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Annie Laurie

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Posts posted by Annie Laurie

  1. Oh, this is so sad. I haven't been here much the last several months and I didn't know she was sick. I always enjoyed her posts and will miss her. Sending prayers for her family.

  2. Woodridge is a nice area. My DH lived there before we got married. COL isn't too bad. You could get a nice house for under $250k. If you go a little farther south for housing you could find something for a lot less.


    We now live about 20 minutes south of Woodridge. Pm me if you would like to know where. You could get a really nice house near us for 174k or even less at the moment.


    Gas in the burbs is right around $4 a gallon right now. We have excellent libraries too.


    Thank you, this is so helpful.

  3. Woodridge is one of the western suburbs, and I think one of the more affordable ones, IIRC. Not sure. It's near Naperville, which is a really nice 'burb with many good restaurants and a pretty river walk. You might want to know more about the Woodridge schools just in case you decide to sell later. Schools can make it easier or harder to sell.


    One thing to check out is property tax. Personally, I think they're ridiculously high and am waiting for the good citizens to revolt.


    Chicago does offer a lot of fun activities, more than you could possibly do. You'd be able to get into the city fairly easily using the Metra train which would take you to the Loop. From there you could take the CTA trains and buses, taxis, even water taxis at times, or just walk. The city is very walkable but you should be alert and not walk in unsafe areas.


    We have high property taxes here, but will definitely be looking into what it would be there.


    Thanks for all the info!

  4. That's what I was afraid of. No, dh won't accept the offer unless the increase is such that it would cover the higher COL, plus still be a raise from what he's making now.


    I told dh a few weeks ago that I'm fine with staying here. After wanting to move from DFW for so long, I've felt more at peace for the last couple of years about staying here because it's easy to live here, (for us anyway, while raising 5 kids), but this offer made me realize how much I really would like to move. Chicago sounds like it has so many more things to do that we'd like, DFW is not very interesting or diverse.

  5. My dh has a job offer in Woodbridge, IL. Does anyone here live around there who could tell me more about it, and especially, the cost of living?


    My dh tends to assume no place has a cost of living as good as where we live- DFW area, TX. I want to investigate it fully before he turns it down. It would involve a salary increase but he is convinced that the higher cost of living would make that not worthwhile, and he may be right.


    Any other info on that area is welcome too.



    I don't wanna see anyones breasts for the record. I don't care what they are doing with them. I don't wanna see the porno queen all over the internet or the mom who can't cover up. I believe your breasts are a private part of your body. You can feed your baby anywhere I sure did but no one ever had to look at my private parts to do so. Breastfeeding is awesome and not sexual in any matter at all. That being said if I wanted to look at boobs I have my own. I don't wanna see yours for any reason. I have seen women in stores with it all hanging out for the baby to eat. There is no reason for that. You can nurse and be respectful, I know this because I was.



    My point was that we live in a society where breasts hanging out are considered appropriate, if it's a model selling something, or a singer performing at the half-time show. Or worse, now it's considered a sign of "power." You said earlier that you know girls who say women breastfeed for a chance to "show off their tits", and you can't blame them for being disgusted when you see women everywhere breastfeeding with their boobs hanging out. I think that's a misplaced argument that detracts from the real issue. And the real issue is that in our culture, a woman doesn't need an excuse to show off her breasts. It's considered completely acceptable, if it's about being sexual and using your body to gain "power" or attention. But seeing someone's breasts who is feeding her baby is disresepctful? Breastfeeding is not sexual.

  7. I didn't ridicule her. I was just shocked at what she said. Leaving my personal opinions at the door is something I try to do for every class. It is why I didn't respond to her right away. I am sorry if everyone thinks ridicule was the reason for my post. That is not at all what I intended.



    I didn't think you were ridiculing her at all and see nothing wrong with your post.

  8. Sadly I have heard this many many times. I have also heard yung girls tell me how gross and disgusting it is that women have to use a baby to have an exuse to show off their t!ts. All my kiddos were nursed I have no issue with it at all but some of the ads and things women are doing is gross in my opinion. I once saw a woman in a mall shirt pulled up to her neck both boobs hanging out baby latched on one side while he was rubbing the other side. My kids don't need to see that. No one needs to see that.


    That is not helping to support breastfeeding at all in my opinion. I can see how some young girls are totally sickened by behaviors like that.



    A story like this always comes up on breastfeeding threads- usually a bfing in public thread. But I have never seen this, not once. If they, or you, are sickened by that, then they should also be sickened by most of popular culture and advertising. I would find it less offensive to see a mom's breasts who is breastfeeding, even if she could cover up more, than I do seeing women's breasts on display everywhere because so many women have bought into the idea that power, for a woman, is about objectifying herself and her body.

  9. Going to the dentist makes me anxious. I also feel anxious about jury duty. I got a summons to the jury of a district court when my youngest was like 10 days old and nursing and I about flipped out. I knew they would excuse it, and they did, but I still got myself all worked up anyway. Dh kept trying to reassure me that if they didn't excuse it, he'd go sit outside in the hallway and insist the baby had to see me whenever he needed to nurse. That wouldn't have been stressful or anything.

  10. I get chronic sinus infections, and I've had winters where I've had 6-7 and been sick pretty much all winter. I usually have to have antibiotics to clear things up. About this time last year I started drinking organic green shakes, with weird organic antioxidant powders in them, and I haven't been sick yet! I'm kind of shocked, and the only change that I've really made is the shakes, so I am giving the credit to those.


    Good luck to your dh - hope he feels better soon!


    Do you mind sharing what exactly is in the shakes? I've been sick a lot this winter and really need to not get sick again, so I'm willing to try anything.

  11. I have only been once, so will have to give it a try again, because it seemed so small and not as nice as Whole Foods or Central Market (a TX high end grocery). Do they vary by location? Do you find it less expensive than Whole Foods?


    But I did get some almonds covered w dark chocolate and sea salt and those were sooo good. As a matter of fact, I just may go by there soon to get more and then check out the selection again.

  12. We're using IEW right now and the SWI has only 15 lessons. There are reinforcement lessons in between, so you can stretch it out, but I don't see how just that could last a school year. You'd need to add to it, and in the SWI material they recommend adding lessons based on units in TWSS, if you're not going to buy a SICC course.


    I know just what you mean about things that are too complicated not getting done. I have a 2 yr old who never sleeps and am in a time in my life that I just don't even have the brain power or patience to plow through a ton of info and learn a "system." I have changed to a lot of things that don't require me to plan anything, like Sequential Spelling dvds and Evan-Moor paragraph editing. We have used WWE 1-4 and I bought WWS but just couldn't seem to get it off the ground at this time, so I gave in and bought IEW.


    The TWSS is kind of one of those complicated things. There are many dvds and they are very long. And I find learning w dvds frustrating, because I have to listen to all the jokes and side remarks that make it take so long when my time is so limited, before I get to the meat. So I just started my kids on the SWI anyway and I think there's enough info in there for the teacher that we're fine. But, I'm going to have to find time to watch TWSS before my kids are through with the SWI, or we won't have enough material for the year. And it makes it a little hard that I kind of have to write my own units after this, though the IEW method is pretty simple really.


    So, imo, yes you can use the SWI w out the TWSS, but eventually you'll need to watch the TWSS to continue w IEW. Many people recommend buying TWSS only if trying to save money, and learning the philosophy and then making units from that. But that requires more work and prep than using the SWI.

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