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Posts posted by Gwenhwyfar

  1. Exactly! That, and I don't get having a baby and then passing it off to the oldest to raise. Isn't that how wolves do it??



    i've wondered why people say that about the duggars ~ i've never seen it that way...it looks more like a (very) large family working together. most of the large families that i've known have had similar type 'systems' in place - like the way the duggars do 'buddies' and such. my maternal grandmother & maternal grandfather both come from families with 13 & 14 kids in them (THEIR families as kids) - i've asked them about growing up and the responses are a lot like the duggars....they worked together, older kids helping with the younger kids. it's really not that 'weird' for a large family to run that way. :)


    ETA: heck, my mother is one of five girls and even THEY did that to a degree...

  2. roots sweatpants ~ quit possibly THE most comfortable pair of *anything* i have ever worn. :D


    yeah they're sweatpants ~ so what? i don't see anything that isn't "presentable" about them...and who the heck CARES if someone else does? it's your body that you're dressing and especially given that you're looking for comfort during 'that time' - anyone who doesn't like it can go suck a monkey toe. :p


    this should go to the main list ~ i linked you to a style that i like the best, but there are others...including the ones with the elastic at the bottom...i can't stand that myself. i like 'em long & draggy. :laugh:


    ETA: dang it, i forgot the canada/us thing... i'm not sure if roots ships to the states...but maybe you can look for something similar down there.... also, your daughter is right ~ it's not yoga pants you want, not going by your description.

  3. JUst a heads up...podiatrists have recommended not wearing them because they can cause foot problems since they are virtually flat, rather than having arches. And as one who has developed plantar fascitis from wearing flat shoes, I concur. Unless you put inserts that provide support, I would not recommend them.


    you know what's funny about this? the very same thing was said about crocs - that they had no support/bad for your feet/etc....


    i've lived in crocs for years now ~ i was SO excited when i tried on a pair (on a whim) not long after they came out, because for the first time ever... a pair of shoes on my feet DIDN'T HURT!! :w00t:


    i have totally messed up feet or something - i can't wear sneakers, dress shoes, etc - they don't fit (i have one wide foot and one normal, for one thing!) and they HURT instantly...i have one pair of big snowboots that i can wear in winter, now that they're broken in several years and pretty much fattened inside...those and my crocs, that's it. (i wear crocs to "dress up events" - i have no choice.)


    until i stuck my feet into a pair of uggs at the mall - and omg they didn't hurt! they were comfy!


    the two things that the feet docs say are bad...are the only two things i can comfortably wear for any length of time.


    go figure. :laugh:

  4. ok why are so many people saying "take the deal"?


    if he didn't do it - then he didn't do it. why should he go and LIE and say that he did something that he didn't do? that's not right, not in any sense. i can't imagine announcing to the world that i committed a crime when i didn't...


    if for some bizarre reason they do convict him (and i just can't imagine it being done solely on one person's word) ...first offence - he'd prolly get some community service hours? (not a big deal - and it sounds like you can appeal things anyway?).....it's young offenders, so that stuff goes away when you turn 18 --- at least i assume it does in the states too? i was charged under the young offenders act several times as a teenager and when i have a criminal background check done now as an adult - it's totally clean.


    I finally had the Geologic Column Diagram explained to me in such a way that it makes tons of sense. Tons. It doesn't have to fight with my view of God's timeline. And it makes logical sense!! I can't tell you how happy I am, spiritually, just thinking about it.


    i'm totally happy for you ~ and i'm not saying that in sarcasm or anything, i really am...you sound like some doubts/confusion/etc got lifted for you and that's always an awesome feeling. :D

  6. There was no evidence collected to rule him out.



    wait a second... i thought the whole justice system hinged on "innocent until PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law" ...ie, evidence to prove innocence isn't required, every burden is on the prosecution to prove their case beyond any reasonable doubt... ???


    don't they have to do this? don't they have to "prove beyond a reasonable doubt" that your son did this? not just 'oh this school teacher sounds good'....

  7. Here is a quote from the Superintendent

    “Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they’ll display it,


    so? let them! what's wrong with showing everyone's flags? they're all very pretty & colourful and there's nothing wrong with being proud of where you're from, where you live, where you're ancestors are from, or WHAT.EVER.

  8. say what? how can they tell him what to do or not do with his own bike? i'd be *sticking that flag right back on there. ;)


    "Cody's grandfather says the school was concerned about racial tensions or uprisings because of the flag."


    eh? racial tensions & uprisings...because of a little flag??



