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Posts posted by Azalea

  1. I don't recall making any suggestions about financing college for other people's children. I also don't believe Azalea's truly bizarre request for financial information was directed toward you but maybe I read that wrong? Whatever I did to you in a past life to merit such rudeness from either of you, I apologize. In the future I'll be sure to follow the party line.


    I don't feel my question was bizarre. I have an acquaintance whose daughter graduated state university at age 16 and then moved on to an undergraduate/PhD program at a top university. They have not had to pay much for college - their child is simply that exceptional, maybe yours are as well. Sadly most of the rest of us are not in this situation. In other words, maybe you are fully aware that Harvard will be beating down your door to send your kids there for free.


    One of the most valuable things I have learned from this forum is all about the costs of college. Those women who took the time to share honest information have been invaluable to me. My family also shares some of the hardships that have befallen some of you due to the recession. But the real problem is that when you start to get a good salary near the time children are going to be entering college, the colleges seem to think you have always been earning this salary. I really feel for those of you who are struggling with debt.  I have been there, done that. I know that I am not in that situation currently due more to luck than careful planning. Because people find it gauche to discuss personal finances, there is a veil of secrecy around college costs. No one wants to admit that their child lost the merit scholarship due to poor grades, etc. We need to openly talk about the bait and switch tactics, the fees that aren't revealed up front, the hidden costs, etc. Wishful thinking is not going to make this reality go away. 

  2. I apologize for causing offense. I think it is vitally important for everyone to run the net price calculators and FAFSA calculators. I think so many people who consider themselves average middle class people will be shocked to learn that colleges expect them to pay vast sums. Let's say I could pay the $720,000 they are asking of me. Perhaps if I took all equity out of my home, I got a job, we emptied all retirement and all investments and took out lots of loans this could be achieved. Would that be the right choice? To give up all financial security for undergrad degrees?


  3. Sneezyone I hope you will run the net price calculator for the schools you and your children are considering. As of 2 years ago, Reed would require $60,000 per year from my family. I have three children. If they all wanted to attend elite universities that would be approximately $720,000 if they were able to graduate in 4 years. Piddly little scholarships here and there are not going to put a dent in that mountain of money. 


    On College Confidential there are many students who are disappointed every year because they get into, but cannot afford private colleges. Dreams are great but so many student's hearts are broken because they are led to believe that only top tier universities are worth attending. Sure maybe your family isn't full pay, maybe only 80%, but Columbia is now approaching $70,000 per year. 


    It's sad to fill kids heads with unattainable dreams and even sadder to go into really ridiculous levels of debt. Sneezyone with two kids who are as young as yours, I'd bet you will probably need about a cool million when the time comes, I sincerely wish you the best of luck in amassing that much money. I wish I had truly understood the cost of college a little earlier. 

  4. What I want to know is, what are your expectations for cleanliness? I've never been the greatest housekeeper. Usually the kitchen is fully cleaned once a day, but throughout the day dishes gather, stuff gets left out, counters accumulate a bit of cooking mess, same with floors. My dd has just turned 17 and goes to community college she has sports activities that take up much of her time. She will make breakfast and leave the mess for me. Eat dinner in her room when she gets home at 9 PM and leave dishes in her room. Don't get me started about the state of her room. The bathroom is not cleaned without being asked. Yes, I did train her better than this. However, now she is just so "busy" all of the time. For now, I am cleaning up the mess. This DD will go off to undergrad and then likely return home to attend graduate school. She will be maybe 20 or 21 at that time. If she returns expecting me to continue to be her cook and maid - I will lose my mind. 

  5. Women who are married multiple times can only be sealed to one man during life even if they loved and married multiple men. After death, a woman may be sealed to all the men she was legally married to in life. The idea is that in the afterlife she will choose one husband to be with and the not chosen husbands will get a different wife (one of the women who never married in this life?).


