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Firestar Academy

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Posts posted by Firestar Academy

  1. Given her age, if it were my kid, I would look for a therapist *now* rather than waiting. Where language is involved, it's helpful to address things before puberty, if at all possible, and as soon afterward if not... I would NOT put this off. You've worked with her. You've given her time to mature out of it. It has not gotten better and her behavior is well outside the range of normal and interferes with her ability to live a normal life. (Yes, right now she's got you as a buffer, but unless there's radical improvement, it will *severely* limit her ability to function as an adult in the world.)


    I would look for a good therapist who can evaluate her and get her started quickly with some appropriate therapy.




    i know someone IRL whose daughter is hmmm 20 or 21(?) years old and cannot go into a store and ask where something is. mom still does it for her.


    just think if this is where she is headed in 10 years.



  2. I've had a tummy tuck. I would be happy to share my before photos, if you pm me your email address. i don't really have after photos.


    seriously, go for it. I have never regretted it for a second.


    yes, the recovery is tough. it will be with the reduction, too. you will get sent home with meds. good meds. really good meds. I had a pain pump that went into my chest and down to the tummy tuck area. plus oral meds.


    it was a good two weeks of pain. my mother came to stay. I had a 3 year old at the time. that makes a person put on a brave face.


    Robin in NJ

  3. my daughters is dec 23. she just had a sleepover this past weekend to celebrate her turning 13. we used to do a combined birthday in june with my other dd whose birthday is in may. we have a huge yard and pool. we did no gifts so we can call anything a party.


    I also have been known to celebrate easter early and other random holidays.



  4. too much. I wish I could stay home more for our leisurely afternoon rests and long afternoon study sessions.






    but my daughter does ballet 5 flippin' days a week. FIVE. it will be 6 in january. I am thinking of putting an end to it and just stay home, but I won't. she loves it, and I love her. but I HATE ballet. it's too far to come home. and too out of the way for my husband to get her. and besides, it is right next door to this flippin' place:




    so i take my younger daughter here and suffer. I want to be a hermit when I grow up.


    robin in nj

  5. we just did this. we all had passports. some expired, some not. we did ot at the post office. everyone had to be there.


    check with your local post office first. they should be able to help and I bet they are closer than the passport office.


    robin in nj


    ps the kids passports came in the mail a few days ago. i haven't opened the envelopes yet. we didn't need birth certificates for them. only their passports.


    i would aslo suggest going online and filling out the paperwork on the computer. much easier than filling it out in pen at the office. you can't cross out anything on the form. my husband went through 4 forms, and then i finally had to finish it myself.

  6. I had never been called to serve until I was in my first year of homeschooling. it never occurred to me to get excused. I have pretty reliable childcare - my mom. we decided that if I got picked, she would bring the kids to see the trial.


    I got picked to go up into the box but got 'rejected' by one of the lawyers after hours.


    Robin in nj

  7. My dh used to tell me all the time to go to B&N or Starbucks. :lol: It took me FOREVER to get it across to him that I don't want to leave the house, I want the KIDS to leave the house! :lol: He takes any number of them to whatever, whenever I want, mostly. He also lets me "vacay" in the bedroom and won't allow them admittance! :tongue_smilie:





  8. When I used to have parties, I would say:


    "please, no gifts. But if you feel the need to show up with something in hand, a canned food item for the local food pantry would be appreciated." Sometimes, I found, that little kids wanted to bring something to the party. then people would bring canned items in cute gift bags!! I set up a table and stuck a can of something-or-other on it so people would know where the gift table is.


    a lot of times, we would find toys and other 'gifts' on the table. mostly, my kids decided to send all that to the food pantry, too, for the needy kids.


    Robin in NJ

  9. Ohhhhh, they are sweet!! :) Such a wonderful thing you're able to do... I couldn't ever do it, I'd sob like a baby each time one left...


    WE are looking for a forever dog. but I have specific requirements. I want a teeny little thing I can carry around.




    How cute!!! I'd love to foster, but my DH knows we'd end up keeping them all so he's pretty much put his foot down. :lol:


    We said goodbye to an older (3 month old) foster puppy today and this morning my hubby asked me, ' are you sure you want to say goodbye??"

    That one is going to be 80 lbs. no thank you!!



    Shriek!! They're adorable! They have a sad look in their eyes -- poor little orphans!


    just keep saying "do NOT get attached" do NOT get attached." sigh.





    Too adorable for words! How will you ever be able to get rid of ANY of them??!


    Four puppies under one roof. :svengo:


    see above. I am NOT getting attached. really. truly.:glare: besides which one would I keep?? If I kept one I would have to keep them all. just to keep them together.


    robin in NJ

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