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Everything posted by JRmommy

  1. I really could use some encouragement! My 6 yr old is not adjusting well to the baby. I didn't see this coming. I guess I should have especially since he has been the only child for 6 years. He was soooo excited about her arrival. It probably doesn't help that she doesn't take naps unless she is in the wrap or held. She is breastfed, too, so my son feels neglected because I'm always holding/nursing her. He constantly says that he wishes he were her. I've tried everything I can think of! He is moody, angry, and disrespectful. We barely get school done partly because of his attitude and partly because of my non-napping 3 month old. I'm worn out! But, I don't know what to do anymore. Please be gentle....I'm really not having a good day!
  2. Just wondering if we would miss anything by skipping FLL 1. My 6 year old understands what a noun is, including proper nouns. Is there anything else to FLL 1. Thanks!
  3. Would someone be kind enough to explain the difference and perhaps the benefits of one vs. the other?
  4. Just wondering....was the drums the first instrument that your child played? My son wants to take drum lessons, but I was thinking about starting him off with piano first. Anyone can chime in. Sorry to hijack. Just curious! Thanks!
  5. I need help from the hive! We have a newborn, and I need more independent activities for my 6 year old. I am able to do school most days, but aside from that, I need other activities. He does spend a lot of time reading, listening to audio books and imaginative play with his stuffed animals and cars. He also likes his Wedgits and tangrams. I was considering getting the online subscription for Mark Kistler's art. I think he would enjoy it. What about online math review? What websites would be good for addition and subtraction math facts review? Any other ideas as we get through these first few months with a newborn? Thanks!
  6. I have a 6 year old son and a 6 week old daughter. I'm in search for a new pediatrician and wondering if I should do a different one for each based on gender alone. I am considering an office that has both male and female pediatricians, so different offices won't be an issue. What have you done? Does it really matter? What about in the long run when the kids get older?
  7. I had my first in a birth center with a CNM. It was a wonderful experience! #2 is due any day now and we are doing a homebirth this time around. We're excited!
  8. I'm due on July 31st - next Tuesday! My first came at 37.5 weeks, so this is the most pregnant I've ever been. I am READY!!
  9. I think you hit the nail on the head! At this age, I definitely expect to do the teaching, but I just don't think RS fits my teaching style. It actually drives me bonkers! :)
  10. For the most part, I like the way Rightstart teaches the concepts to my almost 6 year old, but I don't like teaching it. We are almost halfway through level B, and I am happy with progress that my son is making. We started with Miquon, but my son didn't care for using the rods. He loves the abacus used with RS. I think I need something a bit less teacher intensive. Would Singapore fit the bill? My plan was to always switch to Singapore after Rightstart B. Also, I am expecting #2 any day now. Because I don't like teaching Rightstart, I don't want it to fall by the wayside especially as we transition to life with a newborn. Any suggestions? What level of Singapore would I begin if we were to make the switch? 1B? 2A? We would continue to use RS games as my son enjoys those.
  11. I figure since we are doing World Geography and Cultures this year, we might as well take advantage of doing a brief Olympics study. I saw a Summer Olympics 2012 lapbook on Currclick that I was considering. Anyone know of any other resources that would give a brief overview for an almost 6 year old. Thanks!
  12. My son has recently taken off with reading everything he can. In the last 4 days alone, he has read James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and now Fantastic Mr. Fox. I have no idea what grade level these books are, but I'd love to hear about other books that he might enjoy. Keep in mind, he is only five. So, there are a lot of books he just doesn't "get". He is also very sensitive! He enjoys books about animals and adventure, but I'm not limiting any suggestions. He literally reads about 2-3 hours a day, so the more suggestions, the better! :) Some books I've already thought of that I read to him as read alouds in the last two years are: Mr. Popper's Penguins Thornton Burgess' books James Herriott's books Thank you!
  13. My son has recently taken off with reading everything he can. In the last 4 days alone, he has read James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and now Fantastic Mr. Fox. I have no idea what grade level these books are, but I'd love to hear about other books that he might enjoy. Keep in mind, he is only five. So, there are a lot of books he just doesn't "get". He is also very sensitive! He enjoys books about animals and adventure, but I'm not limiting any suggestions. He literally reads about 2-3 hours a day, so the more suggestions, the better! :) Some books I've already thought of that I read to him as read alouds in the last two years are: Mr. Popper's Penguins Thornton Burgess' books James Herriott's books Thank you!
  14. We were just notified that a friend of ours committed suicide. She leaves behind her husband and two children, 7 and 9. They are great friends of our family. I can't even imagine the pain that this husband and children are going through. I am still speechless and in shock, as is my husband. Please pray that even though there will be many unanswered questions, that God will comfort them with his love. Just a word of a caution: If you are dealing with depression, please seek help!!!!
  15. I'm interested in hearing responses as I will have a 6 year gap also. Baby #2 is due next month. You might get more responses if you post on the K-8 forum. :)
  16. My husband and I don't play any musical instruments. However, my son has been begging us to learn. He will be 6 this summer. Unfortunately, I haven't found a Suzuki teacher near us. However, I've heard reviews of other piano instructors in our area. For non-musically inclined parents, how do you go about finding a piano teacher? What questions should I ask? Are there different types of methods to learn the piano? If so, which would be suitable for a young novice? Any suggestions and advice would help me much! Thank you!
  17. My husband and I don't play any musical instruments. However, my son has been begging us to learn. He will be 6 this summer. Unfortunately, I haven't found a Suzuki teacher near us. However, I've heard reviews of other piano instructors in our area. For non-musically inclined parents, how do you go about finding a piano teacher? What questions should I ask? Are there different types of methods to learn the piano? If so, which would be suitable for a young novice? Any suggestions and advice would help me much! Thank you!
  18. Would you mind giving your input? Approximately 10 families (including approx. 35 kids) are getting together to form a co-op that will meet twice a month and the subjects will be Artist Study using Artistic Pursuits, PE, Nature Study, maybe Spanish, and maybe Worldview (for the older kids). We have identified a location and now just need to come up with the schedule, responsibilities, etc. The ages of the kids range from 2 - 13. We are thinking of having a toddler/pre-school room (ages 2-4). The other kids would take the above classes mentioned. We've thought about separating the kids by age groups (5-8, 9-11, 12-13. Some suggested that we leave all of the kids together to do nature study and possibly art. Others suggested that we just have the three age groups rotate through PE, Art, and Nature History, and not do Spanish or Worldview at all. We have a meeting coming up, and I want to get scheduling/responsibility ideas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Would you mind giving your input? Approximately 10 families (including approx. 35 kids) are getting together to form a co-op that will meet twice a month and the subjects will be Artist Study using Artistic Pursuits, PE, Nature Study, maybe Spanish, and maybe Worldview (for the older kids). We have identified a location and now just need to come up with the schedule, responsibilities, etc. The ages of the kids range from 2 - 13. We are thinking of having a toddler/pre-school room (ages 2-4). The other kids would take the above classes mentioned. We have a meeting coming up, and I want to get scheduling/responsibility ideas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  20. You all have helped me tremendously! Thank you! Can anyone sum up the pros and cons of using a moby wrap vs. a mei tai for an infant? I already have the ergo which I will use when the baby is 4 months or so. I tried the maya sling with my first, and I could never get it to work comfortably.
  21. I am intimidated by the wraps, but the babies look so snug and comfy. I may have to try it. What carseat do you have now that you don't like? I never heard of the Woombie sleep sacks. Going to check those out now!
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