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Posts posted by freethinkermama

  1. You put that so well. You make it sound like such a beautiful thing.


    God would not put me in that situation. There are plenty of scriptural references for God opening doors, God creating safe places, God creating food. So, as a Christian, it's a moot point. I would never prostitute myself, because God would never put me in a situation where I had to.


    I wish it were that easy.


    Hundreds and hundreds of little boys and girls are now being prostituted as we type merrily away on our keyboards. (ecmafrica.org See this site, a Christian ministry to child sex slaves, if you don't believe it.)


    Do you think, if we could just convert all of those children to Christianity, that they wouldn't be in that position? What about those children who ARE Christian?


    What makes you so much more special than they that you would never be forced into prostitution, but these Christian children are?




  2. Ooh!


    Well, you can slice the loin thin and pan fry with a flour and spice dredge.

    We never did roasts, I don't recall. We had lots of hamburger and had lots turned into sausage. Hmm, I reckon you can put the hams and roasts in the crockpot though.


    Do you have the sweet meats? Yum!


    What happened to the rest of it? Did you have it ground?




    I'm unfamiliar with icing the animal--or the meats. We hanged ours out back to let the blood drain, but it was cold where we lived.

  3. We have no policy. We trust each other. We each have friends of the opposite sex.




    My husband is introverted, and most of his friends are male. I'm extroverted and have friends of both genders, though I'm closer with my female friends. We're comfortable with that, and we trust each other.


    The night my husband and I returned from our honeymoon, there was a big flood in our city. A woman (half of a couple we were friends with--our missionary mentors--and whose husband was out of town) called us in the middle of the night asking for help to roll up some carpet in the basement My husband said, "sure" he'd be right there. Husband told me to enjoy my sleep, went over after avoiding the major street flooding, and came home and went to sleep again. Didn't think anything of it.


    For the next several days the friend complained that I didn't come and that it looked wrong for my husband to be going into her house. We were devout Christians at the time and didn't even think about the possible "impropriety" of what this might look like. But she was very upset. I bit my tongue.


    I needed an emergency drive to the airport several years ago, and while a friend's husband was available, that would have looked wrong for me to be in a car alone with him for any amount of time.


    I understand folks maybe not wanting to have serious friendships with members of the opposite sex, maybe. But, really? Does it have to be like this?


    I think the only people who think things like this are so bad, or look bad, are religious :) Makes me wonder.



  4. I was torn between non-believer top two most knowledgble.


    I was born again at 13 and read the KJV cover to cover that year. I was a missionary with a well known, international evangelistic group until a couple of years ago.


    Comparative religion was my thing. I could argue dispensations, Calvinism, Arminianism, Anabaptism, the various views on the rapture, universal salvation. I've read the Bible in more versions than I care to remember, as well as spent years poring over my Greek interlinear NT translation, etc. I loved discussing various positions and various doctrines with JWs, Mormons, Amish, Mennonites, Unitarians, Buddhists, Muslims, and made it a point to have ready Biblical responses ready for any place our beliefs collided.


    There are so many times I consider popping into one of the Bible and doctrinal discussions here because I can still debate/discuss those issues from my original, chosen viewpoint, but I'm so done with those days I don't want to waste any more of my life.


    But, I have no doubt that I could still pass myself off as a very devout, knowledgable missionary and disciple-maker. :)



  5. It is? C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien would disagree, and the early Christians saw it as a good thing. That is, there have been many Christians throughout history who know all about that, and see Christ as the 'true myth' foreshadowed in many cultures. (I just want to be accurate, you can think as you like of course.)



    From the Jesus_Christ_in_comparative_mythology:


    I'm afraid I can't see the place from which you got this tidbit, but I can see the little red x-box there. I might try to take it and google it and read the source material.


    There are two way to look at this:


    1. The story of Jesus is like hundreds of myths before his, indicating that his story is the true one.


    2. The story of Jesus is like hundreds of myths before him, indicating that his is just another myth like the predecessors.


    I think it's the second.

  6. I agree, except that I think some things will have changed. Some people will feel stronger in their anti-Christian beliefs, some divisions will have become wider, some missionaries will lose their donations, and some Christians will find themselves questioning the religion of which they are a part.


    Stumbling blocks, all over the place.


    You know what will happen if Heather brings this to her mission board?


    Nothing. Nothing at all.


    You know what it will do for anti-Christianity feeling? Nothing. People who are already non-Christian or "anti-Christian" are certainly willing to believe that Christians are only as noble or corrupt as anyone else. After all, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven."


    You know what will happen to Christians who find themselves questioning their religion? They'll probably keep questioning, because there are certainly more things to question the very real humanness of all people. Or, they'll question other things. They'll question because they're people, and even solid Christians question. That's ok. Or, maybe it isn't.

  7. The problem is Heather is not one of the people supporting the people she is accusing. She has no access to real information on who owns the properties they use or how the money is collected or distributed.