    Men who are married multiple times can be sealed to all their wives during life. Even if a couple divorces, the couple remains sealed unless the divorced woman marries another man in the temple and get sealed to that man instead. If she marries someone outside of the temple (her only option if she is a sealed widow), she remains sealed to her first husband. Any children she has with her second (not sealed) husband are sealed to her first husband. A divorced man may marry another wife in the temple after obtaining a sealing clearance. If his first wife is still sealed to him (because she didn't marry another man in the temple and cancel her first sealing), the next wife is a plural wife in the eternal context. In Mormon theology a man can have as many wives in heaven as he was sealed to (in fact, plural marriage was once taught as necessary). A woman can only have one husband.


    The current sealing practices cause lots of strange and uncomfortable situations. You can't have your sealing canceled without approval from the office of the prophet/president of the church. Some people feel trapped because they went into marriage thinking it would work for eternity, but after divorce no longer wish to be bound together. Most members believe God will sort it all out in the end (after death), but some members wish the church would change its policies regarding sealing practices so that you can be sealed to everyone you were married to (whether you're a man or a woman) and so that you can cancel a sealing upon divorce *without* the woman having to be married in the temple to a different man.


    I need a flow chart.

  6. I'd love to help, but what do you consider 1st, 2nd, third knuckles? Which is closest to the fingernail?


    I assume you mean attached to the face with the earlobe question?


    I don't want to mess up your results. :)


    Hi fraidycat, what I need to know is whether there is hair between the knuckle closest to the hand and the next knuckle, so the segment of the finger that connects with the hand. 


    I do mean attached to the face with the earlobe question!! Thanks for participating!!!!!!

  7. When you put the bird back in the refrigerator, is it spread-eagle (so to speak) or can you fold it back up? I really want to try spatchcocked but I don't know how I'd have a giant, spread out turkey in my refrigerator overnight.



    It is spread eagle, so the turkey takes up almost an entire shelf in the refrigerator. I have to put some of my food from the refrigerator into a cooler for storage. I use one that plugs in, or I use ice and put it outside in the shade, temps around here are in the low 40's this time of year. Drying the turkey out in the refrigerator overnight is key to getting a crisp skin when cooked.

  8. I do this every year. America's Test Kitchen is  the  recipe I use: 




    The recipe is in their book copyright 2001. They tie the legs together, so the bird looks a little better when cooked. You really need to watch the video to see the process. Most of the work is done the day before. My kids have been talking about stuffing since August. I use the recipe that goes with this turkey. You butterfly the bird the day before and it dries overnight in the refrigerator. To cook the turkey, you place it on top of a broiler pan lid, then place this on top of the stuffing which is in a disposable turkey pan. So the turkey flavors the dressing. The turkey is great, but it's still turkey, but the dressing is heaven!  Oh, also the gravy recipe that is also made for this turkey is wonderful.

  9. My kids all participate in TKD. They have all earned their blackbelts this year. Whether you compete depends on your school. My oldest DD went to nationals at 15. There are several competitions near us every year. Some are mostly just fun competitions. We have been taking TKD classes for four years. My kids don't really spend much time working on TKD at home.


    Our TKD school was sold after we had attended for 2 1/2 years. Make sure that if you sign a contract you have a clause that says the contract is void if the Master you like leaves for any reason. Our original Master bought another school and my older daughter now learns there - she gets rides from friends or takes the bus. Our new Master at the original school was a challenge to learn from at first, but now my two younger kids like him. There were a few tears when the change first happened. I'm so glad we all rose to the challenge. 

  10. I have never posted everything in my life to the cyber world.  You are free to post as often or as rarely as you feel free to do.


    Yes but when you are forced to join Facebook due to circumstances, if you don't participate in anyway it feels a bit like you are a wallflower at a party. 

  11. I have a facebook account because one of my kids needed to get one for an online class and I wanted to monitor their account  a bit. The class never used facebook :(   I don't like that I feel pressured to post about my children's lives. I feel if I don't post, then that implies I am not proud of my kids accomplishments or that they don't have any. I won't post about the more interesting things that happen in my life which are usually related to travel. I'm not going to tell the world that I've left my home unoccupied. 

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