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Firestar Academy

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Posts posted by Firestar Academy

  1. i have pills for dental work. I am not a good dental patient. i take one the night before and 1 an hour before. someone must drive me.


    it sooooo takes the edge off. apparently, the last time, i made my mom stop and i bought the kids water ice on the way home. don't remember a thing.


    robin in nj


    ps - it's not the pain. don't know what it is about dental work. I had an 11 lb baby with no drugs!

  2. BJs gets one in soon for christmas that comes with 2 crocks. Mine is a 7qt. One crock is the large one and the other crock is divided in half so you can make two things at once. I love it. It is programable.


    2 things at once?!?!?!??! be still my heart :001_wub: .... a photo is sooo needed.


    robin in nj

  3. I don't consider myself a freezer cooker. I don't keep a whole lot of frozen meals on hand for daily cooking.


    I do extra cook and freeze for when we go on vacation, though. Right now there is nothing in my freezer because we did disney this summer (10 nights) and then hershey park (3 nights). We have an RV and I pack all frozen cooked meals so we don't have to eat out and I don't have to cook on vacation.


    my family's favorite meals (including grandparents) that I freeze are

    stuffed cabbage



    stews different varieties.


    There is nothing like coming back from from the parks at midnight and having lasagna!!

  4. You said it!


    It isn't just that the Kcups create a shocking amount of plastic waste, but the coffee is lousy as well. Of all the coffee making methods available the pre-ground (read stale) kcups make the poorest quality coffee save perhaps instant.


    Yuck! Just yuck! :D




    oh, dear. I adore instant coffee. :001_wub:


    I do call it "cr@p coffee" but I sooooo love it.




  5. I only have 1 that would nap at some place like that, and honestly I doubt she would actually nap. She'd just scream instead.


    What an interesting idea! Do you bring your regular microwave? Or do you have a small one that you bought just for camping?



    then you could institute a quiet hour or 2 where they can't leave the room and must read quietly.


    we used a small one and sat it on top of a mini-fridge. now we have an RV but the rules are the same. i freezer cook (when I cook) and bring camping, lasagna, quiche, stew and the traditional dogs and burgers. all must be microwavable. I do not cook or clean pans on vacation. we just did disney that way and people were so jealous on the bus back to the campground when we were deciding between lasagna and stuffed cabbage. and also, this way, everyone can have what they want.



  6. I totally agree with the poster who said ask your olders what they want to do and how much they would be willing to help with youngers.


    would they be willing to be buddies for a few hours at the water park if they get a few hours by themselves during nap time. Those indoor water park/ hotel places have babysitters who would sit while napping so you could be with the olders near the water.


    I'm sure your kids are smart and they know that if they don't all pitch in, they won't go anywhere. I bet they are ready to help and go places.


    I do recommend if you camp get a site with electricity and plug in a microwave. I pre-cook EVERYTHING and just reheat. even burgers. i buy frozen microwavable vegetables. I refuse to 'cook' on my vacations.



  7. In other words, you have NO IDEA what to wear?


    I am not a snappy dresser. I'm not sure where it happened but somewhere along the line I started dressing like my grandmother, and not combing my hair. After seeing a few pictures of myself :blink: I tried to change... and since have gone through various unsuccessful attempts to look better.


    I went from wearing torn sweats and "leisure slacks" with uncombed hair, to combing my hair and making sure I didn't wear ripped clothes. I still looked frumpy. Then I decided to dress modestly, so I was nothing-showing-but-ankles-and-hands for a while, long skirts, dresses, loose pants, and long sleeved shirts. I looked like I was walking around in curtains, and I went crazy in the summer heat & by that point was pregnant so just wore whatever didn't make my skin crawl.


    When I lost the pregnancy weight my reward was a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret-- now I was going to be fashionable! I bought yoga pants (due to the recommendations here) and tunics, but I bought the tunics too big because I didn't want to look scintillating. Not that I should have worried, because my barely-there boobs were completely lost in the big shirts and I just looked silly in a different way. Plus 90% of what I bought ended up stained with bleach and baby slime within a month of purchase.


    When I look through clothing catalogs I feel like a lost lamb... when I actually go to a clothing store it's even worse. I can't keep spending money so my next attempt (once these clothes have holes in them) has to be smarter.


    I hate any kind of pants with buttons or zippers, same for shirts. I also can't stand any kind of fabric that isn't soft.


    Who else is a bad dresser, do you care, and if so what are you doing about it? I don't want to embarrass my girls by looking ridiculous in public.


    I also don't know what to do with my hair. It's just... long. Not nice long-- scraggly long. I sweep it up in a comb but it looks like a bad early 1900s hairdo that way. I don't want to spend money getting it cut but there has to be a better way to pull it back? Also I'm getting gray so I use a demi-permanent hair color every 4-6 weeks but it's getting scragglier with each application.


    Oh and I am nearing 40... so I feel like the train is heading toward me ever faster.


    are you my twin?!?!?



  8. it is my understanding (and I could be wrong) that if the private school 'transfers' him to public and states on his transcript that he is doing 3rd this year, the public HAS to put him in 4th next year. That's how transfers work.


    From my experience with my daughter, we did montessori 3 year primary program. they come out usually going into 1st grade. The school asked me did I want her placed in 1st or in 2nd going into the public school. They said she could even be placed into 3rd. I actually had no idea about skipping her. The montessori gets to tell the public school where to place her. end of discussion. The public doesn't get to decide that the child repeats 1st grade. They could, however, decide that she must repeat 2nd grade in their own school.


