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Posts posted by Gwenhwyfar

  1. Thanks! I don't want to have my last name out there so I'm going to set up a photobucket account.




    ahh yes, that would show up with the fb thing ~ photobucket is great though...it also makes a great place to have your pics stored in the event of a computer puke up. ;)


    once you have your pics uploaded to pb, you can either paste the code, which will plunk the photo right in the post, or you can use the 'direct link' which will give viewers a link to click... if your photo is LARGE, you may want to just use the link... unless you like your pic being almost life size on the screen LOL

  2. actually - do you have the pics on your fb? under the pic, waaaaaay down, is a link and the phrase "share this photo with anyone by sending them this public link" ...if you paste THAT link here, it would let people click and see the photo on your fb. it only lets them see THAT photo (or THAT album if you use the 'share the album' link) as long as your albums are set to friends only.

  3. ok so maybe i was just a bad kid. :laugh:


    wait a sec - pqr you're a guy right? that doesn't count. it was almost ALWAYS the girls who were changing. :p


    actually - to use my first joking statement for something more serious... parents do NOT always know what their teenagers are up to out there. i pulled the fur down over the eyes of many adults (parents and others) as a teenager - and not just with clothes. most of the adults in my life had no blasted idea what i was up to most of the time.


    i'm just saying that "blame the parents" doesn't always fit.

  4. It just makes one wonder about the "parents" who would allow a child to behave like that.


    The parents are probably those adults that are wearing the vulgar shirts. Or they're afraid of stifling their child's individuality or something like that. I guess my girls are stifled.


    or they didn't know that their teenager even owned the shirt.


    didn't any of you ever buy/wear stuff that your folks didn't like? usually put on AFTER you left the house? :p

  5. Good grief when does the girly age START?


    haha. mine dd13 is all about the girly ~ she just went out the door wearing a granny sweater, skinny jeans, uggs, and a beret, with green eyeshadow, sparkly lipgloss, and smelling like a strawberry............. after i spent a half hour telling her no, she couldn't go to her friends until she had a SHOWER cuz she smelled like a workhorse and had enough oil in her hair to fix the squeaky door.


    i think it's more "i have STUFF to do!" :laugh:


    what does she 'hate' about the deodorant? is it the time it takes to put it on, the feel of it (there are various kinds - the white stick, gel, aerosol, liquid roll on)?

  6. a few years ago when my dh was sick with a bad cold, i brought him his advil & cough syrup (both of which he had taken many times before) and i also gave him one of my vitamins... i don't remember WHAT the vitamin was now (it's been about 5 years) but he ended up with swollen lips - went to the doc and they gave him a shot and said he was allergic to "something" ..they couldn't say what, as he'd had all three things --- but he'd had the advil and the cough meds many times before and has had them many times since.... so it was obviously something in the vitamin.


    so yeah, i certainly believe you can allergic to something in vitamins...

  7. i see a difference between lying and fantasy ~ and santa falls into the 'fantasy' category for us. :)


    other examples of 'fantasy' (and i'm curious if those who view santa as 'lying' would also see these that way)


    ....spraying "monsterBgone" under the bed and in the closet so that your kiddo laughs and falls asleep.


    ....jumping up and moving to another seat while apologizing profusely when your child yells "mom!! you sat on mr flufflebeans!" (who is, of course, quite invisible)


    ....letting your daughter take the old chipped coffee mugs & some plastic plates outside so that she and her best friend can have "tea and cake" with the tree fairies.


    ....weaving a three hour long tale about the sugar spinning sky elves after your daughter, bored to bits on a four hour flight, asks how clouds are made.


    yes the examples are all from my dd13 when she was younger ~ she always had a great imagination. ;)


    [and i promise i won't be offended if you DO stick those types of things in a 'lying' box ~ i don't, nor do i see santa that way, but i'm curious...]

  8. My answer as an immigration officer: the girl is essentially screwed. Yes, she is being punished for her parents actions, but at this point there is no law in place that helps children who came here illegally w/their parents.


    why not?? why hasn't something been done to help these kids??? don't people care enough or what?


    they've done nothing wrong. they were taken somewhere by their parents - they were children, they didn't commit any crimes. they have a life, family, everything - and it just gets taken away from them?

  9. I guess I am a little sore right now. There is a family in our church that is hurting financially. I have offered to help them buy a few small things for their daughters (ages 10 and 16) for Christmas. We have had our share of financial struggles this summer, but we will have some extra money next month, so I really want to help them. Well, tonight I got to see their Christmas lists. WHOA NELLIE!!! Trampoline, Wii, laptop, flat screen TV, etc. There are a few things on there that I can actually afford, but for the most part, it is a list of large ticket items. It just seemed so greedy. To be honest, it kind of took the joy out of wanting, and being able to, help them. I know I shouldn't let that steal my joy, but all the same, it kinda does.


