh I want to do... he is pooh-poohing the idea.  It's retirement $ and I've got many years to go till retirement.


  11. I just use the free google docs app. It can be used online and offline. I set it to sync when online so my kids work are backup.


    Depending on how old their iPad is, it may already have Pages preloaded which is nice enough to start with.


    I'll look at the google docs app.


    The iPad is... 3 years old, maybe?  I don't know if it has Pages but I will look.


  12. Most psychs and Neuropsych here charge ~$100/hr. I think I'm in a cheap area. Testing time is about 8 hrs.


    Your area costs less than ours.  Here it's almost double your hourly.  And they charge for testing, evaluation, interpretation, write-up, etc., so about 18 hours.

  13. My kid had the same evaluation setup as you describe.  Beforehand, I verified the CPT (services) codes with our insurance to be sure they were covered.  One of them is an hourly code so that is one variable that could depend on the individual kid.  The clinic billed about $4000 and it's still out at insurance.  


    The actual cost for any of us will depend on a number of things:


    your insurance's negotiated rate for each CPT code

    number of hours billed

    whether your insurance is copay or co-insurance

    if your child has already met their yearly deductible

    what your co-insurance percentage is

    whether the provider is in-network or out-of-network

    exactly what testing was done

    does your insurance cover all the billed services (for example, educational testing may not be a covered service)


  14. Maybe the Paperwhite is more $ because it's proprietary technology (e-ink) or because there aren't many competitors? 


    The Fire is basically just another tablet and there are multiple tablet manufacturers to choose from.


    eta: terms - I though OP was referring to $40 Fire tablet vs. $100 Paperwhite E-reader.  If the question really was why Paperwhite costs more than $60 basic Kindle E-reader, well that would be due to lit screen & higher resolution.

  15. 1.  Can you recommend an app, preferably for iPhones, that I can set for a particular program?  I would like something that beeps at particular intervals, like at 60 or 90 seconds, or whatever, to switch between running and walking.  Bonus if I can adjust those intervals as needed.


    2.  What do you use to carry keys, phone, pepper spray while running?


    I have a Gymboss MiniMax.  It does everything you listed as requirements, except it's not an app.  It's a small device that can be clipped to your waistband, onto an armband, etc.  You can set it for multiple different length intervals; you're not limited to for example 60/90 repeat continually.    You can program it to do something like this:


    Run 10 minutes. walk 1 minute, run 20 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 15 minutes, walk 1 minute, run 10 minutes.


    The only downside is you'd want to set it up in advance of your run.  I find it difficult to make changes on the fly while I'm in the middle of exercising.

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