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Annie Laurie

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Posts posted by Annie Laurie

  1. I'm glad he has a doctor appt. to rule out anything.


    I have very uncomfortable heartburn if I sleep on my right side.  On my back and left side, I'm fine.  This has been going on for years.  Some organ or somethingerother must be pressing into my stomach when I'm on my right side.  Nobody can really explain it.


    Actually, I have read before that it's better to sleep on your left side if you have heartburn, and there's a scientific reason I can't remember. But it does help me.

  2. His meal last night just doesn't seem like it would have triggered such a bad reaction. He had pb n j on whole wheat bread (the high fiber nutty kind) potato chips amd a sam adams beer.


    We read it could be an ulcer caused by a bacterial infection? He handles luggage every day so he would come in contact with stuff from all over but he's constantly wearing gloves, etc.


    That meal would trigger a very painful reaction for me. The alcohol relaxes the esophageal sphincter muscle, and peanut butter and potato chips are high in fat, so they take longer to digest. If I ate that too close to bedtime, it would still be in my stomach and then a lot of acid would come up due to the alcohol relaxing the muscle that's supposed to hold it back.


    H. Pylori can lead to an ulcer.

  3. I have severe GERD. The tannins in black tea can be a trigger, like coffee. Alcohol is a huge trigger for me. I try not to eat 2 or 3 hours before bedtime. It's much better to elevate the head of your bed than to prop up with pillows, propping yourself up doesn't angle the body the right way. Drink lots of water. I have to take Omeprazole for mine.

  4. I keep asking myself why I continue to "watch" a show the most part of which I spend under the covers waiting for DH to give me to go-ahead to emerge. Last night's episode was I think 60% blanket-watching.


    The dialogue. That's it ;)


    I keep asking myself the same thing. It's a compelling show, but why does the violence and gore have to be so over the top? Blech.

  5. He's a great actor.  I first saw him in the movie The Station Agent, he was just as amazing there too. I haven't read the Game of Thrones books, so I don't know what happens to his character, but he has a huge following, and I know I won't be the only one who will be very disappointed if he gets killed off.

  6. Oatmeal. Every morning I eat oatmeal, either with fresh berries sprinkled in, or with dried fruit and seeds mixed in. It's been about 8 months of this every morning and I'm getting tired of it, but I've found that oatmeal is what works for me, my blood sugar seems to stay more stable and I can eat a nice salad for lunch and not snack and not get crazy sugar cravings in the afternoon. I love eggs but every time I try to eat those for breakfast, I'm starving an hour later and then end up eating chocolate for lunch.

  7. Just a public service reminder to those using hotels, before bringing in any luggage, pull out the bedding on the beds and check the SEAMS of the mattresses. That's one of the main places you would find  bedbugs hiding. I check every time I travel, every hotel.



    Good tip! Yes, my husband does this too. He also puts his clothes directly in the washing machine when he gets home and puts his suitcase in a black trash bag and places it in the garage. It doesn't come in the house. I know that bedbugs can still live in a trash bag and can live without food for a long time, but it makes me feel better, psychologically, anyway.

  8. Bedbugs are so expensive to get rid of, they really scare me. My dh travels a lot and always checks the bedbug reports, as a matter of fact, he just rebooked his hotel because the one his coworker wanted to stay at  a hotel that had bedbugs in the recent past, and coworker thinks dh is weird for doing so. We'll be weird and not have to spend all of our disposable income on bedbugs, thankyouverymuch. But, I had never thought about them at libraries! We love our library and today is our library day. Ugh.

  9. I can't stand it. I sleep with a white noise machine and celing fan, so I don't really hear noise. But, when I have littles they end up sleeping in my room forever because I don't want to have to go up and down the stairs at night every time they need me, and I don't want them to try to get me and fall down the stairs at night. My 3.5 year old is still in my room, and I'm so tired of it. I plan to finally move him sometime this summer, but during the adjustment phase, I know I'll be up and down the stupid stairs at night, nothing worse than being awoken from a dead sleep and having to drag yourself up a long flight of stairs.


