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Posts posted by Homeschoolmom3

  1. We never used the cards. My kids went through LFC A-C . My oldest then went on to Wheelocks but my middle son is now doing LA now I wouldnt skip they are good review and moves quicker and covers other areas.


    Activity book ok, not necessary we didnt complete them. Did the latin reader good practice!

  2. We used Shurley early on works well but time consuming. Since then have switched to Rod and Staff and really like it for grammar. Like above post said alot can be done orally.


    Writing wouldn't stress since still young. Might try narration and telling back to you what she reads instead of coming up with things on her own and then try writing it. We did IEW with success starting in 4th.

  3. If your kid doesn't like veggies, do you never serve them or do you cut them up into tiny pieces and hide them in the "good" food?

    Wait until 5 or 6, but sneak "living" activities into his day, IMO


    Love it!!!  So true too!   :lol:   He used to love book work and request when he was about 2 yrs. old so I indulged him some, but lately all he wants to do is hands on games and that is it.  Some days likes to do school and some days no.  Guess I should just follow his lead at this age...:)  Thanks!

  4. How about Muzzy?  That would be great for that age and fun...my son is learning German with it.  Classical Academic Press has just come out with:  Song School Spanish.  We have used the Latin version and then after that they have Spanish for Children for later in the elementary years.  

  5. That is the base book on those years however, you could probably use something else.  Would take more time researching and figuring it out.  Could possibly use Streams of Civilizations for some, SOW, Kingfisher Encyclopedia.  Not a huge fan either, but we got through it.  :)  

  6. New territory for me...my oldest is in 10th grade this year so I am still learning!   :blink:


    Tentative plan:


    History – Cultural Anth. & Economics dual enrollment


    Literature – Composition dual enrollment & Ancients- finishing up along with Rome & Greece great books


    Pre-Calculus- Derek Owens 


    Physics - Derek Owens 


    AP Latin -  Wilson Hill  


    German I finish & start German 2 Rosetta Stone


    Health/PE- deciding on text


    Bible – OT survey finishing up using various books



    Outside: possibly debate but he is so consumed in several different worship bands at church this is probably all he will do beside other church functions


  7. I did the same thing, my 3 yr. old did Memoria Press Jr.K this year and did very well!  He has learned a lot and has enjoyed it.  It is a 2 day a week program but I space out everything for a whole week and therefore we don't sit more than 20 minutes.  It doesn't take a lot of prep time which is great!!  We also did other things as well but this was a great solid program alone and gives them something to do.  My son knew all sounds at age 2, could count to 20 already and do many things that you teach within this year.  When this occurred we just added on to it and for the relearning parts we did do, didn't seem to bother him too much that he already knew it.  I think the K program might be too much for a 3yr. old because from what I see it is writing intensive.  HTH

  8. Pam,


    We used VP using Easyclassical.com (great because it is uses VP cards but also combines the SOW and has actual lesson plans planned out so there is no planning on your part.  very easy to implement!!)  in the beginning of my homeschool journey starting when my oldest was in 4th grade my youngest in 1st.  I used it all the way through during the elementary years and my oldest did two years in Omnibus.  I really like it but it can be a bit much in regards to the time commitment particularly if you do it all, which I felt I had to do.  My oldest took the online course options at VP and got burnt out!  It is great material but I have learned you don't have to do it all.  


    With that being said I love the set up and how it works.  My sons have learned SO much.  I have looked at a lot of programs out there and this seemed to be the best I have found in regards to rigor and completeness.  


    We did not do Omnibus I through VP online because some of the books I did not feel appropriate for a 7th grader and a few others I didn't care for in other years, we substituted but you can't do that with online classes. Therefore we do not use the online options anymore but we still use Omnibus text, but I decide which books to include and which to substitute.  HTH

  9. My homeschool philosophy has sure changed since my oldest now, 14!  I know it varies by age when kids are ready, it is nice to see everyone's different experience.  My DS has been actually doing Memoria Press Jr.K this year and really likes it we might do 30 min. at the most of actual sit down school but was trying to see if I should do much with him next year in regards to moving on to a Kindergarten or just do more theme based stuff again.  We do read a good amount probably 2 hrs. a day.  I don't consider that formal schooling either.  It is interesting to see when people actually started their sit down have to do school time.  Thanks everyone!

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