    Quite a leap. As a matter of fact I WAS giving money to a missionary family here before we came. Now I give that money to a family who actually needs it.


    1. Not sure how many different ways I can say this but again...this thread is about people who live in a luxurious fashion while those who support them back home struggle.


    2. I am not "outing" anyone...if you came here you would know what I mean. Missionaries are pretty open about what they are doing here and like I said, our databases (which the government has access to), lists who is missionary and who is not.


    3. For those of you who think I shouldn't talk about something naughty that some Christians might be doing because it might make non-christians think poorly of them...I am pretty sure the Catholic church thought the same thing with their own scandal. Sorry. I'm not big on "cover-ups". I am not saying that it is so huge that it is worth a headline on CNN but it IS a concern. Will I take my concerns to the mission boards themselves? Well, at first I wasn't planning on it. But now that I know it's not just happening here on the island...I just might.


    I am sorry if I offended people by bringing something like this to light. But if it raises awareness of mismanaged money then it is worth it. There ARE missionaries out there who DO risk their lives and who ARE good stewards of the money given to them and my hope is that THEY will benefit from having others who abuse the system removed from it.


    Incidentally, I went to a Deepavali party last night. It was at this mansion of a home owned by some wealthy Indian people whose children attend our school. Their next door neighbor is American which is VERY unusual for that neighborhood. Our Indian friend told us the American living in the mansion next door to him is a missionary. My dh and I just looked at each other and started laughing. Well OF COURSE he is. Sheesh. :tongue_smilie:


    Good for you, Heather!

  8. Lol. Dh just laughed at the idea that these missionaries are operating under the radar. The gov'ts don't want this activity to get too big, but they're happy to take any money the missionaries want to spend. And sometimes they are doing something for the country, too, like providing education or practical help.


    Dh did say it might be truly dangerous in a country like Saudi Arabia, or in a remote area of a hostile country (say in a tribal area).


    Yes, yes. S.A. would be quite dangerous, but. . . seriously, some places are just thrilled to see the missionaries coming in. :) It's just a game. You pretend to hide, we'll pretend not to see you. Sometimes we'll "catch" some of you and send you home. You give us enough goodies, teach English, whatever, we'll acknowledge each other with a wink and a nod.


    The pseudo cloak-and-daggerness of it is kind of thrilling, to some folks, I think. At least in places where lives really aren't at stake.


    I think this OP is savvy enough to know what she's doing and not be putting her school, family, people in danger.

    Sorry, OP, I can't remember your name.

  9. :iagree:


    A friend of ours is a missionary somewhere in China and he and his family have to use the utmost discretion in all communication.


    It seems irresponsible to me to come here and discuss the lives of missionaries, where they live, and where their children attend school in a country where Christianity is not looked upon favorably.



    These countries know there are illegal missionaries in their countries. We're not giving cities, organizations, addresses.


    And don't you mean "Southeast Asia"? :) That was the special secret word we were supposed to use when referring to missionaries being in China. *rolls eyes*

  10. :iagree: Wise words, Kate.


    "Adult" is defined by actions, not an arbitrary age. If she is too immature to handle certain things, like a phone, texting or going to certain places, then that freedom is destructive to her physically and emotionally.


    Personally, if my 17yo was acting this way while living at home and having dh and I right here, we would strongly consider not sending her off to college next year.

    :grouphug::grouphug:to you, Margaret.



    She'll be 18. She won't need Mommy's and Daddy's permission to leave. That's part of the issue. According to the law, "adult" is an arbitrary age. Daughter needs skills to deal with that.

  11. This was an excellent post, Lisa, thanks for sharing it!


    Margaret, I think you are getting some good advice here from Lisa and I recommend you listen to her voice and those telling you what you already seem to know in your heart. Some of this other "advice" I think is downright offensive and self-righteous. So what that she is 17 and "almost an adult"! She is acting like a child and needs her parents.


    My mom did a good bit of parenting *right* with me and punishing me for a solid month by grounding for lying to her once put an end to my lying. Part of parenting is doing hard things and having hard discussions. I wouldn't think twice about talking to my dds if I found out they were living in such a destructive manner. And make no mistake, her behavior is terribly destructive! I find it appalling that people are telling you to leave her alone because she is almost an adult. My adult friends and I speak into each others' lives if we think there are issues that are of concern so why would I NOT speak into my beloved child's life and do and say the hard things I must? Good grief. I am darn glad I wasn't the child of many of these posters.


    Yes, this girl needs her mother. She needs guidance and someone to help and talk to. What is offensive and self-righteous about that? Most people aren't saying "ignore this behavior." Is that what you're talking about?


    Most people are saying, "talk to her. Talk to her. Give her information. Help her." This is concern. This is parenting.


    What exactly do you disagree with?