    Also, no privacy with dh when there are kids awake in the living room.


    I personally won't ever buy a home with this layout again.

  10. We are using their Equine Science curriculum this year.  It's a terrific program, the people on the other end of the line are friendly and cordial, and I was charged exactly what the price said on the website.  But my order came only partially complete and I had to call repeatedly to get the rest of the order.  Then one box came, but still not complete.  Another call.  Repeat.  Repeat again.  It's like watching a fish batch spawn, except they batch spawned my books.


    I can't believe they still have this issue, after all these years! (I had issues something like 6 years ago, they even lied about my order on the phone.) You'd think they'd be tired of it themselves, isn't it stressful doing business this way? You'd think they would have come up with a way to get the orders out and remember it all by now. They need a web designer and a business manager. They should only be handling the creative end, apparently.


    That said, I have an old AS 1 from 2008 I think. It's fun and colorful and has engaging books, and I do like it.

  11. The gorgeous weather we've been having, being outside is balm for my soul.


    That my dd is getting older and we have so much fun together shopping, talking, and just being together. Today we made a good time out of picking out belts at Kohl's!


    The library- no matter how hard life gets, I always feel so comforted that there are always good books.


    That my 3 year old kept saying yesterday that it was the best Wiggle day ever. (He is obsessed with The Wiggles and we have to call him Jeff.) I love that when you're 3, going to the zoo and riding on the train and then eating at In and Out make the day the best ever.


    Right now, that dh and I are about to eat sushi. :)




  12. I buy meat, grassfed butter, olive oil, grapeseed oil, fish, heavy whipping cream, produce, cheese, nuts, vanilla, peanut butter, and probably a lot more I'm forgetting. 




    When they have wild salmon I get that and bake it in the oven using one of these recipes:


    http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/browse-all-recipes/garlicky-broiled-salmon-tomatoes-00000000006891/ (Even if you leave out the tomatoes, the roasted garlic is good.)

    I buy the big bunches of asparagus and roast it in the oven with some olive oil (which I buy at Costco) and fresh sea salt and pepper and serve it with the salmon.


    The big blocks of parmigiano reggiano we use for everything. I make alfredo sauce very quickly with some grated parm, cream, and butter. I buy the cream at Costco (can't remember the brand name) and the Kerrygold grassfed butter, and it's the best alfredo sauce ever. Keep in mind, we have 7 people here so I can buy these big amounts of things and still use them up before they go bad. We also aren't afraid to eat fat. I use up the cream with this recipe too, which I got from these forums a long time ago and my family loves it: Indian Dal Nirvana You need lots of fresh cilantro with it- yum! And I get the packs of naan from Costco that we eat with this. Another good recipe to use cream in is butter chicken.


    My family loves taco rice which I make with ground turkey from Costco.


    They usually have big bags of fresh broccoli and I make broccoli cheese soup in my Vitamix with it, I use the Tillamook extra sharp cheddar from Costco in it.


    I like to buy the double pack of free range whole chickens and roast them in the oven with some potatoes, onions, and carrots- super easy.


    I get the farmed catfish and sprinkle some lemon pepper seasoning on it and cook it in a pan with some butter or oil- another quick and easy meal, I just add roasted veggies.


    I make stuffed mushrooms when they have portabella mushrooms. I use this recipe.


    I make meatloaf with the ground turkey and I buy their big boxes of Quaker rolled oats. I eat it for breakfast and make baked oatmeal for the kids, and use the oats in my meatloaf.


    The frozen mixed veggies are so nice to have on hand because you can just throw them in soups.








  13. Marietta is about 20-30 minutes from Atlanta, which has a nice zoo (we have pandas).  As someone else mentioned, Kennesaw Mtn National Park is an incredible resource--miles and miles of trails, the vast majority of which are only lightly-used.  Perfect for runners and walkers.  Kennesaw Mountain is easily accessible from Marietta and Kennesaw, as well as from Acworth and other communities in West Cobb.  As for shopping, you are describing The Avenues at West Cobb.  Might want to google that and see if it looks familiar.  Marietta Square is also nice, but it's more where you go if you are shopping recreationally, as opposed to, "I need to buy the kids some shoes."  I never go to malls.  Never.  Seriously can't remember the last time I did, and I and my kids have nice clothes and cool shoes.