    *better yet ~ i'd get a bunch of friends to put flags on theirs too...and stickers! flag stickers, everywhere. :D

  9. i just consider it my 'donation' to our library. :tongue_smilie:


    nothing ever worked ~ i couldn't have a 'regular library day' because stuff came up (dh wanted the vehicle, sick kid, frigid temps, SOMETHING. sometimes it was just me forgetting it was library day!) and got in the way. calendars? i forget to check them. i lose them. whatever. books in one basket? works for a day or two and then......they get away. notes to myself? vanished. somewhere. prolly off to the same place that missing pens and socks and shades and suckers and batteries and mittens and everything else goes.


    yeah ummmm...organized? what's that? :laugh:

  10. maybe this is all in how we view words differently.... to me, it's not a "threat" unless the person actually INTENDS it to be so...


    example: dh was teasing me about something last night - i made a fist and waved in right in front of his nose and went "grrrrrr" at him. was i threatening him? no, because i had no INTENTION to harm him. i was joking. (and being a smartarse)


    (before anyone says it: yes i know that a first and a gun are two different things, a gun is more dangerous, yada yada. it's just an example.)


    so... with regards to the boy - he didn't INTEND to shoot anyone. in his mind (as far as we're aware with the info we've been given) he was teasing/joking/etc. was it ok? NO. is it dangerous? YES. does it need to be addressed? YES. (and the OP said it will be) did he *intend* any harm? NO. i don't see why acknowledging that is a terrible thing...


    personally - i'm kinda glad the kid didn't actually WANT to hurt someone. we have enough people like that out there already.


    i really think a lot of this back & forth with regards to the words "threat" and "joke" and such is just definitions.


    nobody has said it was funny. ;)

  11. All I was saying is that to acknowledge the incident as having been intended as a joke STILL minimizes the seriousness of the event.


    i don't get it. is the OP supposed to play a game of pretend? "ok let's just pretend that your friend was threatening you" ... ??


    he wasn't. he did something stupid & potentially dangerous, yep ~ but his intentions were not to cause harm and i don't think it helps anything to pretend otherwise. what's wrong with just acknowledging the truth?

  12. They are pleading with you to NOT say this was 'a joke', because saying it was some sort of misguided joke really seems to minimize the seriousness of what happened.


    did you read what she said?


    in the eyes of the teenage boy - it was a joke. the boy was not standing over her son and threatening to kill him for looking at his girlfriend or something. the other boy made a very stupid & potentially dangerous decision when he decided to goof around with a loaded gun, yes, and the OP recognizes that. that, however, doesn't change the boy's INTENTIONS. that's what's being expressed.


    i don't see why people aren't understanding this. the OP didn't say "ha! this kid waved a gun at my son and it was totally funny!" :001_rolleyes:

  13. Oh knock it off. I know the seriousness of it and I've made it clear. It was a joke, it could have killed. I GET IT. It was a stupid kid acting immaturely. HE DOESN'T HAVE THE MATURITY TO HANDLE A GUN because he proved his immaturity. It was a joke IN HIS EYES. He wasn't threatening IN HIS EYES.




    Is that clear now?


    good for you. :D


    i don't know why people are jumping on your words when a second or two of reading the context and considering the situation makes them understandable. you weren't saying that YOU considered the whole thing a joke (as in "ha! that was so funny!") - you were saying that in the eyes of the other teen boy, it was a goofing off thing and that he didn't mean any harm to your son. i can totally see that - teenage boys do stupid things sometimes, not realizing that hey - this ain't funny. yep, this "stupid thing" was very dangerous and needs to be addressed ... and it looks like you're going to have your husband do that, so there we go.


    i hope that the other father responds in seriousness when your dh talks to him - that will certainly help you decide on your next steps (allowing the boys to hang out or whatever).



  14. You know how many adults like to fantasize, sometimes, about what they'd do with the money if they won the lottery?


    I think it's kind of like that.


    It's one time of the year where they can imagine what it would be like if they had more toys than they knew what to do with, and to do some imaginary shopping picking them out, and then hoping that they get at least some of them.


    I can still remember being a kid and a big holiday edition of a Toys R Us catalog or some such coming to our house and my brothers and I sitting on the couch oohing and aahing over it and taking turns picking what we wanted from each page and making our Hanukkah wish lists and so on.


    I think it's harmless and fun, especially if they understand they can't really have EVERYTHING on their list.




    you put that perfectly with the lottery comparison ~ boy have i ever created some crazy long lists in my head as an adult for that. :laugh:

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