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Posts posted by Kissy

  1. I've heard of some folks not getting a complete booklist from Bookshelf Central (namely, books used in multiple years are sometimes not pulled up in a search). For me, the best list is the one that is found on the TOG website. Go to the Store link, then log in. Then click on Resource List, and fill in the parameters of the search you want to do. You'll get a more complete list, and it's printable (without pictures of the book covers). That's the list I always shop from.


    I didn't know this existed. Thanks so much!

  2. I do only have one doing TOG and I know I don't have any of the books or alternates because this is our first time going through the time periods. My son started school in public school. Last year I started with the ancients and this year the middle ages. Neither of those were done with TOG so I would assume we don't have anything. I am not buying them all from bookshelf central but rather making sure that is the books I should buy. I have found them from various sources cheaper. I just want to make sure this would be the right way to do it. When I get TOG will there be a different list?

  3. For my 6th grader we used History Odyssey however it did the job but not like I wanted so I am switching. We also used Lightning Literature 7 that also wasn't what I really wanted but did the job and we did finish it. For science we used Prentice Hall Science Explorer Earth Science and my son very much enjoyed it.

  4. If you purchase all the books listed on bookshelf central for the year you are studying and the level will that be all the books you need for the year? I want to make sure it is accurate because I am waiting for TOG to come and wanted to go ahead and buy books but don't want to be stuck with some I won't need (because it costs too much to be wasteful) or need more than what is listed.

  5. We started the town level last year. I only did the grammar and writing. This year we did Voyage. I chose to skip the vocab my son was taking latin and a different vocab program plus reading classic literature. For us starting at town was a good fit. I felt the grammar portion went slower in town and not as in depth for my son this was good and the writing really helped him because he needed to work on paragraphs before moving to essays.

  6. there is no way to prevent them from having small issues with adjustment. Even if a child going to public school switches to another public school there is a period of adjustment because they do things differently. I keep detailed records in case my son wants to go to school one day so they will be able to place him. We use MCT and they do a 4 level analysis which I have not seen in ps and isn't on the end of the year test but on the IOWA it will ask what part of speech is blank word so I teach him how to visualize his 4 level analysis in his head so he can still get the answer. I have no doubt that if my son entered school he would be ahead of those in his grade and once he got used to how they did things he would be fine. I am glad we don't have to make that choice right now. Be confident in what you do.

  7. I was thinking it might be more developmental too. He knows all the sounds and letter names upper and lowercase. He is trying soo hard and I feel bad for him because I can see how bad he wants it. I guess I will wait maybe get some easy readers to read to him or something. I have an older child but he was in preschool and just kind of read on his own at 4 so I wasn't sure how to deal. When I try to talk to people in my homeschool group they are like why are you even trying he is a boy so I thought you guys would know. Thanks ladies.

  8. I don't know how to teach him. I have never taught anyone to read. There are so many programs but I don't want one that will go to fast. He watches leapfrog and loves it. He knows all his letters and sounds but not how to put it all together. I am scared to pick something that will progress too fast because of his age and am scared to pick something that might be boring. I have thought about hooked on phonics but I am not sure what that is like. Any suggestions for something based on his age?

  9. They don't do it the same as other programs. They do a 4 level analysis. It covers parts of speech, parts of sentence, phrases, and clauses. It is very thorough but is different than the lines with the diagonal lines that you think of when diagramming.

  10. My 11 almost 12 yr old does not work hard..He works as hard I push him. He gets distracted and complains. He went to public school and says I do way more than they do.. I am hoping my next one doesn't do all this because he will be hs from day one. In short when all else fails I threaten to take away his fun things if he doesn't do his work. That is the only thing that will get him going. On days he does work hard he gets done alot earlier.

  11. I knew from the beginning. My older child spoke at 5 months, was saying sentences by 1 yrs old. He did everything early. When he went to preschool the teacher was amazed and had a hard time finding challenges for him. In Kindergarten he had the same problem then by 3rd grade they were telling me I needed to get him on meds because he was disrupting class. He was bored so I brought him home to teach him myself.

  12. You don't need the student books just the teacher manuels but you will need the practice books and answers. Everything in the teacher books are the same in the student books there are some answers given but you can do the examples on the board. Some people like to have the student books so the child can read along with you. With mine I only have one so it isn't really an issue. For us we just use the teacher books.

  13. Hijack-


    Is this the norm? It's a lot of money to be done with it in 3 weeks, or am I not understanding the system- which I'm not really, so I'm sure I'm missing something. Do you do grammar alone first, then move on to the next thing at the Island level, and so on? If I order the complete Island set, it won't last a school year?


    For us it is worth it..we read it and refer to it as needed. We do grammar first which is what MCT suggests but then you begin to add in the other parts. However with my son I use the instruction in writing to aid him with his writing in other subjects. Right now he does a practice sentence 2x a week to make sure we are still keeping fresh but is doing the writing because we didn't get to start that until this month. There is a powerpoint presentation on the website that shows MCT's thinking about how to use the program throughout the year.

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