    I can understand letting family know what children want. I have a brother who lives in another state, and he always asks me what the girls want for their birthdays and Christmas, and I give him some ideas. Same goes for my mom and my father in law, who never seem to know what to get my kids. I guess I am just picturing kids sitting down and writing these long lists and then really expecting to get every single thing on there. Does that make sense?


    what a wonderful thing that you want to do for them! :grouphug:


    i can understand why the 'lists' set off that type of feeling... but i do have a question: are these lists that the DAUGHTERS wrote? if the lists were created by the daughters (and not solely by the parents) then what you may want to consider is that these girls might see all/many of their friends, school mates, etc, with these things and be dreaming of the same.


    if the parents just told them to 'make a christmas list' - i can totally see that happening. if the girls don't know WHY they were asked to make a list (parents don't want them to know about 'help'?) then it would be difficult for mom or dad to say 'oh this isn't what we meant' ....or whatever.... know what i mean?


    if the girls made the lists...well, you can't really blame them for 'wishing', right? (my dd13 has a vehicle on her current list! she knows dang well that she's not getting a truck for christmas LOL but she stuck it on there anyway because it's a wish. ;) )


    if the PARENTS made the lists - well..... i guess i'd prolly consider that they may also be feeling like they can't give their girls the "normal" things that other families have (note that i put that in quotes!) and i'd try to be understanding about it. of course i wouldn't go buy those things (unless i was crazy rich) but i'd try not to get upset with them ---- i've been the mom in a very low income family before and i know what it's like to feel like you can't give your kids the same things that "all the other kids" seem to have.


    regardless of what went down ~ you rock for wanting to help them out. :D

  10. i'm not in the US ~ but i do like to answer polls and i did vote in our municipal election the other week. :w00t:



    We also still use the touch-screen voting that doesn't have any paper trail. :glare:



    that actually sounds pretty cool! :D i would think there'd be less room for errors that way - people not filling in the little circle right (making an X instead of colouring the circle all in dark, circling the candidates name, using a checkmark, etc etc) or stuff like that.

  11. This drives me crazy too! Each family has to bring snack to my daughter's PM K class 6 times per year. The teacher designated in a letter to home that the snacks have to be "healthy" and made suggestions like fruit or cheese and crackers.


    I brought apples one day, homemade blueberry muffins another day, baked a couple loaves of banana bread, and brought packaged granola bars another time.


    I have seen parents walking in on their day with baskets full of DORITOS! Boxes full of pre-packaged OREOS!!! I had to pick my jaw off the ground. Can they not read?!?!?


    Okay---rant over.


    perhaps they couldn't afford to buy enough 'healthy' treats? (which almost always cost more)...


    perhaps they don't know how/don't have $$ to buy the ingredients for/don't have time to make homemade treats...


    i was in both of those situations a few years ago - when my kids were in activities that requested snacks, i usually sent a few giant bags of store brand chips and some store brand "fruit punch" juice boxes. it was all i could afford and i didn't have the supplies or the talent or the time to make up some fancy homemade goodies.


    nowadays, i could pull off something better....although i'd prolly still buy something instead of bake - unless it was chocolate chip cookies, the one thing that i rarely mess up. :p

  12. i think a lot of you use the word "snack" differently than we do... a "snack" here just means "i'm eating something and it ain't meal time" --- so it might be a piece of toast, a chocolate bar, a sliced tomato dipped in dressing, a handful of gummi bears, a pear, a dunkaroos, a few bites of leftover something, bowl of cereal, yoghurt, sucker, whatever.... just a couple of minutes ago i ate a half slice of bread with ketchup on it. they're all "snacks" here. :)

  13. I don't get cable, so there is no Fox news in my house, plus I am not really into 'restricting'. (See other thread). Read around Fox news for a bit, click on Bill O'Reilly. See if you feel comfy.


    A lot of people love Fox News. Maybe you will too. (But having read your posts here, I doubt it. :001_smile:)


    i was about to say "oh so it's a tv news broadcast too?" and then something clicked in my head and i remember hearing "fox news at nine" or something like that on a tv station here (we get a fair number of american channels) ..i've never watched it, but i do remember hearing that. (i don't watch a lot of tv ON the tv - mostly prefer getting shows on dvd)


    anyway, i've no idea who Bill O'Reilly is, but will do. thanks!

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