  12. Breathing a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE sigh of relief here. Thank you everyone, SO MUCH.


    The parents definitely realized the seriousness of it all. The father was upset and told dh that he's a police officer and he trains police officers. He was horrified over this. He said NOBODY is allowed in the house when they're not home. Yesterday he left to run an errand and when he returned, he heard the scurrying upstairs. His son was already spoken to about having kids in the house. Today brought this to an entire new level.


    Dh did not go in there with an accusatory tone and he was received well. The mother was very concerned and she stated that she feels that her son goes beyond anything that is normal to fit in with the "cool" crowd. Ds says the kid is a really good kid when they're alone but that he definitely tries too hard to stand out in a crowd. They talked for a bit and then dh came back home. Within 5 minutes the phone rang. The kid called to apologize and told him it would never happen again.


    I was so worked up but ds really handled it all well. He came up and asked us if we talked to the kid, dh said no. But I stood in and told him all that had taken place. I told him that I just couldn't live with myself if he got hurt, or worse, or if something happened to another kid. Ds was calm, not happy but calm, and acted like a wonderful young man.


    I kind of bribed him. I made one of our families favorite meals and as he chomped on my turkey cutlets we had this frank discussion. He kept asking if he could have more :001_smile: and I told him yes, I made plenty.


    Whhheeeeeeeeeeeeeewww. Life is good.


    Thanks everyone. Thanks SO MUCH!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


    ETA: (before anyone calls me on this!) Dh did NOT talk to the kid, so he didn't lie when he said this. In fact, he never saw the kid.


    Also, I was horrified to hear the parents tell dh that this kid's uncle accidentally shot himself while he was cleaning his gun. This uncle knows guns well and uses them regularly and this STILL happened. The dad was sharing this because he was shocked at what his son had done. He said he knew EXACTLY how the guns are put away and that he was going to go check them. Apparently the parents do leave the kid with a small gun when everyone is away and they have been robbed before. I think this is why.


    Good job!

    Glad it turned out like it did.

    I'm not surprised that it was some sort of deception thing on the son's part. I still think it's darn weird that the parents leave the kid with a loaded gun and tell him it's there for him in case robbers come. Stupid, frankly. Kid's more likely to kill a friend than kill a bad guy. . . . Maybe this will help wake up the parents too.

    But, yay! You done good :) Your DH, too!


    Couple things: Around my neck of the woods "accidentally killed self cleaning gun" is euphemism for suicide. Also, a 10 year old boy in our local homeschool community just killed his best friend with a handgun earlier this year. I'm so glad things worked out better for you! You may have saved some other child.

  13. when he got home today I asked him if anything was said to the kid. He said that he told him that he was really upset with the stupid thing he did. The kid laughed about it like it was all a big game. It sickens me he doesn't realize how SERIOUS this is. Another kid was nearby and sided with ds, telling him he was WRONG to do that.


    Dh and I are very upset about it all. Dh is on his way over right now. We don't know their last name, dh is going to talk to the other father. I hope he's there, if not he'll talk to the mother.


    I'm so worried. Ds has had two HUGE anger meltdowns since his double concussion. I'm SO worried tonight may be a third. I told him today that we need to talk to the father, he insists we don't. Dh and I know ds will never come around, so he left and ds will find out about it later. I feel sick to my stomach.


    I am asking for prayers and positive thoughts that the father will be there, that he will realize the seriousness of it all, and that the ds will realize how serious it is. I also ask for prayers that my son understand this is something we HAD to do, and that he not get too angry.


    I'm shaking like a leaf, over what will come, and over the fact that the kid is still laughing about it.




    I do hope this father is a responsible, reasonable man. My own father was law enforcement--a game warden. We had all sorts of weapons in the house. He would have blown a gasket if any of us kids had been so so STUPID!


    I hope the best. Hang in there, Mama!

  14. What? SNL snuck into my house and filmed me and my husband?? :smilielol5:


    My husband is a huge fan of the Colonel Angus skit. :D Did you try searching YouTube?


    I can't imagine why anyone would dislike the Colonel :lol:


    OK, I've got a place to start, I'm googling like mad for Alec Baldwin and SNL skits. . . Shwetty balls keeps coming up. Of course. I haven't found the one I'm looking for yet. Thanks for the help, I'll find it yet!

  15. Ok, I saw a bit of the Women of SNL show a couple of weeks ago, and there was a funny sketch I'd never seen before. I don't know who was in it, or ANYTHING. I'd love to find it online and show it to my husband. I just laughed to hard. (I think it must be from the last 5 or 6 years, shockingly.)


    It's a simple concept. Fancy living room. Man answers phone, woman is in room, does not want to talk to person on the line. The entire skit is the woman making pantomime of telling what the man to say, and the excuses he's supposed to use, claiming the woman is not there, where she had gone, when she will be back. It just becomes more and more absurd and it's quite manic. Very funny. To me :)


    Anyone have any idea who was in this?

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