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Annie Laurie

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Posts posted by Annie Laurie

  1. What kind of printer is it?  My Brother "coded" last year, I searched the code online and it was an easy, do it yourself fix.  It had to do with after so many thousands of times of running the cleaning feature it said it needed a new absorber.... I didn't change that, just went through the steps to reset the code and haven't had a lick of trouble since.


    If you need a new printer, I would look at Brother inkjet printers, not only have I had this baby for 8 years and print like a mad woman (like at least a case of paper a year), they have crazy cheap generic ink on Amazon (less than a buck a cartridge).  I print in full color for less than half a penny a page including paper (which I buy by the case when I find good deals... or at Walmart when there are no sales.. $28 a case).  I do wish mine would die so I could get a duplex machine... they were in their infancy when I bought mine and way out of the normal persons budget... now you can get an awesome one on Amazon for about $100 that duplexes.


    It's a Canon Pixma MX870. (Inkjet.) I searched the error code yesterday (B200), but it appears to be pretty bad. I tried what I read for fixes, and none worked. I think we've had it for 2 years. Not happy.


    I'll keep that in mind about the Brother printer. Thank you for mentioning that!

  2. I had meant to answer your questions about MUS, my eldest son, who is graduated now, used MUS all the way through so I'm very familiar with it.


    I think it's very traditional in its presentation, Mr.Demme stands in front of a whiteboard and does the problems, and then the student still has to do a worksheet by herself when the lesson is over. It might not be that different for your dd, than doing the lesson with you and then working on the assignment on her own.

  3. This sounds like RIghtStart math, which doesn't technically go through 8th grade I suppose, since you have to stretch it with the geometry level and use Videotext A.


    What about doing more of the lesson together instead of leaving her alone to do it? Or making it more interactive by making it like a game or contest, she works out the answer and then you write it on a whiteboard if it's correct, and so on. Maybe that would take forever though... 


    My own dd hated every math program we tried except for RIghtStart. She loves interactive, hands-on math. So right now, I'm just using Maximum Math as a guide, and going through and making sure all of her arithmetic is down solid. Anything I find she needs to review, we do with things like Education Unboxed, which is very interactive and we do it together. We also have stuff like Hands-On Equations and Challenge Math to work on together.

  4. This doesn't mean that they are high quality but dd15 has been reading them from the start. If she sees a new one at the library she gets it. Ds13 has read them too. My kids like fantasy novels with dragons....


    So does my dd! If it says the word dragon on it she's all over it. I read a review that said Fire Star is dark and has scenes of torture and murder. Have your dds commented on that? I should skim through it but barely have time to read my own books.

  5. Gosh, I'm really having to stretch my brain to remember what I read at that age. Let's see:


    Anne of Green Gables series- this was my very favorite for many years, and still is one of my favorites.

    The Secret Garden, I think around age 10 I remember being starry-eyed after reading this.

    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn around age 12 (though I think the content of this book is better left until more like 14, but my mom didn't pay attention to what I read.)

    Little Women


    My 11 yr old's favorites:

    the Percy Jackson series


    Naya Nuki

    Gone-Away Lake

    My Side of the Mountain

    the Narnia series

    Ella Enchanted

    A Wrinkle in Time and the others in the series

    Emily of New Moon series

    Guardians of Ga'hoole series

    Inkheart series

    and way more, but I'm going over ten...


    My 9 year old's favorites:

    Percy Jackson series

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Iron Thunder by Avi

    The Puzzling World of Winston Breen and other in the series

    Where the Mountain Meets the Moon


    The BFG

    Danny, the Champion of the World

    Narnia series

    Harry Potter (The first three books, he says, because that's all I've let him read so far.)


    My 12 year old is a reluctant reader, but one that he recently devoured is The Kite Fighters and he likes the Wimpy Kid series






  6. What about just playing with cuisenaire rods and letting him explore? There are videos on the Education Unboxed website for preschool that show how she started off just building houses and making families and things with her dd, and discussing the numbers that the rods represent and relationships between them  as they build and play. Another idea is the Williamson Little Hands Math Play book, very gentle with games and simple activities.


    I don't know if this is too loose, but I always liked the ideas for math in Ruth Beechick's The Three Rs. Or what about Kitchen Table Math? I haven't seen the first volume in person to know if that's too much right now.

  7. I'm anxious to start this book with my daughter.  I only ordered one.  I ordered from Rainbow and out of a huge order 3 items were on backorder....The Nature Connection was one of them.  :sad:


    That's a bummer! I think I'll order it from Amazon, though I do have a Rainbow order to place too. But it looks like it's instock on Amazon.

  8. Thank you, ladies!


    ETA: I have a blank journal that I never did get around to using for nature notebooking, so I'll just take that with us and follow along with them.


    I would love to buy only one workbook, but I'm not sure how to keep it all organized or what to do when there are worksheets that can't be downloaded. I have three kids doing this.




  9. Evan-Moor Writing Fabulous Sentences and Paragraphs


    ETA: Two of my kids use IEW, but believe it or not, it was still too much for one of my kids. He is a very concrete thinker and he's thriving with the Evan-Moor program I just named. It's a bit public schooly, but I think it does a good job of breaking things down into very incremental and understandable steps that are effective.

  10. Mercy Watson

    Jenny and the Cat Club (kind of chapter books, but they have some pictures and I found them to be a good transition. There are several in the series.)


    The Pigeon from Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, etc.

    Lily's Purple Plastic Purse and other Kevin Henkes books featuring those mice, I think there are several with the same characters. (Sorry, foggy recollection since most of my kids are older and my 2 yr old doesn't care for those yet.)

    Max and Ruby (the original books, by Rosemary Wells)

  11. I just assumed I would be emailed a download link, but after not receiving anything in an email, I reread the info on their website and realized it's a CD that they mail to me. Ugh. Why not just let people download everything instantly? I even asked dh to take the kids to the science museum one day this weekend so I could have the whole day alone to print and organize all that stuff. We're excited to start. Does anyone know how long their shipping typically takes?

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