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Posts posted by Azalea

  1. I personally killed the popcorn sales program in our Troop.


    I did the math and figured out that the parents THEMSELVES spent more on popcorn than the kids got to keep.  Eg., they parents spent $150 on popcorn, and the kids kept, what, $40?  The kids were supposed to raise $150 for themselves ... so it would have been a lot simpler for the parents just to write a check and save all the driving around and pestering the relatives.  


    All the parents were relieved at the suggestion.  


    By the way (thumbs in suspenders), my son won the award for Most Popcorn Sold.  (Even without what we ourselves bought.)  He did a great job.  

    And (blushing) I just threw away the last box of popcorn when we moved to the new house.  




    You are a hero! Yes parents do the math!

  2. Oh boy, this was a hard one for me, in so many ways. I thought I was doing fine after ds left last year, but then I began to feel lost. During the winter that never seemed to end I began fantasizing and making plans for all the amazing things we'd do this summer. Then a day after he came home, my little brother died. Soon after that mil came to live with us while going thru chemo and radiation, then in July my husband had a heart attack and quadruple bypass. Last week our dog had to be euthanized. I'm packing my son's stuff today, and I can honestly say I will be glad for him to be back at school. He had a miserable summer, but we all realize now a bit more about what the important things in life really are. I don't know if I'm explaining it very well. Things will and do get better eventually. I'm no longer dreaming about what we'll do in the future, but learning to take things one day at a time, to concentrate more on today.


    Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. There is just no way our generous hosts would take away our visible likes without a post that begins, "After careful consideration, and with a heavy heart we have decided..." This must be a glitch. The site has been goofy for awhile. Viruses seem to plague the site and when I click on new content it does not work. Does New Content work for everyone else?

  4. Nope absolutely does not work! Clicking on a like takes me to the first post in the thread. Is there a setting to be changed? It used to work for me when we had visible likes, I haven't changed anything. Alte Veste, I will like your last post - could you check again to see if it really takes you to post #79 How is this working for everyone else?

  5. When I click on "post you made" it takes me right to the exact post that was liked. Did it with visible likes, still does it with invisible likes.



    This does not work for me. Clicking on a like just takes you to the thread. I will go try again to see if this has changed.

  6. This reminds me of how lately, (and I live in a tourist state) there have been so many people honking their brains out for me to turn right on red.   Now, I am not planning on going right, I am going straight.   It's happened several times lately at different intersections, I am always in the right OR straight lane, and I have never been positioned weirdly or able to move so that they could get by me.   I have been completely mystified by this.   I can't go right on red, I am going straight.   In the lane next to me you can only go left, this lane you can go right or straight, see the arrows painted on the road???  Not to mention it's not a law that you MUST go right on red. 


    Anyway :) .


    Yes this. And at one intersection in my neighborhood I don't feel safe turning right on the red as it is difficult to see whether there is traffic coming due to a hill before the light. And another place I am getting honked at is when I yield at yield signs. A moments hesitation or brake light at a yield gets a honk these days. I need to figure out how to not let this bother me.

  7. I'm back to join the protest/movement to bring back visible 'likes' - it must be Monday morning somewhere by now.


    One really practical problem with the invisible likes is that there is no way of telling exactly which post received a 'like' if I have more than one post in a specific thread. Maybe my posts are vastly different and I've done a "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and I don't know which post a person liked? Or more likely, the discussion has evolved in the thread, and I still don't know exactly what post was appreciated by the person.


    Bring back the visible likes! Please!!)


    Yes! This is another point I was going to make. You did it better than I can.(In the past, I could have just liked your post.)

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