     It really sounds like you would enjoy West Cobb/Kennesaw.  You don't want to get too far from a major interstate, because surface streets can add forEVER to your transportation time, so you probably don't want to look in Dallas (GA), but Marietta CITY (East Cobb Marietta might be too far from The Avenues at West Cobb) and Kennesaw.


    Oh awesome! This post made me feel so much better. I love it here and am sad about moving, so was feeling a little panicked that they want to fly my dh out there next week already, but GA is looking better and better. My dh is a runner, and we love hiking as a family, Kennesaw Mountain sounds perfect. And I googled photos of The Avenue and Marietta Square and they do look similar to what I was talking about. 


    AlmiraGulch, we would probably look in the less expensive West Cobb then. I looked on google maps and dh's work would be about 17 min from E Cobb but 22 from W Cobb so I guess he's in between. if I have that right.

  14. Split bedrooms- master down, kids rooms up. HATE it. When you have a little one it means that it's forever until you can move them out of your room since you don't want them to fall down the stairs at night. Also, it means less privacy when your bedroom is so near the main living area.


    The other thing I don't like is that the upstairs is such a great layout, but the downstairs is a stupid layout. The kitchen is too small, especially considering the size of the rest of the house. Too many rooms down here and it's too chopped up. It doesn't flow as well as the upstairs.

  15. Also, what are the homeschooling laws like? From what I read, you have to test your children periodically but don't have to show it to anyone, just keep it on file. Is that correct? And then I have to write an annual report and attendance records and keep that on file too? Do you have to file a letter of intent with someone?


    What is there to do there? Is there a nice zoo? Nice library system? Nice outdoor areas, like parks and botanical gardens?  What about shopping, is it all in malls? We have a very nice town center that I love. It's set up like an old fashioned town square with a central gathering place with fountains and an ice cream shop and nice restaurants that overlook the square. People go there to play their violins and guitars for money and it's just a fun community gathering place. It's surrounded by stores and things you'd find in a regular strip mall, but set up so much nicer and it's pleasant just to walk around there on a nice day and grab an ice cream with the kids, and I love that I can avoid ever going inside a mall, which I don't enjoy.


    I don't know Fort Worth real estate. There's a wide variety of housing available in that area, from huge McMansions to historic homes to regular single family houses. Pricing varies by school district and closeness to the Perimeter.


    Very inexpensive housing here. My house is 3,800 sq ft and will probably only sell for in the lower 200s, so we're hoping housing is comparable there.

  17. They're very different places. Decatur is inside the perimeter, just east-northeast of the City of Atlanta. It is more liberal, much more expensive than Canton. (The inexpensive parts you don't want to live! For real estate searches look at 30030 for City of Decatur or 30033 for unincorporated Decatur.) Canton is an hour plus away, northwest of the City of Atlanta. It much more conservative, much cheaper housing. Parts of Canton are very, very old school rural. There are some newer developments with really nice houses.


    There are lots of places in between too, but I'm sticking with those two towns because you mentioned them specifically.


    There are a few other threads in here on people considering moves to metro Atlanta if you search. :)


    What is your ideal location? Any religious considerations?


    I did search but need to change what words I'm using I guess, I got so many unrelated threads that it was taking me forever to weed through them.


    He will work in Marietta and I just looked and Canton is closer. We're interested in any nice areas that would keep his commute to Marietta at 30 min or less. (ETA: Before traffic, I know that rush hour traffic can extend that quite a bit. We have experience with that here for sure.)


    No religious considerations. We want a newer house since dh and I aren't at all handy. I like having trees and some nature around if possible, but don't want to live rural. We don't want to be too far from places like Costco and Whole Foods and the library if possible. We want the cost of living to be comparable to where we are now, which is a nice suburb of Fort Worth.


    Thanks so much for your help!

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