    In the end, I decided to put her in first grade. it was a disaster. although I believe bumping her would have been a disaster, too. She could not connect to the kids academically or socially. She is 'young-ish'.


    we muddled until 4th grade then finally pulled her. currently she is 12 and doing much better with a mixture of home and community college classes.


    so remember, your decision doesn't have to be permanent.



  9. I agree that community college may not offer what you are looking for in art programs. Where in NJ are you? I can think of several arts centers in SJ off the top of my head that offer classes of all levels. And...how about taking the train to Philly? Easy and fun.


    we are in east burlington county. if you find philly on the map and go half way into nj, that's us.


    I won't take the train into philly either. I have a limit on how far I will travel each day.


    If you have names of art centers(she is musically talented) that would be good.



  10. Thank you all for taking the time to type up responses. the info you all have provided in all these pages has me thinking about 'other' opportunities to try to give my daughter. she is currently taking music classes at CC already. the college is 15 minutes from home. It is actually closer than the grocery store.


    I think I'd try art schools first and see if they have a pre-pro program. I know the art school here has classes for younger students and that most good music schools have per-pro programs where a not quite ready for admissions into a degree program student can still study at a very high level. My gut feeling is that art classes at a CC are likely to be general Ed classes, not serious art major classes and probably won't be what your child wants, and I know that in my music school it's very, very typical for a pre-pro student to be invited to start performing with university ensembles and taking college music classes before they have the high school transcript to qualify for official dual enrollment.


    I will look to see if there is an art school nearby. I don't think so. Our CC doesn't have 'official dual enrollment' rules for homeschoolers. when the child can handle the workload of any particular class they can register. They must take the placement test before enrolling in the 30th credit hour.



    I would suggest a mentor. One good starting place might be to look at places where community artists are active - is there an arts organization or an arts center. Look at who teachers their classes for adults and see if you can set up a meeting with one of their teachers. If you can find a good mentor that can lead to further opportunities.


    nope, no arts center, as far as I can tell except on other campuses. or philadelphia and I don't drive into phily.


    I would actually contact the community college and ask them for their advice. Even if they don't think the classes would be a good fit, they might very well know someone who would be seriously interested in mentoring a young, highly interested person.


    I know if someone asked me to work with a mathematically inclined child who was genuinely interested in learning all that they could about math I'd do it for gas money, and the only reason I'd ask for the gas money is because I'm broke :D


    The community college does think she is a good fit for more classes. they highly encourage homeschoolers to take classes here. I was just trying to get ideas of more depth to her music studies.


    robin in NJ

  11. CAn I ask a question about classes at community college?


    If one has a child who does really well (not sure accelerated is the word, here. Maybe talented.) in an artistic area, think music, sculpture, photography, drawing, and that child wants to study further in that area, where would you suggest that child go to take classes to learn more about those things??


    The child doesn't want to take 'fun' classes but wants to seriously study their artistic talent with others who are serious.


    The local community college is an option. The child is young.


    just looking for information.



    Robin in NJ

  12. my kids would go down rabbit trails, it's me that has no interest in hopping anywhere.


    I have always been like that with school. I did the assignments, did them very well. was a math major in college. did very well. never did any extra exploring educationally.


    It baffles me that my kids don't look at their daily assignments, do them, and be done. But I'm trying to change for them!



  13. I can't do all of them, but I don't mind supporting neighbor kids who sell things I might be interested in. I'll buy a couple of boxes of girl scout cookies, a Christmas wreath for the front door delivered by a ski team member, or wrapping paper because it's good quality and I need some anyway. I have no problem saying no to random things I won't use or to kids I don't know. And I usually don't answer the door if it's dusk or later, if it's an adult male, or if I just don't want to deal with it.




    Part of salesmanship is learning how to handle "no." Better for a 9 year old to find out at 9 that it is not the career for him/her. Or, alternately to find out he/she does like it. However, if everyone just said "yes" a child might think sales is a cakewalk, which it is not.


    Consider it your civic duty to say NO if you can't afford/don't want things. You'll be educating the neighbor kids. :)





    When it was something we could use (like renewing a subscription to a magazine we already get), we would get things. Most other things, "sorry, but I can't do that right now. Good luck, though!"




    all of these. and my kids sell stuff; gs cookies, pasta, candles, magazines, candy, the list goes on. I appreciate that most of them are at the same time. The girls can lay out all the paperwork at once. I make my kids ask, and they know how to handle the 'no's'; that's life. I feel it is important to know how to ask for something so later they will know how to ask for a raise or ask for a discount on a used car:D


    I also expect my friends kids to ask me to buy stuff. for the same reason. If i want it, i buy it. If not, I say, not this time, but please come back again. I might buy next time.


    Robin in NJ

  14. Oh, you totally need to make some cupcakes girlfriend.


    Decorate them with various stages of bee lifespan, and really deck out the EMPRESS BEE, of which there can only be one.


    Order yourself some junk mail to the house:


    In Care of: Empress Bee, 123 Main ST. Anytown, USA.


    Put a sign in the yard! Paper mache a huge hive with brown paper bags and hang it in the tree in the yard.


    Wear a sash for the day, go to the grocery store while donning it.


    Get one of those headbands with two springs with bees on the end.


    Address the kids as: You mere drones, do my bidding, you are helpless but to obey me..


    lol, I dunno, have some fun with it, run around making buzzing sounds instead of speaking (especially if you get spam phone calls)


    "Hello, is the lady of the house at home?"


    "No, but this is *THE EMPRESS* speaking, who art thou to disturb me at this hour?"


    I'd have a ball with it.


    Make some toast at dinner, smear honey on it, perform a ritual like a communion..


    "This, I give unto you, the fruit of my wisdom- take it, sustain yourself, and be glad hearted.."


    Congrats Ms. Empress!


    I couldn't have said it better!!:iagree::iagree:



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