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Mrs. A

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Posts posted by Mrs. A

  1. I learned today that the two cousins of our god daughter (ages 9 and 4(?)) are currently in a very bad situation.


    I've removed the details from this post, but it's very serious. Please pray for the children  and their family and for dh and me, that we will know what action we should take. 

  2. Well, it's over! The labor itself was unbelievably easy. I'm still in shock over it. It was long and slow, but very mild if that makes sense. When I got to the hospital I think the house doctor thought I was not in labor- but surprise! I was already 8cm. I got into the birth tub and labored in there for a bit. I had one contraction that felt like my back was bring crushed, but I remembered to flip onto hands and knees and sometime after that was when he turned I think.


    Pushing was a whole different ball game. I think because labor was so easy the pushing stage felt that much harder instead of being a relief like in the past. But it was only about 20 minutes or so and he was out - all 9lbs 1oz of him!


    Thank you all for your encouragement and support!

    • Like 37
  3. I've helped deliver many babies that were posterior. The labor is a little more painful but they all came out:)  One thing I recommend is find a chiropractor that practices the Webster technique.  Works well for getting babies to get in a better position. Also look up diaphragmatic release also on Spinning babies here's a link http://spinningbabies.com/learn-more/techniques/other-techniques/abdominal-release/



    Yes, the bolded is what I have to remember don't I? It will end and this new little baby will be worth all the trouble.  Not sure if I'll get the chance to try the chiropractor - looks like labor may be starting here... 

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm trying very hard not to stress about this. I'm going to have to just be present in the moment and not let myself dwell on what "might happen".  I had a membrane sweep today... hoping it will get things started. She also suggested castor oil, but I'm not sure I'm willing to go down that road :leaving:  For now I'm content to keep waiting. 

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  5. I'm 40 weeks today with baby number 5! Baby is definitely posterior and I'm nervous because I'd like to have a natural delivery, but everything I read keeps saying that labor with posterior babies is more difficult and to be honest I'm worried. I'm trying so hard not to be, but I am. I know that baby could still turn. I'm trying all the exercises on spinningbabies.com and I also know that it may all turn out just fine.

    But I would so appreciate any reassurance you all might have for me.


  6. I love the idea of minimalism, but like stm4him said, it's somewhat relative isn't it? We have more stuff than we need, and I'm slowly working on getting rid of what I can, but with a bigger family there is much that needs to be saved to pass on to the younger kids as they grow and so I sometimes feel like as much as I'd like to just toss everything because I hate the cluttered feeling, it's not wise because we can't afford to replace things. 


    But on the whole I feel like we do ok. We have tons of girl clothes which were given to us, but I'm only pulling out 4-5 day to day outfits for each girl per season because that's all they really wear. Then I'm getting rid of the extra clothes we have in each size as the youngest goes through them. Same for ds and the new baby (due any day). 


    For school we use SWR, Ray's Arithmetic and Treasured Conversations for our daily base. We have plenty of good books around and we do a morning basket time rotating content subjects, but the core of our school work revolves around those things and I'm pleased that I really don't have to buy curriculum every year because those three programs cover our needs for quite awhile. I may add in Latin sometime this year, but not quite sure yet. 



    • Like 3
  7. lol Please tell me 5 is as easy as having 4. We moved from the city to the country, (a farm with all the animals and chores) and now we are expecting #5. There will be a 3 years and 4 months between her and the current youngest. That should make things easier, right lol?

    This is something I'd love to hear too! I guess I'll find out for sure any day now....



    Best of luck, OP, whether positive or negative results. :)

    • Like 1
  8. There's also the Akathist to the Mother of God, Nurturer of Children. Not specifically about adopting or family changes, but certainly always appropriate for any kind of parent. 


    If you do find an akathist to St. Stylianos please share. He is my niece's patron saint and I'd love to be able to share it with her. 

  9. I come from a Byzantine parish and have chanted for quite a long time. The only "solos" that the chanters do are the variable hymns, and even those are sometimes known by others in the congregation who sing along. (We are a bit unusual in that we do not have a choir - the entire congregation sings throughout the liturgy, which is beautiful). But solos like you are describing are something that I've never experienced. It sounds very weird to me, but I am most willing to acknowledge that just because I've not encountered it before doesn't mean it's not ok. Curious to see what others say. 

  10. Hunter, I am looking at Red Primer stage Ray's lessons 7-9 with a bit of trepidation. I am glad these are oral lessons, although lesson 1 does include learning to write the numerals 1-10. So I assume since these are mastered they could be written down in their math notebook. They also encourage the use of the beloved pebble ala EFL. :) Also grouping. What I am a bit nervous about perhaps are "times" and "how many in". Nearly all the questions include a multiplication/division problem. I know these will quickly follow counting (addition) and subtraction. They are just all jumbled together. Perhaps this is better than separating them completely. I know Grube and Waldorf (Steiner) introduce the four processes together so maybe I just need to continue to read them. How long do you think you would spend on each of these lessons? Would one or two questions be enough for a week's instruction? I know these lessons were not always designed for a single meeting. Also when recording these lessons since they are done orally but alongside a manipulative would this be recorded as lab? Also is a numeral frame the same as an abacus or is it a version of a ten frame? I probably just asked more questions than are in these lessons.


    When I do the first lessons from Ray's I stay with one question until my child has mastered it. So if we spend an entire day's lesson time on the first couple questions in lesson 7, then that's what we do. The next day we'd start there again and continue to go over it until it was mastered. Lessons in the beginning are 10 minutes or so, and I try to make it a point to stop before interest wanes. It's a good thing when they're begging for more ;)


    The questions do not have to be done in order, nor does the same amount of time need to be spent on each problem. We do use maipulatives (cusinaire rods are perfect).


    Also, I don't wait until my children can write their numbers before we begin with the lessons. They are perfectly capable of understanding numbers and working with manipulatives even if the coordination needed for writing has not developed yet. Along those lines, I also do everything orally in the beginning. We don't begin to keep math notebooks until maybe the end of 6 going on 7 (for my dd who loves to write) or even later (maybe closer to age 7.5-8) in the case of my ds who loathed writing for a long time.

    • Like 4
  11. Problems without numbers are tucked in around the end of the chapters. Try pages 50, 111, and 152 for starters.



    Ahh. Good to know! When I was skimming through I didn't see any, and they weren't listed in the table of contents like they are in book 2, so I wasn't sure... 

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